New Members

Read this stuff first, damnit!
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New Members

Unread post by armyguyot1 » Wed Nov 25, 2020 8:23 am

Lately new members have been impatient about getting their membership approved. That leads to an email to me asking for approval. Many times they have been approved and just haven't tried properly to log on. Many times it is because approval isn't automated or instant or for sure. We look at this stuff and try to keep the site running and free of spam problems. We make mistakes. We also have places to go where we make money and other things people have to do. Wait a day and if you aren't approved then please let me know and I will take care of it. Sometimes it's some of the magic that happens with digits and it just hasn't happened yet, like my wife's text messages that come the next day. I will tell all of you the same thing I did my wife when we married. "I'll Try."

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