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I really like the way she does that "let's set this aside for now" motion. :)
I wonder if they got Sakaki to restrain Tomo for the rest of the preparation period...
Okay, that "HOORAY!" sequence is kinda scary...
Looks like Chiyo got launched again... at least she recovered by the costume race.
Osaka rises and approaches the start line. That and the aforementioned hand motion is about as cool as she gets. But then she gets mired in her own thoughts again... at least she didn't get stuck with a bread she didn't like.
I always want to say "B, A, Start" after Yomi's recitation of the cheering moves. :)
"Yomi... run... it's a diet...!" :D
It seems... Chiyo picked something up from that One Spring Night?
Ribbon... off! Hair...tied! :)
Minna... oshikatasutane!!
I thought sour grapes was when you denigrate the prize because you didn't win it. They're using a different expression in Japanese, aren't they?
"Say, Tsukasa, how do you eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup?"
Chiyo-chan is just too cute in this episode. "What if I slow us down and we lose because of me"
And Sakaki-san is just way too cool for words "Don't worry", and how she was all like, yeah I'm going to beat that mean guy next to me for making fun of Chiyo-chan.
Osaka astounds me and I mean that in the best possible way!!! Sakaki is still my favorite though... and after all her hard work... Yukari takes over in the race... lulz.
A fantastic episode again :D When Yomi asked why did they have to wear their bloomers, I was laughing so hard and waiting for the cut to Kimura-sensei, he is my favorite teacher :D
Also, Osaka: "What crime did Chiyo-chan commit?" I believe she is way too cute, it's dangerous to our health.
Sakaki was great too :D Oh and if Sakaki-san...
"Sakaki-chan is wearing a boys uniform...Sakaki-chan is wearing a boys uniform...Sakaki-chan is wearing a boys uniform..." xD
bwahahaha! this episode was so awesome! Osaka sucks though... oh and the tent thing wasn't cool... oh yeah but the costume contest was awesome! i loved Chiyo "What's up little ladys?" X'D the relay race was so cool to! YAY Sakaki she was great at getting every1 back... but really Yukari was the last to go?! big mistake haha but i loved every1s face in the end! great epi ^^
Too bad, last sports festival with the girls and that crazy Yukari sensei! Osaka and his brilliant ideas is always too divertente.Un another beautiful episode!
I love how they added Kagura to the gang! I love her! Reminds me of when they added Azu-nyan to the K-ON gang! Pure win!
ah! and this episode was pure win for all my fav caracters. Kagura, Chiyo, Tomo, Osaka, Kaorin and Yukari
Last sport fest! Not much good thing, if i can be honest. Only the girls antics appearance.
Osaka always airheaded and so fuckin slow in the mean time. Chiyo still cute af, protecc this child prodigy! Sakaki still looks cool and cute in the same time! Kagura bring more mood in the gangs. Yomi still had a much problem to her weight and a failure diet really irked her. Tomo? Just a fuckin troller and must be slap in da face! Her annoyance level in very high level, lol. Kaorin? She still had that crazy lust to Sakaki! Kimura look even weirder and creepier. Yukari still be a shit teacher, and fun! Nyanmo always be a Yukari's rival.
Thats it for this episode.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.
Got kinda teary eyed at the end of this episode since I'm getting so close to the end, I really don't want to finish this i love it so much ;-; i hope the ending is good