Re: What's the worst insulting words to call a man or woman, in your state or country
Anyone else notice a pattern here?

:shrug: I hate being called well hung, silver tongued, 12 peckered goat boy.
But they keep praising my manhood, SHEESH! Cant a guy have a phat cock in peace?!
N bomb
C bmob
white girls hate being called cunt
black girls hate it too, as well as fucking bitch
call a hispanic girl a cunt and you may have to move
black/pr guys hate any shot to the masculinity
white guys hate being called white, or punk bitch faggot skater punk
devil dogif you know the term u understand, if not, dont worry about it.
white girls hate being called cunt
black girls hate it too, as well as fucking bitch
call a hispanic girl a cunt and you may have to move
black/pr guys hate any shot to the masculinity
white guys hate being called white, or punk bitch faggot skater punk
Hmm....we're not very inventive when it comes to insults, cuss words or swear words (maybe because we have plenty already.), so it's mainly the "classics", that are used here or combined with each other. And I don't even want to got into all the dialects...
"Arschloch" (a**hole) is still a strong one. You can call someone "bitch", "victim", "jerk", "jackass", "f***stick" or whatever, but the reaction to the word "Arschloch" will in most cases be more serious.
"Hackfresse" is pretty bad, too, no matter against whom it is used. "Hack" indicates something grinded/mangled/hacked ("Hackfleisch" for example is hash or hamburger meat), "Fresse" is somewhat worse than maybe "puss". If you put it together, well...
Towards men there are a lot of words in use that symbolize weakness, being undermined by women or stuff like that, like "Fotzenknecht" ("Fotze" I'll explain later, "Knecht" is a menial or low servant), or lately "Opfer" ("victim", although I never understood the use of that word as a curse word, too gangster rapper...).
And there are a lot of mean curses that use the word "Wichse" (a vulgar equivalent to "sperm") which are mostly used against men, like "Wichsfresser" ("jizz gorger" probably), "Wichsfresse" or just plain and simple "Wichser".
Towards women, anything that degrades them or makes them unclean, like "blutpissende Hafenhure" ("blood-pissing harbor-whore" or something like that), "Bückstück" ("bücken" is to lean over or bend down or stoop, "Stück" is a "part", a "piece", a "thing") or just "Stück".
"Fotze" is probably one of worst words to use against women. Eqivalent to "c*nt", maybe a bit worse. And there is quite the array of words that use the word "Fotze" to create worse curse words like "Schimmelfotze" (mildew or mould c*nt) or "Gulaschfotze" (perhaps "goulash c*nt").
But there are also words using "Fotze" that can be used against men, like "Fotzenhobel" (no idea how to translate that).
Well, that's what comes off the top of my head, but it's not even the tip of the iceberg.
Anyone else notice a pattern here?