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'''Joe J. Mason''' was Recreation Director for the City of [[Miami]], [[Florida]] in the 1940s and 1950s.<ref>{{Cite web|url=,4618675&dq=joe-mason+red+cross&hl=en|title=Daytona Beach Morning Journal - Google News Archive Search||access-date=2019-06-11}}</ref> He volunteered during World War II to be an [[American Red Cross]] Field Director and serve overseas. He was first assigned to England and developed the Servicemen Center in [[Bristol]], England. When the [[invasion of North Africa]] began, he was attached to the 9th Infantry Division commanded by General M. S. Eddy. During the African campaign he supported the troops by providing club facilities and services to the troops, both American and British. As a result of his efforts in both Africa and Sicily (1943), he was directed to receive the [[Medal of Freedom (1945)|Medal of Freedom]] by the president (1945).