Unity Completed Assault [Final] [DumbCrow]

4.00 star(s) 5 Votes

Johanna Jane

Mar 24, 2021
This game is very difficult to get started, but I managed to figure out a strategy and even get to the "happy ending." Others touched on some of the mechanics in this thread, but I'm going to reiterate on some of them.

Uncensoring: Put a file in the Assault_Data folder named ("u3oi4h5kg.txt"). The contents of this file do not matter.

Cheat Mode: Put a file in the Assault_Data folder named "4hu3o4i5.txt" (without the quotation marks). The contents of this file do not matter. This will disable the game from saving, so I recommend only using this as a way of learning the game's mechanics before starting a real playthrough.

Morale: When morale is high (above 70%), you will passively gain Self-Confidence which unlocks more sex actions. When Morale gets to 0%, after some time you will become Depressed which rapidly drains Athletic and costs $500 to cure at the Hospital. The easiest way to avoid becoming Depressed is to buy 1 or 2 drinks at the Bar for $100 each which raise your Morale by ~10% but no benefit above 50%. Buying a 3rd drink will make you become Drunk and unable to chase until it wears off. Once you have a little more money, paying $300 to see Sophie strip (up to 2 times) will increase both Morale (with no upper limit) and a little bit of Self-Confidence. I recommend spending money on stripping when you are able to consistently keep your Morale at/above 50%, otherwise the Self-Confidence will quickly wear off and be wasted. When your Morale gets high enough, you will get a smiley face icon under your stats to indicate Self-Confidence is passively increasing. Doing "sex stuff" also increases Morale significantly.

Stamina: Kinda self-explanatory, but Stamina passively decreases slightly over time and is expended when performing actions. Go Home and click on your bed to rest (must be below 90% Stamina). Resting restores 10% Stamina per hour.

Athletic: This determines how fast your character moves during chases. Every 10% Athletic is 1.0 move speed. This gets increased by training at the Gym (costs $1,000), and it passively declines over time. You start the game with 20% Athletic, which is 2.0 move speed, which is slower than every girl in the game. It is essential to go to the Gym a couple times ASAP to be able to engage in chases which are the core of the game. To get a sense of the necessary Athletic score, each of the girls have the following move speeds:
- Megane 3.0 move speed
- Sophie 5.0 move speed
- Grace 5.0 move speed (but she uses pepper spray A LOT, so beware)
- Lisa 6.0 move speed
- Patricia 7.0 move speed (also uses a fair amount of pepper spray, only ventures around town during the day, has the highest Resistance, and cannot use weapons to overcome her Resistance; Patricia is basically the "hard mode" girl)

Self-Confidence: This is basically a resource that is required for sex actions like Blowjob, Behind Position, Handcuffs Sex, and various positions and actions during Blackmail Sex. Self-Confidence passively decreases unless your Morale is above 70% in which case it passively increases. If your morale is above 50%, it can be worthwhile to visit the Bar in the evening and pay Sophie $300 twice to strip; this will give you small boosts to Self-Confidence and push Morale above 70% which will give even more Self-Confidence over time. If your Morale is less than 50%, then paying Sophie to strip will not reach this 70% Morale threshold and lead to those Self-Confidence boosts wasting away.

Money: You start the game with $1,000, which is not enough to do hardly anything. By far the BEST way to earn money is to chase girls, catch them, and rob them. Once you have a high enough Athletics stat and know the girls' schedules, this becomes an incredibly reliable (and more interesting than the other alternatives) source of income. As long as you ONLY rob the girl, she will stay out of the Hospital, and her schedule will remain the same and allow predicting which times/places to chase and rob again. If you engage in any sex actions end a scene with "Cum In/Out", then the girl will go to the Hospital afterwards and reset her daily schedule. Beware of this. When starting the game, the first goal should be to gain above 30% Athletic and learn Megane's schedule (either by paying the bartender $100 per tip or by trial-and-error spying). Megane is the slowest girl and the easiest to catch. I would recommend continuing to chase and rob Megane, train Athletics, and eventually branch out to chasing/robbing Sophie and Lisa. Grace might also be an option if you use the Protection Goggles to deal with the pepper spray (which can also be used by other girls but much less frequently); if you DON'T use the goggles, Grace uses so much pepper spray that you will often get Blinded and need to pay $1,000 at the Hospital. If you need a few quick bucks and are unable to chase/rob someone, then there are several activities (stacking boxes, betting on the thimblerig game at the bar, clicking on the robbery scenes at night [which may lead to getting injured and having to pay $1,500 at the Hospital]). All these other money-earning activities are less interesting and more risky than chasing/robbing the girls. Believe me, stacking boxes will get old way before it earns you all the money needed in this game.

Sex Stuff: This is the main appeal to this game, but it will take some startup time before you will be able to start making progress in this area. Once you are able to reliably chase/rob multiple girls with their schedules mapped out; AND you are able to use the income from above to consistently maintain your Athletics, Morale, and Self-Confidence stats; AND you have a Camera for taking blackmail photos which are the main way of progressing in this game; THEN you will be in a good position for starting the "sex stuff." Keep in mind, catching a girl and doing any "sex stuff" with her ending the scene with "Cum In/Out" instead of "Run Away" or "Rob" will send her to the hospital for a day or two, reset her schedule, and require you to re-learn her movements all over again. I highly recommend only doing "sex stuff" using the "Cum In/Out" option with a Camera with one girl at a time while the other girls keep their schedules maintained and are used for chasing/robbing for income. It's personal preference which girl's scenes you want to unlock first. Once you are fast enough to catch Lisa, her Resistance can easily be overcome by using a Knife (purchased for $2,000 from the Spy Dude who sporadically shows up at the Bar). The other girls will require a lot more effort to lower their Resistance enough so they don't escape when attempting penetration from the front (and maybe blowjob). You also need to keep Attention (or sometimes called Attraction in-game) below 100%. Chasing during the day adds 30% Attention, so it's recommended to chase in the evening (after 17:00) if you plan on trying any "sex stuff" with a girl. Resistance needs to be reduced down to the green threshold unless you plan on spending Self-Confidence to have sex from behind or with the handcuffs (and maybe also blowjob for some girls?). Knife reduces Resistance by -30% (or -60% against Lisa, which completely overcomes her), Gun reduces Resistance by -60% (but neither weapon can be used against Patricia because of a bug). Just make sure you have the Camera equipped so that you can get one photo for each sex position; you need to chase/have sex with a girl at least 3-4 times to get 3-4 photos in order to blackmail her into coming to your home and unlocking additional stuff. Blackmail sex at your home will permanently reduce the Resistance of the girl over time. As far as I can tell, the only way to accomplish the Frontal Position with Patricia is to get photos of her 3 other positions, blackmail her, and reduce her Resistance (game says "4 photos," but I did it with 3, so *shrug*). Sufficiently blackmailing / sexing all 5 girls will lead to the "happy ending" of the game.

Recommendations for Day 1: Immediately go to the gym, spend all your money to train Athletic, and then go home to rest. Once your Stamina reaches 100%, go to the Park and creep around until you run into Megane (NOT Lisa, cancel out if you run into her because she's too fast).
  1. Immediately go Home and rest until Stamina reaches 100%.
  2. Go to the Gym and spend $1,000 to train Athletics.
  3. Prepare to chase/rob Megane at College Street at 7:30 the following morning. Some amount of time will need to be spent resting, waiting, spying on girls to learn their schedules, wasting time. Resting restores 10% Stamina per hour, so if the timing is right, it is possible to get a well-rested bonus and chase Megane w/ ~5.6 move speed against her 3.0 move speed on this first chase. Catch her and rob her.
  4. Buy a couple drinks at the bar (never more than 2) to keep Morale up.
  5. Keep chasing/robbing Megane as this is the best source of money, and she is the only girl that can be caught with the diminishing 3.x Athletics at this point in the game. If it's in the morning, just catch her and rob her. If it's in the evening with 0% starting Resistance, it may be possible to pull her pants/panties off, penetrate from front for Morale boost, and end with robbing her and NOT "Cum In/Out" as those options would send her to the Hospital and reset her schedule.
  6. I recommend spending $300 on the Protection Goggles early because getting blinded from pepper spray will cost $1,000 to cure and can quickly lead to a death spiral early in the game when money is tight. If you get blinded very early in the game, it may be worthwhile to simply start the game over from the beginning.
Every girl's schedule varies slightly, but Megane usually is at the Park for a significant amount of time every day after 19:-something, and she should be at the College Street every morning ~07:30. Once you figure out her schedule, you should be able to reliably chase/rob her 2-3 times per day to get the income started. I don't really recommend doing the night-time robberies as they don't pay well enough for the risk of injury, and the thimblerig and box-stacking mini-games can be entirely avoided if you get a good enough start at chasing/robbing. Once you figure out multiple girls' schedules with Athletic above 60%, you will be able to get a significant amount of money from chasing/robbing each of them. Keep buying those 1-2 drinks at the Bar to keep your Morale above 0% to avoid Depressed which rapidly drains the Athletic stat until you pay $500 to cure it at the Hospital. Depressed will come back every single day if Morale stays at 0%, and buying drinks is much cheaper in the long run. If you catch a girl with a low enough Attention rating (most achievable in the evenings), you might be able to do "sex stuff" for a Morale boost and still end the scene with robbery to gain money and without sending the girl to the Hospital or resetting her schedule. Once you have enough money, you will be able to buy the Camera, start collecting the blackmail photos (I recommend focusing on 1 or 2 girls at a time), pay the spy for weapons and to add the girls' homes to the map, etc.

This game requires a decent amount of patience and planning, but it's absolutely beatable with the right strategy. I daresay, it can even be quite enjoyable for those who like these sorts of challenges.
Last edited:
Aug 24, 2019
I can't get the cheats to work, I think it's because what ever that link was to the cheat is dead.
Just the Two attached files alone, nothing changes. Still 1K and V does nothing.

Johanna Jane

Mar 24, 2021
This game is very difficult to get started, but I managed to figure out a strategy and even get to the "happy ending." Others touched on some of the mechanics in this thread, but I'm going to reiterate on some of them.

Uncensoring: Put a file in the Assault_Data folder named ("u3oi4h5kg.txt"). The contents of this file do not matter.

Cheat Mode: Put a file in the Assault_Data folder named "4hu3o4i5.txt" (without the quotation marks). The contents of this file do not matter. This will disable the game from saving, so I recommend only using this as a way of learning the game's mechanics before starting a real playthrough.

Morale: When morale is high (above 70%), you will passively gain Self-Confidence which unlocks more sex actions. When Morale gets to 0%, after some time you will become Depressed which rapidly drains Athletic and costs $500 to cure at the Hospital. The easiest way to avoid becoming Depressed is to buy 1 or 2 drinks at the Bar for $100 each which raise your Morale by ~10% but no benefit above 50%. Buying a 3rd drink will make you become Drunk and unable to chase until it wears off. Once you have a little more money, paying $300 to see Sophie strip (up to 2 times) will increase both Morale (with no upper limit) and a little bit of Self-Confidence. I recommend spending money on stripping when you are able to consistently keep your Morale at/above 50%, otherwise the Self-Confidence will quickly wear off and be wasted. When your Morale gets high enough, you will get a smiley face icon under your stats to indicate Self-Confidence is passively increasing. Doing "sex stuff" also increases Morale significantly.

Stamina: Kinda self-explanatory, but Stamina passively decreases slightly over time and is expended when performing actions. Go Home and click on your bed to rest (must be below 90% Stamina). Resting restores 10% Stamina per hour.

Athletic: This determines how fast your character moves during chases. Every 10% Athletic is 1.0 move speed. This gets increased by training at the Gym (costs $1,000), and it passively declines over time. You start the game with 20% Athletic, which is 2.0 move speed, which is slower than every girl in the game. It is essential to go to the Gym a couple times ASAP to be able to engage in chases which are the core of the game. To get a sense of the necessary Athletic score, each of the girls have the following move speeds:
- Megane 3.0 move speed
- Sophie 5.0 move speed
- Grace 5.0 move speed (but she uses pepper spray A LOT, so beware)
- Lisa 6.0 move speed
- Patricia 7.0 move speed (also uses a fair amount of pepper spray, only ventures around town during the day, has the highest Resistance, and cannot use weapons to overcome her Resistance; Patricia is basically the "hard mode" girl)

Self-Confidence: This is basically a resource that is required for sex actions like Blowjob, Behind Position, Handcuffs Sex, and various positions and actions during Blackmail Sex. Self-Confidence passively decreases unless your Morale is above 70% in which case it passively increases. If your morale is above 50%, it can be worthwhile to visit the Bar in the evening and pay Sophie $300 twice to strip; this will give you small boosts to Self-Confidence and push Morale above 70% which will give even more Self-Confidence over time. If your Morale is less than 50%, then paying Sophie to strip will not reach this 70% Morale threshold and lead to those Self-Confidence boosts wasting away.

Money: You start the game with $1,000, which is not enough to do hardly anything. By far the BEST way to earn money is to chase girls, catch them, and rob them. Once you have a high enough Athletics stat and know the girls' schedules, this becomes an incredibly reliable (and more interesting than the other alternatives) source of income. As long as you ONLY rob the girl, she will stay out of the Hospital, and her schedule will remain the same and allow predicting which times/places to chase and rob again. If you engage in any sex actions end a scene with "Cum In/Out", then the girl will go to the Hospital afterwards and reset her daily schedule. Beware of this. When starting the game, the first goal should be to gain above 30% Athletic and learn Megane's schedule (either by paying the bartender $100 per tip or by trial-and-error spying). Megane is the slowest girl and the easiest to catch. I would recommend continuing to chase and rob Megane, train Athletics, and eventually branch out to chasing/robbing Sophie and Lisa. Grace might also be an option if you use the Protection Goggles to deal with the pepper spray (which can also be used by other girls but much less frequently); if you DON'T use the goggles, Grace uses so much pepper spray that you will often get Blinded and need to pay $1,000 at the Hospital. If you need a few quick bucks and are unable to chase/rob someone, then there are several activities (stacking boxes, betting on the thimblerig game at the bar, clicking on the robbery scenes at night [which may lead to getting injured and having to pay $1,500 at the Hospital]). All these other money-earning activities are less interesting and more risky than chasing/robbing the girls. Believe me, stacking boxes will get old way before it earns you all the money needed in this game.

Sex Stuff: This is the main appeal to this game, but it will take some startup time before you will be able to start making progress in this area. Once you are able to reliably chase/rob multiple girls with their schedules mapped out; AND you are able to use the income from above to consistently maintain your Athletics, Morale, and Self-Confidence stats; AND you have a Camera for taking blackmail photos which are the main way of progressing in this game; THEN you will be in a good position for starting the "sex stuff." Keep in mind, catching a girl and doing any "sex stuff" with her ending the scene with "Cum In/Out" instead of "Run Away" or "Rob" will send her to the hospital for a day or two, reset her schedule, and require you to re-learn her movements all over again. I highly recommend only doing "sex stuff" using the "Cum In/Out" option with a Camera with one girl at a time while the other girls keep their schedules maintained and are used for chasing/robbing for income. It's personal preference which girl's scenes you want to unlock first. Once you are fast enough to catch Lisa, her Resistance can easily be overcome by using a Knife (purchased for $2,000 from the Spy Dude who sporadically shows up at the Bar). The other girls will require a lot more effort to lower their Resistance enough so they don't escape when attempting penetration from the front (and maybe blowjob). You also need to keep Attention (or sometimes called Attraction in-game) below 100%. Chasing during the day adds 30% Attention, so it's recommended to chase in the evening (after 17:00) if you plan on trying any "sex stuff" with a girl. Resistance needs to be reduced down to the green threshold unless you plan on spending Self-Confidence to have sex from behind or with the handcuffs (and maybe also blowjob for some girls?). Knife reduces Resistance by -30% (or -60% against Lisa, which completely overcomes her), Gun reduces Resistance by -60% (but neither weapon can be used against Patricia because of a bug). Just make sure you have the Camera equipped so that you can get one photo for each sex position; you need to chase/have sex with a girl at least 3-4 times to get 3-4 photos in order to blackmail her into coming to your home and unlocking additional stuff. Blackmail sex at your home will permanently reduce the Resistance of the girl over time. As far as I can tell, the only way to accomplish the Frontal Position with Patricia is to get photos of her 3 other positions, blackmail her, and reduce her Resistance (game says "4 photos," but I did it with 3, so *shrug*). Sufficiently blackmailing / sexing all 5 girls will lead to the "happy ending" of the game.

Recommendations for Day 1: Immediately go to the gym, spend all your money to train Athletic, and then go home to rest. Once your Stamina reaches 100%, go to the Park and creep around until you run into Megane (NOT Lisa, cancel out if you run into her because she's too fast).
  1. Immediately go Home and rest until Stamina reaches 100%.
  2. Go to the Gym and spend $1,000 to train Athletics.
  3. Prepare to chase/rob Megane at College Street at 7:30 the following morning. Some amount of time will need to be spent resting, waiting, spying on girls to learn their schedules, wasting time. Resting restores 10% Stamina per hour, so if the timing is right, it is possible to get a well-rested bonus and chase Megane w/ ~5.6 move speed against her 3.0 move speed on this first chase. Catch her and rob her.
  4. Buy a couple drinks at the bar (never more than 2) to keep Morale up.
  5. Keep chasing/robbing Megane as this is the best source of money, and she is the only girl that can be caught with the diminishing 3.x Athletics at this point in the game. If it's in the morning, just catch her and rob her. If it's in the evening with 0% starting Resistance, it may be possible to pull her pants/panties off, penetrate from front for Morale boost, and end with robbing her and NOT "Cum In/Out" as those options would send her to the Hospital and reset her schedule.
  6. I recommend spending $300 on the Protection Goggles early because getting blinded from pepper spray will cost $1,000 to cure and can quickly lead to a death spiral early in the game when money is tight. If you get blinded very early in the game, it may be worthwhile to simply start the game over from the beginning.
Every girl's schedule varies slightly, but Megane usually is at the Park for a significant amount of time every day after 19:-something, and she should be at the College Street every morning ~07:30. Once you figure out her schedule, you should be able to reliably chase/rob her 2-3 times per day to get the income started. I don't really recommend doing the night-time robberies as they don't pay well enough for the risk of injury, and the thimblerig and box-stacking mini-games can be entirely avoided if you get a good enough start at chasing/robbing. Once you figure out multiple girls' schedules with Athletic above 60%, you will be able to get a significant amount of money from chasing/robbing each of them. Keep buying those 1-2 drinks at the Bar to keep your Morale above 0% to avoid Depressed which rapidly drains the Athletic stat until you pay $500 to cure it at the Hospital. Depressed will come back every single day if Morale stays at 0%, and buying drinks is much cheaper in the long run. If you catch a girl with a low enough Attention rating (most achievable in the evenings), you might be able to do "sex stuff" for a Morale boost and still end the scene with robbery to gain money and without sending the girl to the Hospital or resetting her schedule. Once you have enough money, you will be able to buy the Camera, start collecting the blackmail photos (I recommend focusing on 1 or 2 girls at a time), pay the spy for weapons and to add the girls' homes to the map, etc.

This game requires a decent amount of patience and planning, but it's absolutely beatable with the right strategy. I daresay, it can even be quite enjoyable for those who like these sorts of challenges.
I started another playthrough of this game, and I made some changes to my recommendations for day 1 that would make it possible to completely avoid all the annoying grindy mini-games for money. Copy-pasted below:

Recommendations for Day 1:
  1. Immediately go Home and rest until Stamina reaches 100%.
  2. Go to the Gym and spend $1,000 to train Athletics.
  3. Prepare to chase/rob Megane at College Street at 7:30 the following morning. Some amount of time will need to be spent resting, waiting, spying on girls to learn their schedules, wasting time. Resting restores 10% Stamina per hour, so if the timing is right, it is possible to get a well-rested bonus and chase Megane w/ ~5.6 move speed against her 3.0 move speed on this first chase. Catch her and rob her.
  4. Buy a couple drinks at the bar (never more than 2) to keep Morale up.
  5. Keep chasing/robbing Megane as this is the best source of money, and she is the only girl that can be caught with the diminishing 3.x Athletics at this point in the game. If it's in the morning, just catch her and rob her. If it's in the evening with 0% starting Resistance, it may be possible to pull her pants/panties off, penetrate from front for Morale boost, and end with robbing her and NOT "Cum In/Out" as those options would send her to the Hospital and reset her schedule.
  6. I recommend spending $300 on the Protection Goggles early because getting blinded from pepper spray will cost $1,000 to cure and can quickly lead to a death spiral early in the game when money is tight. If you get blinded very early in the game, it may be worthwhile to simply start the game over from the beginning.
Every girl's schedule varies slightly, but Megane usually is at the Park for a significant amount of time every day after 19:-something, and she should be at the College Street every morning ~07:30. Once you figure out her schedule, you should be able to reliably chase/rob her 2-3 times per day to get the income started. I don't really recommend doing the night-time robberies as they don't pay well enough for the risk of injury, and the thimblerig and box-stacking mini-games can be entirely avoided if you get a good enough start at chasing/robbing. Once you figure out multiple girls' schedules with Athletic above 60%, you will be able to get a significant amount of money from chasing/robbing each of them. Keep buying those 1-2 drinks at the Bar to keep your Morale above 0% to avoid Depressed which rapidly drains the Athletic stat until you pay $500 to cure it at the Hospital. Depressed will come back every single day if Morale stays at 0%, and buying drinks is much cheaper in the long run. If you catch a girl with a low enough Attention rating (most achievable in the evenings), you might be able to do "sex stuff" for a Morale boost and still end the scene with robbery to gain money and without sending the girl to the Hospital or resetting her schedule. Once you have enough money, you will be able to buy the Camera, start collecting the blackmail photos (I recommend focusing on 1 or 2 girls at a time), pay the spy for weapons and to add the girls' homes to the map, etc.

This game requires a decent amount of patience and planning, but it's absolutely beatable with the right strategy. I daresay, it can even be quite enjoyable for those who like these sorts of challenges.


New Member
Mar 6, 2018
To anyone trying to use cheat engine on this game, the stats are stored weirdly. Don't look for 44.8 look for 448 and so on. Hope this helps.


New Member
Oct 8, 2021
I can't get the cheats to work, I think it's because what ever that link was to the cheat is dead.
Just the Two attached files alone, nothing changes. Still 1K and V does nothing.
i dont know if you tried this but the text documents aren't supposed to have .txt at the end of them, the text document is just supposed to be called "4hu3o4i5" (no quotation marks)


May 6, 2018
The assaults in this game are counter intuitive. I have all stats maxed and all items purchased. The dude literally unzips his pants, takes off her bra and jacket and that's it I can run or rob and run. How the hell am I supposed to assault this chick? I literally have no options to use my items or do anything other then undress her.


Mar 15, 2021
Looks like there are some files to be put into game folder

Put both attached files into the Assault_Data folder
The link for the cheat files doesn't work anymore. I tried playing the game normally but at some point, not being able to save all of your hard work just gets to you. May you please fix it.


New Member
Oct 8, 2021
I made a little cheat engine script cause I was bored :D
it allows you to change your stats, money, and the in-game time.

Edit: I wasn't able to figure out how to find a working pointer for resistance and attention so unfortunately they aren't included in my CE table. Any help with that would be greatly appreciated, as well as any feedback.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2018
The game was pretty decent for its time. Never beautiful, but looking purely at the mechanics, I've seen worse. Granted, I've also seen plenty better, but the odd bug? Eh.
But yeh, no fixes coming. ^^
4.00 star(s) 5 Votes