Everything's working great. The vacuum got exactly what they wanted. Vacuum design inspired by Timbits.
Scholars have often argued if it's vore if the pred is an object but I can assure you and this poor canine fellow sucked up by it, this vacuum is very much alive, hungry, and capable of fitting more.
Scholars have often argued if it's vore if the pred is an object but I can assure you and this poor canine fellow sucked up by it, this vacuum is very much alive, hungry, and capable of fitting more.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Vore
Species Inanimate
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1474 x 1080px
File Size 584.9 kB
Later that day, the vacuums had to be recalled to be fixed up and the customers pulled out of the vacuums due to massive amounts of complaints of them getting sucked inside of them after the vacuums gained sentience. However some customers kept them because they take joy in getting sucked inside of these vacuums as a kink.
Yeah getting sucked up by either a sentient or non-sentient object is still considered a form of vore. No digestion is ever usually involved with getting swallowed by a living object, living plush, machine, etc but it still involves endosoma afterwards.
Yeah getting sucked up by either a sentient or non-sentient object is still considered a form of vore. No digestion is ever usually involved with getting swallowed by a living object, living plush, machine, etc but it still involves endosoma afterwards.