Shu rugby 2018 video

Look i’m not one to judge but why do they have someone so hot like George and we don’t hardly get any glimpses of him but instead they focus the camera on this dude….cause this is not attractive.
Actually, you are judging. And it's cruel and it's hurtful. I like that picture and both the guys in it. I find them both attractive. I have been a mega-fun of the SHU rugby stuff for years and one of the things I love about it is that they get guys of all shapes and sizes. Real people with real body shapes. And when you watch the films you see what fun personalities they have and that they are doing it to raise money for their charities. I understand some are prepared to go further than others and I respect that. They're rugby players trying to do something nice to improve the lives of others, not porn stars. I'll happily keep supporting them and appreciate everyone who signs up to get naked for us to look at.