Angeles City Mall Girls – Back To Stomping Grounds

  Aug 26, 2019
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Dear Diary – It is my first day back in AC and my God, does it ever feel strange! The first thing I did was to take a jeepney to the SM mall, haha. My God, that was like living out my own flashback. I scored so much pussy from Angles City mall girls like this before. And my good lord, nothing has changed in this place. I walked around for an hour, bought a little Filipino flag wallet and some other small souvenirs to give to potential pussy. Then I ate at the McDonalds. My stomach was not ready for a Jollibee yet. Saw some girls but nothing spectacular, I must say.

After all that, I then went back to my hotel when my battery died. On the way, I talked to two girls. An older one that spoke good English and her friend that just came here, from Tacloban, and works in a bar now. I got their numbers. So even if Angeles City mall girls were a miss, I have good hopes with these. Anyways, I still have huge jet lag and felt so week around 5pm that I decided too stay in my bed and keep it calm for the first day. I don’t want to end up in a hospital, like what happened in Malaysia. So tomorrow, guys, I am going to Fields Ave to find me my first Pinay pussy of this trip!

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