Obama releases long-form birth certificate


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Anybody that is still skeptical is either painfully retarded or just a stubborn mule.

I'm not disagreeing with you, Peter.

Burack Obama was born in Hawaii. He is an American citizen. He deserves to be President.

Just strange that all the key facts needed aren't there.
Ok..opinion noted. Value added-0.

Yeah...that's what we do. We all go get our long forms the first time idiots question the authenticity of our standard birth cert.:rolleyes: So the first time you needed to prove you were born where ever you were born...you broke out your 'long' form birth cert. too huh?:rolleyes:

Your thoughts noted. Value negative.

Uh calm down Meg. I think it would've nipped the whole conspiracy bull right then and there had he done so.
You must seriously have a chubby for O.............just sayin'.
Didn't Pool Hustler say State Senator?

yes, for eight years.
so he sure as heck didn't come out nowhere.

and speaking of Pool Hustler, I don't think Lincoln was a US Senator. He was a member of the House for two years before he became President.

You're right. Lincoln served as a rep for two years, while Obama was a senator for 3 years and 10 months, resigning upon his election to higher office.

He did and that is that. :hatsoff:


atta boy, don't let facts get in your way :glugglug:
Hehe. Right I agree wholeheartedly Blueballs. :)

Okay everyone - his mother's race is "Caucasian". His father's race is African??

Oh really.

What type of race is that? Back in 1961 the race would be called "Negro". "Black" in the very least.

Also any long birth certificate issued at around that time has the baby's birth weight, its length and day and time of birth.

Mine does. And I was born a year later in 1962.

No where on the President's "just released" long birth certificate does it have any of these key facts.

I'm sure if those discrepancies exist and they are inconsistent with other, period Hawaiian birth certs., his long form will be discredited by credible experts. Not lay persons speculating on the internet.

Frankly, if the discrepancies are that glaring that a presumable novice like you can spot them...two questions; Why hasn't the thing been discredited already? And why would someone go through all of the trouble and bring all of the expertise and secrecy to bear that it would take to create this fake document then omit key features like you have outlined??:confused:

That would be like counterfeiting money and not matching the correct faces to the correct denominations then printing them on standard typewriter paper.:cool:

But aren't those key questions you should have asked yourself?

Uh calm down Meg. I think it would've nipped the whole conspiracy bull right then and there had he done so.
You must seriously have a chubby for O.............just sayin'.

He had already made the virtually unprecedented move of releasing the birth cert. The same type of document you, I or anyone else would have. That was coined a fake...now since he's released this...the question morphs into a matter of timing for your types now....It wouldn't have solved anything just as now you have John85 blah blah blah here suggesting now that his long form is a fake and doesn't bear usual characteristics....

Why not just concede the point and let it be over with just egg on your faces???


Hiliary 2020
I'm not disagreeing with you, Peter.

Burack Obama was born in Hawaii. He is an American citizen. He deserves to be President.

Just strange that all the key facts needed aren't there.

haha, Peter.

I'm the same, I never said he wasn't born in Hawaii either.
It makes sense, his mother lived there and his father was there on a scholarship.
so where else would he have been born.
A few years later he was moved to Indonesia.

What gets me has been the emotion I've seen when defending him about this.
Plus the nastiness........almost the same as someone calling your mom a slut.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member

Hey Mega - I like my Monopoly money...lol. Hehe. :) ;)

Seriously, I was mistaken. Willie E Worm said it properly. It isn't a birth certificate. It is a certificate of live birth.

Hey Mega - I like my Monopoly money...lol. Hehe. :) ;)

Seriously, I was mistaken. Willie E Worm said it properly. It isn't a birth cerificate. It is a certficate of live birth.

I'm not an expert on the topic of birth certs. and/or certs. of live birth. For the purposes of this discussion (Obama's citizenship), is there a distinction?


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Obama's citizenship. No... I agree with you wholeheartedly, for purposes of this discussion, yes he is a US citizen! :)

But being the first black man or person of color elected to this esteemed position brings out all of the negative elements though... you know it and I know it.

Just like John Fitzgerald Kennedy being the first Irish American Roman Catholic elected to the Presidency in 1960.

The rhetoric though was that JFK did not have to face all the scrutiny that Mr. Obama has had to face.


Hiliary 2020
Obama's citizenship. No... I agree with you wholeheartedly, for purposes of this discussion, yes he is a US citizen! :)

But being the first black man or person of color elected to this esteemed position brings out all of the negative elements though... you know it and I know it.

Just like John Fitzgerald Kennedy being the first Irish American Roman Catholic elected to the Presidency in 1960.

The rhetoric though was that JFK did not have to face all the scrutiny that Mr. Obama has had to face.

Oh wow.
So this is all because he's half black?
See I didn't know that.
Thats what I like about freeones, I learn stuff.

But wait, by that reasoning isn't it safe to say that any scrutiny of him, his actions ect could be chalked up to plain old racism?
I'd better watch what I say then, especially since considering I was the first member here to ever post a thread about him.
Yep, I just posted a link to his churches website with no commentary and was banned for it by a former moderator.

Now I know why. I was just doing it because he was a person of color.
I'm not gonna say any more about him just to be on the safe side and I advise all Americans to do the same.

Kinda Like Iraq when Saddam was in power.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
nobody cares but whitey

You racist bastard :D What next? Suburbia jokes? Mocking our dancing prowess .....

Anyway, that's not true ^^ .. most hard core African American agitators view BO as a giant coconut, who isn't doing enough for 'his people'.

Of course, if 'his people' really are Kenyan Muslims, that would explain it .....:eek:

Bottom line .. haters gonna hate. *whistles and walks away, hands in pocket*
for your types you have John85 blah blah blah here suggesting now that his long form is a fake and doesn't bear usual characteristics....

egg on your faces???

You really do have a raging hard on for Obama. I make one comment and you fly into a tizzy.:tinhat:
Also any long birth certificate issued at around that time has the baby's birth weight, its length and day and time of birth.

Mine does. And I was born a year later in 1962.

No where on the President's "just released" long birth certificate does it have any of these key facts.

Like this one doesn't?:cool:

here's a random hawaiian birth certificate from '63 for comparison

You really do have a raging hard on for Obama. I make one comment and you fly into a tizzy.:tinhat:
Says the guy with a candle burning alter to Reagan... :1orglaugh

:facepalm: Of the 2 of us...I'm not the one with the hard on for Obama. (Every time we turn around, you're trying to fuck him with bull...:tongue: Then whine about how much others are defending him.) Reagan would be jealous...
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