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Registered: Jul 22, 2024 11:24

What is Ambigender?
Ambigender is a static bigender identity in which two genders are experienced simultaneously with no fluidity or shifting. In addition to being a type of bigender identity, ambigender also falls under the multigender umbrella term. Ambigender individuals can be a combination of any two genders, including non-binary genders.
For example an ambigender individual may be female and neurtois
Just like any other gender identity, ambigender people can use any set of pronouns they like, or even use multiple sets of pronouns.
The term "ambigender" as a gender identity dates back at least to the mid-1990s; for example in 1993, it was mentioned in a list of terms in Cross-Talk, a transgender community magazine.
In a 2010 encyclopedia, ambigender is listed as a type of "androgyne" gender.
Q. "What is the difference between Ambigender and Bigender?"
A. "Ambigender is a subset of bigender. Some bigender people go between two genders (bigenderfluid) and some just experiance both at the same time with no change. (Ambigender)"
made by llucario feel free to DM if you have new information/FAQ etc to add
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