Dec 21, 2012 2:55 PM
FUNimation (USA and Canada)
The Anime Network: (USA and Canada)
Anime On Demand: (UK and Republic of Ireland)
This post will be continuously updated as more simulcasts are announced. Sources: Crunchyroll Lineup, Anime On Demand Facebook, The Anime Network Press Release 1 - 2, FUNimation Press Release 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 |
myanimelistllcApr 20, 2016 6:39 AM
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
Dec 21, 2012 3:02 PM
Alright, here we go :> |
Dec 21, 2012 3:15 PM
jmal said: They've also confirmed that they'll carry the extra episodes for GirlPan and Saki Achiga-hen! And that is awesome. They'll have the 2 extra GuP episodes? Not just 10.5? |
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Dec 21, 2012 3:35 PM
jmal said: Any idea yet as to when Saki will air on CR? That's awesome news, highly looking forward to it.They've also confirmed that they'll carry the extra episodes for GirlPan and Saki Achiga-hen! And that is awesome. Also, glad to hear about that Osaka anime. Was going to watch it either way for some delicious wincest. |
Dec 21, 2012 3:50 PM
Well, finally a winter simulcast. Now ro wait more. |
Dec 21, 2012 4:00 PM
Dec 21, 2012 4:08 PM
They may as well rename this thread the [HorribleSubs] shows of Winter 2013, that's the way most people see it I imagine. |
Dec 21, 2012 4:15 PM
Dec 21, 2012 4:31 PM
Amarrez said: They may as well rename this thread the [HorribleSubs] shows of Winter 2013, that's the way most people see it I imagine. Yeah, people who just like to pirate instead of actually supporting the industry. Unless you're someone who is living in a country that Crunchy doesn't support, theres absolutely no reason to not pay 7 dollars a month unless you are scum. |
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Dec 21, 2012 4:34 PM
RyanSaotome said: Amarrez said: They may as well rename this thread the [HorribleSubs] shows of Winter 2013, that's the way most people see it I imagine. Yeah, people who just like to pirate instead of actually supporting the industry. Unless you're someone who is living in a country that Crunchy doesn't support, theres absolutely no reason to not pay 7 dollars a month unless you are scum. If the goal is too support the industry, you contribute more by importing BD's, while at the same time only supporting the shows you like. Not that is hard to figure out. |
Dec 21, 2012 4:35 PM
RyanSaotome said: Amarrez said: They may as well rename this thread the [HorribleSubs] shows of Winter 2013, that's the way most people see it I imagine. Yeah, people who just like to pirate instead of actually supporting the industry. Unless you're someone who is living in a country that Crunchy doesn't support, theres absolutely no reason to not pay 7 dollars a month unless you are scum. I don't like streaming, and I don't like Crunchyroll's business model. When anime get localized, and I enjoy them, I buy the BDs. |
Dec 21, 2012 4:36 PM
rederoin said: RyanSaotome said: Amarrez said: They may as well rename this thread the [HorribleSubs] shows of Winter 2013, that's the way most people see it I imagine. Yeah, people who just like to pirate instead of actually supporting the industry. Unless you're someone who is living in a country that Crunchy doesn't support, theres absolutely no reason to not pay 7 dollars a month unless you are scum. If the goal is too support the industry, you contribute more by importing BD's, while at the same time only supporting the shows you like. Not that is hard to figure out. Yeah yeah, use the typical line everyone does, but you're still a dirty pirate for just stealing the anime instead of paying for it. Its one thing if theres no legal streaming.. but if there is a 720p legal stream that is on time, theres no reason to steal it. Production Committees get money from the subscribers Crunchy has, so your money goes back to them regardless. |
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Dec 21, 2012 4:37 PM
RyanSaotome said: rederoin said: RyanSaotome said: Amarrez said: They may as well rename this thread the [HorribleSubs] shows of Winter 2013, that's the way most people see it I imagine. Yeah, people who just like to pirate instead of actually supporting the industry. Unless you're someone who is living in a country that Crunchy doesn't support, theres absolutely no reason to not pay 7 dollars a month unless you are scum. If the goal is too support the industry, you contribute more by importing BD's, while at the same time only supporting the shows you like. Not that is hard to figure out. Yeah yeah, use the typical line everyone does, but you're still a dirty pirate for just stealing the anime instead of paying for it. Production Committees get money from the subscribers Crunchy has, so your money goes back to them regardless. Do you lack the ability to understand what "more" means? Oh, and you already 'justified' my reasons for using HS, Unless you're someone who is living in a country that Crunchy doesn't support So don't even try using ad hominems. Do you even realize that even if importing contributed just as much as CR sub(which it doesen't), then you would still be supporting shows you dislike, and why would I want to do that? |
Dec 21, 2012 4:38 PM
Quick question, are they going to keep adding shows that are going to be part of CR's simulcast as they find out? |
" |
Dec 21, 2012 4:38 PM
rederoin said: Supporting the industry via CR has more advantages for us though as opposed to buying BDs. First of all it's cheap and you won't have to bother with importing something, most importantly though, we actually get to see somewhat quality subs pretty much instantly after the show airs in japan.If the goal is too support the industry, you contribute more by importing BD's, while at the same time only supporting the shows you like. Not that is hard to figure out. There's nothing keeping you from still importing, but if CR is available in your country, I definitely think you should support them. Too bad they avoid germany for some reason. |
Dec 21, 2012 4:38 PM
Whatever, no point arguing with someone who is trying to justify stealing something just because they're too cheap to actually pay for it. |
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Dec 21, 2012 4:39 PM
RyanSaotome said: Whatever, no point arguing with someone who is trying to justify stealing something just because they're too cheap to actually pay for it. I never said I don't buy BD's. Seriously, people like you don't even bother to think before you post. bNq said: ]Supporting the industry via CR has more advantages for us though as opposed to buying BDs. As long as you don't include me in that "us" thats fine with me. First of all it's cheap and you won't have to bother with importing something, most importantly though, we actually get to see somewhat quality subs pretty much instantly after the show airs in japan. I can just save that money, and then use it to buy BD's. There's nothing keeping you from still importing, but if CR is available in your country, I definitely think you should support them. Too bad they avoid germany for some reason. It is keeping me from importing, as it costs money that could be spend on BD's. |
Dec 21, 2012 4:44 PM
I love how people attempt to justify that paying, maybe $30 (?) for an entire season of anime contributes more to the industry than buying full sets of BD volumes that run into the hundreds of dollars just for one show. |
Dec 21, 2012 4:45 PM
> I can just save that money, and then use it to buy BD's. If you're fine with waiting months after the show has stopped airing - and most people stopped caring - then sure. I'd be interested though how you figure out which BDs to order and which don't. Or do you simply order all of them and check which shows are actually worth it afterwards? > It is keeping me from importing, as it costs money that could be spend on BD's. How much is CR, isn't it like $7? I don't know how that's keeping you from importing, the taxes alone I have to pay for importing BDs are way, way higher than this. But I don't want to further elaborate any offtopic discussion, I just don't get why anyone in the english speaking domain wouldn't be supportive of CR. |
Dec 21, 2012 4:55 PM
jmal said: As for the whole CR vs Imports - uh, I just do both, plus fansubs where there's no CR stream (I refuse to use the other services). So "all of the above" for me! Yeah, me too. Theres no reason to import but only watch fansubs or Crunchy rips when theres a perfectly good way to legally watch anime. |
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Dec 21, 2012 4:58 PM
RyanSaotome said: jmal said: As for the whole CR vs Imports - uh, I just do both, plus fansubs where there's no CR stream (I refuse to use the other services). So "all of the above" for me! Yeah, me too. Theres no reason to import but only watch fansubs or Crunchy rips when theres a perfectly good way to legally watch anime. Why not? I have nothing against people who buy CR. But what does CR offer(aside from faster speeds in subbing) that would give somebody a reason to subscribe? I dislike streaming, and you can't download episodes from CR, now can you? And why does it matter how you spend the money, importing or CR, it will end up in the industry. Not subbing to CR does not make somebody a "dirty pirate". |
Dec 21, 2012 5:13 PM
Shahjoo said: Quick question, are they going to keep adding shows that are going to be part of CR's simulcast as they find out? Redfoxoffire said: This post will be continuously updated as more simulcasts are announced. |
Dec 21, 2012 5:14 PM
rederoin said: Not subbing to CR does not make somebody a "dirty pirate". Except that watching anime in ways that aren't legal does make you a pirate. Maybe not a dirty one if you bathe regularly, but a pirate nonetheless. |
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Dec 21, 2012 5:21 PM
Dec 21, 2012 5:29 PM
RyanSaotome said: rederoin said: Not subbing to CR does not make somebody a "dirty pirate". Except that watching anime in ways that aren't legal does make you a pirate. Maybe not a dirty one if you bathe regularly, but a pirate nonetheless. I for one hate Crunchyroll. But that's just me. Waiting for a week to watch it if you're not a subscriber; You get shit Quality, the fonts they put for the subs are usually mediocre and cause eye cancer; though if you use HorribleSubs you get the same crap, so lol.. Not everyone has a way of paying for stuff online. Not everyone has a "Job" to pay monthly subscription even if its 7$ or w/e it is. I can see why people Download off HorribleSubs, but I don't because it's the same as Crunchyroll eye cancer and the amount of downloads I see Horriblesubs rip off Crunchyroll doesn't surprise me. They don't wanna pay/No means of paying for maybe few shows they will watch. |
TyrelDec 21, 2012 5:37 PM
Dec 21, 2012 5:53 PM
oh come on i'm not even looking forward to these two. Will be waiting for more update. |
Dec 21, 2012 5:56 PM
Tyrel said: Not everyone has a "Job" to pay monthly subscription even if its 7$ or w/e it is. Then if you see something in a store you can't afford, do you just take it? If you can't afford something, sometimes you need to go without if you can't afford it. Its no excuse to steal it. |
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Dec 21, 2012 6:25 PM
RyanSaotome said: Tyrel said: Not everyone has a "Job" to pay monthly subscription even if its 7$ or w/e it is. Then if you see something in a store you can't afford, do you just take it? If you can't afford something, sometimes you need to go without if you can't afford it. Its no excuse to steal it. I only consider it stealing if ur keeping the episodes on your hard drive for more than a month, selling it for a prophet of your own, or claiming that ur the one who made it. If you watch anime for more than 6 months , then you support the industry. Plus keep in mind the store example doesn't make sense with digital content overall. I support the industry but lets me honest, I'm not in any situation to go buy myself a subscription when I can't afford it [I can get a job but focusing on work when I need to focus on my studies is more important] I might have the money now but I'm saving it up so I can get myself a blu-ray disc player so I can start buying BDs. People can support the industry one step at the time for starters you can just check your local library and see what anime stuff they carry or ask a friend. Even though its no money to the industry, this is consider a way of support. |
Dec 21, 2012 6:36 PM
RyanSaotome said: Tyrel said: Not everyone has a "Job" to pay monthly subscription even if its 7$ or w/e it is. Then if you see something in a store you can't afford, do you just take it? If you can't afford something, sometimes you need to go without if you can't afford it. Its no excuse to steal it. No? Of course if I can't afford something, sometimes you'll need to go without it, but I'm not going to wait w/e time it takes to watch a 13 episode series or w/e show to watch in BD/DVD; when you can watch it somewhere else easily obtainable like 70% of the people here do. @Above has the same exact thoughts. I hate, no DESPISE streaming anime. |
TyrelDec 21, 2012 6:50 PM
Dec 21, 2012 6:38 PM
Well, this thread sure has escalated to the morals of pirating vs not pirating rather quickly. On the flip side, oh look, a winter simulcast list, yay! |
Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is. |
Dec 21, 2012 6:42 PM
I hope Crunchyroll picks up Amnesia and Chihayafuru season two. |
Dec 21, 2012 6:45 PM
*hopes for Senran Kagura to get a simulcast* Needs more exposure so we can get the anime licensed and the games here. |
Dec 21, 2012 7:23 PM
So in conclusion, shit's being simulcasted. Or is it still just simulcast? shymel said: I hope Crunchyroll picks up Amnesia and Chihayafuru season two. I can almost guarantee they'll get Chihayafuru. |
Dec 21, 2012 7:28 PM
VioLink said: You like Yukari so you can't be that bad. And you like Baccano, so you must be somewhat of a gentleman. |
Dec 21, 2012 7:29 PM
I pay for CR. But, I still dl & watch Fansubs. This way, I'm 'supporting' the industry and getting decent subs at the same time. So, this news doesn't really concern me *-* |
Dec 21, 2012 7:49 PM
YES YES YESSS! Crunchyroll is streaming Achiga-hen :D :D :D :D |
Dec 21, 2012 10:41 PM
Hoppy said: *hopes for Senran Kagura to get a simulcast* Needs more exposure so we can get the anime licensed and the games here. I imagine that somebody will simulcast that. Obviously, Crunchyroll streaming it would be better since CR's streams are quite good and usually covers at least major English speaking countries. I wouldn't be surprised if Funimation got it though. |
Dec 22, 2012 12:09 AM
Ideally, you'd pay for Crunchyroll and then download fansubs so that you can actually enjoy what you're watching in actual English, with at least an effort at typesetting. Look at Commie, they just use Crunchy's scripts and add karaoke, typesetting, and usually, some semblance of life to the robotic subs CR puts out. I legitimately feel bad for anyone who exclusively watches anime on Crunchyroll, it's like getting half of a fansub. Not that Commie is your best bet, but they're almost always better than HorribleSubs. Protip: Downloading a fansub isn't hurting anyone, but watching lesser-quality subs is hurting someone, namely yourself. Do whatever you need to do so that you can sleep at night, but don't fool yourself into thinking that Crunchyroll is ever your best choice. |
Dec 22, 2012 12:20 AM
njd09 said: Ideally, you'd pay for Crunchyroll and then download fansubs so that you can actually enjoy what you're watching in actual English, with at least an effort at typesetting. Look at Commie, they just use Crunchy's scripts and add karaoke, typesetting, and usually, some semblance of life to the robotic subs CR puts out. I legitimately feel bad for anyone who exclusively watches anime on Crunchyroll, it's like getting half of a fansub. Not that Commie is your best bet, but they're almost always better than HorribleSubs. Protip: Downloading a fansub isn't hurting anyone, but watching lesser-quality subs is hurting someone, namely yourself. Do whatever you need to do so that you can sleep at night, but don't fool yourself into thinking that Crunchyroll is ever your best choice. You guys take this stuff too seriously. I mean, whats the real difference? Slightly better picture quality or a bit different translation? Who cares unless you're just obsessed with staring at the picture to find minor faults or if you know Japanese itself to be able to tell the differences in whats being said. Crunchyroll is fine for what I want out of my anime watching experience. I'll watch fansubs for stuff Crunchy doesn't have, but unless its like a week late on Crunchy, I'll just watch it there instead of getting fansubs. |
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Dec 22, 2012 12:45 AM
People who think CR isn't good enough need to step back on the self-entitlement. What's with this need to have dancing karaoke, over-styled subtitles, and layering English text over Japanese signs? I remember when anime fans got mad at that last one. Sheesh. |
Dec 22, 2012 1:20 AM
Redfoxoffire said: Crunchyroll: Saki: Achiga-hen - Episode of Side-A Specials (Final 3 episodes of Saki Episode of Side A) Territories: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. Streaming dates: Episode 13 7:30am on December 24. All above streaming dates are PDT for premium members. This post will be continuously updated as more simulcasts are announced. Source: Crunchyroll Lineup YES! :) |
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do. |
Dec 22, 2012 5:44 AM
Sorry, due to licensing limitations, videos are unavailable in your region. These videos require a Premium Membership for your region. Hopefully Central Europe (minus the Netherlands) will get some titles this time. (There were only 3 Fall 2012 titles available here; the Netherlands had 9) Not sure about other people, but I'm not going to keep paying if none of the shows available are interesting for me. If there's not going to be much more available here then I'm not going to renew Premium Membership either. If it was a complete show then I'd consider, but for 3 |
Dec 22, 2012 7:54 AM
I believe that if you are to support the anime industry and pay real money for series, you should get the release in the best quality you can find, fansubbers typically have much better releases then crunchyroll, with the exception of rippers, and fansubbers have better subs. I see no point in justifying paying for terrible quality of something you can't even own. Anyone complaining about localizing outside of Crunchyroll needs to understand that in their shonen filled lineup, nearly every attack is ruined with their liberal subs and everything. It hurts to even consider anything I watched on their to be "watched" on my mal, because I sure didn't feel like I was getting the product the original studio intended to sell. |
Dec 22, 2012 9:29 AM
I live in India so I can't watch videos on Crunchy. :/ And I guess I'm one of the rare people who like the layered text next to japanese text. And I absolutely love the karaoke. *o* So I'm a rare one. But, if Crunchy did come to India, I would try it out. Though I wonder if my dad would let me subscribe. 84 dollars per year is 4200 INR. I already pay a lot of money for ordering manga and manga magazines every month. But another 4200 wouldn't hurt that much I guess. Ok, enough rambling~ |
Check out the News Club for daily rankings, discussion on future CD and BD releases, manga and novels. New members are welcome! |
Dec 22, 2012 9:35 AM
How come there's suddenly a whole load of idiots like the one above me on this thread? (note: referring to anonymousca4 sorry) Most fansubbers have much worse releases than CR. Sure, there are a few exceptions, but that is the way it goes, not the other way around. I have never seen anything on CR that is actually painful to watch, whereas every other release from fansubbers fall into that category. Shonen filled lineup? lol? Sure, the most watched series on there are shonens, as they are everywhere else. CR bids for every series, and gets a broad variety of stuff. Saying stuff like "their shonen filled lineup" only serves to weaken your point as it shows that you don't really know what you're on about. Oh and want the original product? Just right click and turn the subs off then. NO subs - fansubs or CR subs or funimation subs or whatever else - none of them are "the product the original studio intended to sell", and if the studio actually does have a preference on how something is subtitled, it is far more likely to show up in CR's releases than in a bunch of people with no connections to the studio of any sort illegally sticking their own subs on a show. And the second paragraph of that post is just laughable. |
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do. |
Dec 22, 2012 12:43 PM
I have a feeling Anonymousca4 has never watched a CR stream, possibly never even seen the website. |
Dec 22, 2012 2:34 PM
Redfoxoffire said: I have a feeling Anonymousca4 has never watched a CR stream, possibly never even seen the website. I suspect that as well. Yeah, I sure watched a boatload of shounen when I watched the Spring 2012 lineup where I followed Nyarko-san:Another Crawling Chaos, Fate/Zero, Dusk Maiden of Amnesia, Kids on the Slope, Yurumates3Dei, Space Brothers, the second half of Bodacious Space Pirates, and the 2nd cour of Knight in the Area and had to put Upotte and Medaka Box on my backlog. /sarcasm tag just in case. For the record, my favorite show of Fall 2012 which had a lot of popular shounen shows is Girls Und Panzer. I don't think anybody associates GirlPan with shounen(I really have to finish watching the original Saki soon. I love that, and think I'll love the Episode of Side-A spinoff) |
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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