Nicholas Walshy - TikTok: nicholas_664

I've had to unfollow him everywhere. Cute face and hot body but the dick isn't pleasant and his personality is awful.
can’t speak to his personality but i suspect that he has phimosis. i’ve seen a few people point it out in his comments, he really should get it seen to
can’t speak to his personality but i suspect that he has phimosis. i’ve seen a few people point it out in his comments, he really should get it seen to
You can see from many photos and videos on this thread his head clearly out. He doesn’t have phimosis
Yes I did that. There was no media of the type you suggested. The closest is a pic where his helmet is kind of half out and you can see his foreskin practically strangling the rest of it.
There are videos of it out. I’m not going to get them for you - they’re there. I’m no longer replying this is off topic.
Liar. I just went all the way back to 10th August 2022. Not a single post with his helmet fully out.
Imagine scrolling two years on someone’s Twitter to prove they have phimosis. Go outside, sis.