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- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
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This book was the first one I ever read optionally. My then husband (rip) an avid reader had almost finished it and it lay on his night table; I had for no reason but boredom picked it up and could not be without it for a few days. Up until this time nothing had ever been so intriguing! I am the avid reader but I never imagined I could be. Gripping! ❤
So many feelings.. been listening to this reading for the better part of 14 hours and I’ll tell ya.. so many feelings. Definitely a story I’ll never forget.
It's good again good one.
Ok. Part 2! Let’s go!
It's Donna's fault that her son died she never should have brought him with her she knew the car was unreliable and it was hot. I'm glad Bannerman died I hated him since the dead zone,the way he tried to cover up That frank Dodd was the killer at first He even attacked Johnny.
Incredible ‼️
Stephen King was so messed up on Coke he doesn’t remember writing this 😂
Bottom line, this is why you should vaccinate you pets...the tragedy was nobody's fault but the Camber's. Poor Cujo was just another victim.😢
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