Lots of questions so I'm sorry if I missed you here.
I wonder if we could get in trouble for saying stuff like that? I hope not because then I can't win, although I did say that I WOULDN'T kill someone so I should be good right?
You're fine. We understand what you mean!
What if you don't have post prior to this contest?
Then find some topics you're interested in somewhere on the board and reply? All anyone needs is 5 posts in total to be qualified for the contest. Then to win, you just need to post in the thread linked in the very first post to be entered to win. It can't get simpler, really.
So, this basicly means people could be entering contests against their will for the next month just by posting on the board. Wouldn´t it be hilarious if someone won a membership by accident to some crappy site they have no interest in and thereby blowing their chances to win a price they actually wanted?
They could be.

On the other hand, a person can refuse the prize and try for another one if they really want to. I'm not that unreasonable.
Do you get to chose which site you get the free pass to?
Usually I go with the first person that answers my PM that gets to choose which site they get. Typically there will be 2-3 given away a day. I'm hoping to get the full schedule out today.
Also, how will the winner be alerted or do they have to check the daily thread every day?
I'll PM the winners as well as post it in this thread. That's how I've done it for the past 3 years with the only exception being the raffles.
No answer on what if you've never posted before? I actually came across the myfreeones area for the first time a few wks ago (after using freeones for years), registered, logged in all the time to see what it takes to win a prize, and now....out of the running! Oh well, nothing lost. Ipad of porn would have been awesome though.
As I mentioned before...go and find some threads to participate in. If I can get 5,700+ posts by participating in threads that aren't part of my daily work...I'm betting you can figure out how to make 5 total.
So we have to post 5 times to enter the daily draw?
You have to have a total post count on your profile as 5 to win. So if you have only 4 posts total right now and then post in the daily draw thread...that would make 5 posts.
I posted in the daily draw thread before I ever read this one. For the record I don't want to enter the contest (or any of the contest to come) and it would be better if somebody else won. (Most of the prizes I'm not interested in and in any case I don't have a good enough internet connection to even make it worthwhile and it would just take away from somebody else where the prize might actually be useful.) If it's possible don't count me in it and draw somebody else.
It would also keep me from having to check this thread every day to avoid the draw thread going at the time.
I PM people. If you win, all you have to say is you don't want it. There's a lot of you and only 1 of me so I'm not going to keep track of individual people who don't want to enter.
How do we know if we got entered in the daily draw?
If you post in the thread that I linked in the
first post (the one in bold and quoted that say's "today's thread (today's date): thread title", you're entered. If you didn't post in the daily thread, you're not entered.
Im not sure how many posts I have if any hopefully I have the 5 required. I have been a member for a long time. I am a reader more than a writer.