8 common MISTAKES you should AVOID doing in Malta!
- Опубликовано: 7 мар 2025
- We compiled a list of 8 common mistakes tourists and English language students make while visiting in Malta.
We all get excited when we book our next travel destination and even though we research and prepare as much as we can for our upcoming trip, there are always things we might take for granted or oversee, especially if it's our first time traveling to that particular country. In this video, we will be giving advise on how to avoid an unpleasant experience in Malta and hopefully enjoying your trip as much as possible!
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Credits: Videezy.com
Wonderful work, very insightive. I live in Japan now as well with my wife and we really enjoyed watching this !
Thank you so much for watching and commenting on this! This video is actually our favourite video. We spent quite some time planning this one out. Our aim is to provide useful information for Japanese people who visit Malta. Because of the culture differences between the two countries, we would like to educate people and help them by giving them advise. And actually, today, we will be shooting a sequel to this one. It should be up soon, please look forward to it! :)
That's wonderful! I love the concept ! Please keep me posted !!! I'm actually planning to feature more of the country and quiet areas of Japan. How it's like for a foreigner to live here ~
@@KhalidAskar Thank you so much for your support and words of encouragement! I will do my best! I will also let you know once it's uploaded!! :)
@@KhalidAskar Thank you very much for waiting. This is the new video which I told you about a few days ago!
I hope you enjoy it :)
@@maltastudy great stuff!! I'm also coming up with a new video this week I hope you check it out . I saw the video on 'things not to do I'm Malta' , it was really an eye opening!
Very informative video!
I’m sure it will be very helpful and useful for Japanese students coming to study English in Malta!
Thanks a lot for watching and your valuable feedback!!
Much appreciated!
空港ではMalta Public Transportの営業所があり、バスカードも買えます。
@@ドミニク-s2i マルタでは、学生はMacとWindowsの両方を使用しています。マルタで吸うこともできます。 :)
@@ドミニク-s2i Macは最近Microsoftプログラムもサポートしているので、持っているものを変更する必要はありません。がんばってね! :)
@@Adventvii いろいろと情報ありがとうございます!