Jacksepticeye Reacts to K-POP

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • I used to have a k-pop phase so let's talk about it
    Edited by: / @diceroll
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Комментарии • 11 тыс.

  • @ailee3459
    @ailee3459 2 месяца назад +9958

    Also recognising the Shinee members in that three pixel dance video is how you know he is an og.

    • @exol.multistan8637
      @exol.multistan8637 Месяц назад +83

      Even I couldn't do that

    • @susie8799
      @susie8799 Месяц назад +205

      That video belongs in the Smithsonian, the moir on Taemin’s shirt, the shitty web camera, the water bottle to keep the middle, the terrible late 00s fashion, Key’s little ponytail, its everything

    • @elentari15
      @elentari15 Месяц назад +82

      @@susie8799 I still remember the memes of Taemin's hypnotizing shirt, and the joy in the fandom when he reprised it (sorta) in a later dance practice of one his solo songs XD

    • @Xerachiel
      @Xerachiel Месяц назад +54

      What you mean three pixel video, that was HD for us back then lol

    • @Ash_NuggTato
      @Ash_NuggTato Месяц назад +3

      Ok over exaggeration, its not that pixelated, i can still see 😂

  • @makurroni
    @makurroni 2 месяца назад +24274

    trying to learn the dances to kpop songs is such a canon event everyone has done it 😭

    • @alanardominim
      @alanardominim 2 месяца назад +653

      agreed. It kind of makes me sad that people look back and think of themselves as cringe. You were having fun at the time, who cares if you were bad at it, it should be a valued memory

    • @Gothie_Elstine
      @Gothie_Elstine 2 месяца назад +306

      doing it as a workout kinda helps

    • @deadaerith
      @deadaerith 2 месяца назад +61

      literally can't stop doing the SKZ JJAM dances at work 😂

    • @xmarshmilox9955
      @xmarshmilox9955 2 месяца назад +21

      omg my first one was as if its your last by blackpink. might get back to trying again because i gave up on it.

    • @jenclink
      @jenclink 2 месяца назад +54

      No joke, my son and I are learning the dance to Maniac by Stray Kids lol

  • @reina_harhar7815
    @reina_harhar7815 2 месяца назад +3427

    "This is so old that Jessica is still in"
    SEAN! 😭

    • @erilayne260
      @erilayne260 Месяц назад +31

      Ffr, I thought we were watching a Kpop reaction, not catching strays 🤣

    • @mocha-frapppé
      @mocha-frapppé Месяц назад +1

      @@erilayne260 for some reason I doubt that you know what catching strays mean

    • @erilayne260
      @erilayne260 Месяц назад +5

      @ Bruh, catching strays as in "catching stray bullets"???? What else does catching strays mean. We're here for a good time, not to be hurt by the fact that all these people left the kpop world, physically or otherwise

    • @erilayne260
      @erilayne260 Месяц назад

      @ Bruh, catching strays as in "catching stray bullets"???? What else does catching strays mean. We're here for a good time, not to be hurt by the fact that all these people left the kpop world, physically or otherwise

    • @jimams_jamz5518
      @jimams_jamz5518 28 дней назад +8

      @@mocha-frapppé no they're talking about the slang for catching strays. I'm pretty sure everyone under like 21 knows what it means. "catching strays" is when somebody unintentionally roasts you and brings you up in a conversation you weren't in to begin with. It's mostly used for jokes tho. You're thinking of the catching stray bullets version. This is the modern day slang version.

  • @DawnsWorld
    @DawnsWorld Месяц назад +583

    “Passed away…a long time ago” I remember the day it happened and simply hearing it worded like that, wow man like 😭 time is flying, it’s so sad. It doesn’t feel like long ago but it really has been around 8 years. It feels so much more recent to me.

    • @saranaila5905
      @saranaila5905 Месяц назад +27

      I remember that day VERY clearly.

    • @nadonado648
      @nadonado648 Месяц назад +6

      I even cried nonstop on that year’s December 😭

    • @jmjksfilter
      @jmjksfilter 27 дней назад +12

      i remember exactly where i was and what i was doing when it was announced. it really doesn’t feel like it was 8 years ago, it only feels like it’s been 3 or 4 years😔 time flies

    • @tiannagraham5210
      @tiannagraham5210 18 дней назад +2

      yeah same, i was literally messed up over it for a straight week. i was still in the midst of my shinee obsession so it hit way harder

    • @forestr5808
      @forestr5808 5 дней назад

      I remember exactly where I was. I was at work and had to go into a conference room because my daughter called me crying. Then I started crying. Geez, I start crying anytime I think about it.

  • @LadySugarcube
    @LadySugarcube 2 месяца назад +18326

    Him being a SHINee stan and him remembering Jonghyun as well as Goo Hara made me cry ugly tears in my bathroom with my hair drying in my hands.

    • @deeveedee379
      @deeveedee379 2 месяца назад +423

      and sulli

    • @bedchemexo
      @bedchemexo 2 месяца назад +472

      hes also an exol hes mentioned and danced to call me baby. hes defo an sm girlie lol

    • @hshaizkcgahaj1916
      @hshaizkcgahaj1916 2 месяца назад +64

      ​@@bedchemexoim also an sm girlie omfg 🎉

    • @pettypuppyjonghyun
      @pettypuppyjonghyun 2 месяца назад +5


    • @alex-dm3sn
      @alex-dm3sn 2 месяца назад +107

      It's been almost 8 years and I still cry every time I think of Jonghyun. Even after 15 years, he's my favorite Kpop artist of all time. When I was a kid I used to say he was my ideal man. I'm not even the type of person to get attached to celebrities, yet he meant so much to me.

  • @dejaanderson4318
    @dejaanderson4318 2 месяца назад +10468

    Everything about this is PAINFULLY relatable, being a older kpop fan makes you just laugh at yourself when you reflect but it’s also so wonderful.

    • @913_Niyala
      @913_Niyala 2 месяца назад +143

      We witnessed an amazing era that no one else will ever get to experience 🥹 just wish I would've made any sort of friend that also liked it.

    • @bee_outside
      @bee_outside 2 месяца назад +64

      I died at him watching SHINee, bc that was literally me coming back to SNSD at my big age 😂

    • @fatjesusonbike1276
      @fatjesusonbike1276 2 месяца назад +37

      Had I Got A Boy as my ringtone and it played on full volume in quoir once. Also tried to learn the dances in the most hideous clothes in the school corridor. Good but cringe times rofl

    • @MidnightEkaki
      @MidnightEkaki 2 месяца назад +15

      old kpop is kinda cringe but the songs are enjoyable so i still like to listen to them sometimes lol

    • @andrewlacsamana8113
      @andrewlacsamana8113 2 месяца назад +2

      fun times indeed

  • @highfunctioningidiot3643
    @highfunctioningidiot3643 2 месяца назад +9019


    • @tallia2547
      @tallia2547 2 месяца назад +22

      I wish i would see this too! 😂🎉

    • @Kunstner1004
      @Kunstner1004 2 месяца назад +11

      next thankmas 🤞🤞

    • @kaminakae2871
      @kaminakae2871 2 месяца назад +5

      BADLY NEEDED!!!!

    • @BrittneyMoreno98
      @BrittneyMoreno98 2 месяца назад +1


    • @carlycchapman
      @carlycchapman 2 месяца назад +2

      I would love to see him and Gab try something for SURE

  • @lxmdca
    @lxmdca Месяц назад +856

    i had an ex who loved watching your videos and also hated that i liked kpop like 6-7 years ago so this video is pretty cathartic for me thank you

    • @SeaSea747
      @SeaSea747 Месяц назад +17

      Haha!! You won both times though! Mad respect for you

  • @monroe8566
    @monroe8566 2 месяца назад +6224

    dude you gotta check out what taemin’s been doing in the past ten years dude his solo career is ridiculous i love it

    • @monroe8566
      @monroe8566 2 месяца назад +93

      oh, and nmixx! they’re a newer gg their command of genre is crazy love them

    • @rainestar82
      @rainestar82 2 месяца назад +149

      PLEASE omg especially stuff like WANT, Criminal and Guilty

    • @jennae7903
      @jennae7903 2 месяца назад +1

      YES !

    • @annielaurie2322
      @annielaurie2322 2 месяца назад +77

      need his reaction to the rizzness

    • @KuroGordon
      @KuroGordon 2 месяца назад +17

      OMG Advice Studio Choom

  • @blucat5223
    @blucat5223 2 месяца назад +4945

    Finding out you're an OG gen 2 kpop stan is amazing

    • @xsexxiisk8terx
      @xsexxiisk8terx 2 месяца назад


    • @xsexxiisk8terx
      @xsexxiisk8terx 2 месяца назад

      Maybe I'm biased because I'm a 2nd gen stan, but 2nd gen is the best lol 💯💯🥰🥰

  • @jemharayuki
    @jemharayuki 2 месяца назад +6699

    Ah yes, Taemin’s iconic striped shirt for the Lucifer dance practice 😂 It will never get old.

    • @dheu
      @dheu 2 месяца назад +111

      lol that shirt is what got me into kpop, I happened on that dance practice and Taemin’s shirt just hypnotized me… I absolutely love that video and have rewatched it so many times.

    • @rjafitzgerald
      @rjafitzgerald 2 месяца назад +37

      Right?! That cloud background is so nostalgic to me ❤

    • @Miilkyshookyarts
      @Miilkyshookyarts 2 месяца назад +1


    • @nancyvega2337
      @nancyvega2337 2 месяца назад +8

      I remember downloading that video and slowing it down to x1/4 and x1/2 and still struggling because I would get so entranced by that shirt

    • @alanabunts2421
      @alanabunts2421 Месяц назад +4

      That striped shirt hurts my eyes with that video quality

  • @KumoKumori
    @KumoKumori Месяц назад +98

    moral of the story: Sean likes songs with some form of electricity in the title

  • @DeathsConsciousPlan
    @DeathsConsciousPlan 2 месяца назад +3239

    If Sean thinks the amount of members in SuJu is bad, wait till he sees NCT

    • @MidoriBel
      @MidoriBel 2 месяца назад +56

      Was thinking about it 😂

    • @011mph
      @011mph 2 месяца назад +126

      omg he would have an aneurysm 😭

    • @ElijahEzekiel0w0
      @ElijahEzekiel0w0 2 месяца назад +178

      TripleS would put him in a coma then 😭

    • @m4ttd0tc0m
      @m4ttd0tc0m 2 месяца назад +75

      literally thought to myself “don’t let him find out nct exist”

    • @xapokalypse
      @xapokalypse 2 месяца назад +54

      I feel like he'd love Seventeen lol

  • @K-Ville
    @K-Ville 2 месяца назад +3490

    I’m shocked and honoured that my Best of 2009 video was in here! 😅

    • @RosieGaga
      @RosieGaga 2 месяца назад +115

      Omg K-Ville is here!!!!

    • @nktp91
      @nktp91 2 месяца назад +67

      Then there is us k-ville fans that has followed you for ages, that is shocked that you are here 🥰

    • @MiniMC546
      @MiniMC546 2 месяца назад +27

      Well your videos did brought back Jack's core memories of being a K-POP Fan.

    • @Javea97
      @Javea97 2 месяца назад +31

      The K-Ville channel also has legendary status in the international K-pop community

    • @pencileva_art
      @pencileva_art 2 месяца назад +12

      your videos are the best to find those old gems again

  • @vantaecuts
    @vantaecuts 2 месяца назад +1886


  • @nqusyairah
    @nqusyairah Месяц назад +44

    seventeen are phenomenal performers (in both vocals and dances), them along with shinee have been keeping me sane throughout the years.

    • @iburito3
      @iburito3 4 часа назад +1

      Yes! Man, I love Seventeen. I saw them at Kcon years ago and they were phenomenal.

  • @teeleaf9252
    @teeleaf9252 Месяц назад +1768

    It's the fact that he knows all their names, has practiced the choreo even though it probably sucked and just thought it kpop was so cool ,even knowing all the tea with companies and disbandments,and remembering those who have sadly passed warms my heart🥺 Jack being a 2nd Gen kpop Stan makes me so happy!!! Also if you want dark and grungey please listen to Ateez you will not be disappointed!!!!

    • @Lia_3078
      @Lia_3078 Месяц назад +31

      I think he might like some Stray Kids too. But also I'm biased because I love them lol

    • @M2BLAQ
      @M2BLAQ Месяц назад +31

      Oh he will love Ateez's songs! Especially hype songs such as Wonderland and The Real

    • @kaisha806
      @kaisha806 Месяц назад +9

      SKZ and Ateez>>

    • @KiddyValentine
      @KiddyValentine Месяц назад +6

      Going to Ateez concert soon thanks to a friend! Never heard their music before now, but they are really good!

    • @M2BLAQ
      @M2BLAQ Месяц назад +1

      @ They are performance kings! I love how they put their all into every performances

  • @dianam4974
    @dianam4974 2 месяца назад +4327

    Jack: I hope the industry has gotten better since then
    Me: Uhhhhhhhhh.... I'm going to hold your hand when I say this (but its kinda the same in a lot of aspects)

    • @staygeee
      @staygeee 2 месяца назад +639

      It’s improved in some ways then gotten more toxic in others 💀

    • @yuricooper
      @yuricooper 2 месяца назад +244

      considering he listened to a lot of sm, the seunghan situation is pretty similar to older sm groups, (exo, super junior)

    • @Dimaura99
      @Dimaura99 2 месяца назад +7

      Yeahhhhh lol

    • @dianam4974
      @dianam4974 2 месяца назад +32

      @ yeah I agree. there has been some good things but also equally bad things.

    • @killazilla44
      @killazilla44 2 месяца назад +15

      @@staygeee yeah we can thank social media for that

  • @amberbstigers9111
    @amberbstigers9111 Месяц назад +981

    Jack's muscle memory kicking in with some of the dances is so freaking funny to me 😭😭😭

    • @ainulsya00
      @ainulsya00 Месяц назад +10

      i think it's pretty normal for people who practice the dances before, as a fan. that no matter how many years you've stopped doing those., you still get it a bit somehow. i really relate to sean's muscle memory as someone who loved to dance practice kpop and vocaloid songs XD

  • @chetrasok3336
    @chetrasok3336 Месяц назад +26

    oh man the surge of nostalgia hit me HARD. Hearing "Sorry Sorry" makes me remember that one Pot Luck party of my English class where my whole class just freaking scrambled around and danced to it like madness. What a time.

  • @cele3591
    @cele3591 2 месяца назад +2969

    I sincerely need a part two of Sean reacting to songs and reminiscing his K-pop phase. As well as reacting to new groups, like Ateez and Stray kids for his vibes, but also Seventeen and TXT and so on. The choices are limitless
    Edit: just realised I wrote jack instead of Sean, my brain was not braining enough due to the hype

    • @elliesparklez5818
      @elliesparklez5818 2 месяца назад +118

      I think Jack would loose his mind at District 9 or Gods Menu😂

    • @d4nd3l1on3
      @d4nd3l1on3 2 месяца назад +46

      (sorry for this obnoxious comment but i feel like he would like them too)

    • @tahiti1264
      @tahiti1264 2 месяца назад +28

      YES PLEASE. He needs to see them! Especially ateez (they're mu ults😭)

    • @danravv
      @danravv 2 месяца назад +17

      Given that he listens to a lot of sm groups. He'd probably like Nct

    • @hydrate7991
      @hydrate7991 2 месяца назад +20

      he would prob hate svt bc they hv even more members than super J xD

  • @Nanaba77
    @Nanaba77 2 месяца назад +3475

    Ik he probably doesn't know about the burning sun scandal but I still think it's funny he stopped Fantastic Baby before Seungri part lol

    • @kamillaazim4862
      @kamillaazim4862 2 месяца назад +482

      I think he might have heard of and intentionally didn’t mention him, but didn’t want to bring it up

    • @sunflowle2204
      @sunflowle2204 2 месяца назад

      I think so too, like even in Western news it was brought up ​@@kamillaazim4862

    • @swfsmik
      @swfsmik 2 месяца назад +410

      I think he knows. Even the pop-up picture, Seungri is cropped out.

    • @j_yaein
      @j_yaein 2 месяца назад +277

      22:40 he probably does because seungris cropped out 💀💀

    • @worldwidefunnyguy
      @worldwidefunnyguy 2 месяца назад +24

      boom shakalaka boom shakalaka

  • @anakaraean
    @anakaraean 2 месяца назад +1311

    2:40 Jonghyun’s older sister Sodam has set up a foundation in honor of him which aims to help artists with mental health issues and provides counseling to those in need. It is called “The SHINY Foundation” and you can donate to them directly or you can also stream Jjong’s work since all his copyrighted material’s revenue goes to his family/sister’s foundation. ❤

    • @raxacorico
      @raxacorico 2 месяца назад +62

      stream jonghyun!!!! anyone who wants to get into his stuff here are a few recs: blinking game, deja boo, crazy, she is, elevator, diphylleia grayi, cocktail, moon...

    • @blinkoncebuddiesreveluv6961
      @blinkoncebuddiesreveluv6961 28 дней назад +4

      I didnt know this was a thing
      I was thinking of donating to a charity for my bday a couple of days ago so maybe Ill do this one

  • @cassiopeia9713
    @cassiopeia9713 Месяц назад +24

    2nd gen kpop was also the peak of my kpop phase back in my teens! I'll go back occasionally to relive those years ... the nostalgia, random cackling, and finding out news years afterwards while googling them is so real

  • @caliigrey
    @caliigrey 2 месяца назад +2860

    when you said “i’m just gonna autistic my way through this video” i immediately went to like the video forgetting i had already liked it lol

    • @Congele_
      @Congele_ 2 месяца назад +70

      I just went "Yes! Please do!"; just watching him watch whatever he feels like watching, but sharing it with us, was a pure blast!

    • @whatismylifeanymore
      @whatismylifeanymore 2 месяца назад +8

      Why is everything I do somehow an autistic trait LMAO

    • @DarkstrifeQueen-v8v
      @DarkstrifeQueen-v8v 2 месяца назад +13

      As an autistic diagnosed K-pop fan myself, stumbling on this video makes me feel really happy!😃

    • @miauizm
      @miauizm 2 месяца назад +3

      HES SO ME..

    • @luthfeeghazale6206
      @luthfeeghazale6206 2 месяца назад +5

      As an autistic who loves Kpop, guess we are just the same

  • @chinocanbake
    @chinocanbake 2 месяца назад +1388

    2:11 Jack WHIPPING OUT A JESSICA REFERENCE two minutes into the video HE’S A REAL ONE

  • @King_Jonghyun
    @King_Jonghyun 2 месяца назад +1538

    Thank you for taking a minute to remember Jonghyun, Sean! 🧡

  • @Filomachia
    @Filomachia 25 дней назад +6

    Sherlock goes so hard even now. That was the one video I REALLY wanted to learn the dance for.

  • @TerezaKickova
    @TerezaKickova 2 месяца назад +1886


    • @H3LLO_K1TTY48
      @H3LLO_K1TTY48 2 месяца назад +3

      I love your pfp!!

    • @NominsMarriageOfficiant
      @NominsMarriageOfficiant Месяц назад +5

      Bro i fucking love shinee and then he sang the Korean lyrics to lucifer 😭😭🙏🙏 also HEAVY relate to wanting to learn the choreo for the song

  • @xiimorals
    @xiimorals 2 месяца назад +6812

    I think Jack would legitimately eat up "Guerilla" by ATEEZ. Also something by Stray Kids... maybe "Thunderous"?

    • @wah--
      @wah-- 2 месяца назад +50

      You're so righttt

    • @taylorsmall8962
      @taylorsmall8962 2 месяца назад +14


    • @-_-Kayla
      @-_-Kayla 2 месяца назад +13

      You are sooo right!

    • @lillie450
      @lillie450 2 месяца назад +8

      both great songs

    • @alexrose5466
      @alexrose5466 2 месяца назад +15

      Liking kpop has become tism coded 😂❤

  • @MuffinMisfit
    @MuffinMisfit 2 месяца назад +1145

    Jack reacting to K-pop I thought this day would never come

  • @solikunzit
    @solikunzit Месяц назад +10

    That nostalgic smile he gives when listening to older songs. It makes my heart so happy to see other older kpop stans ❤

  • @kristinafort
    @kristinafort 2 месяца назад +7953

    I feel like Sean would really like Stray Kids and Ateez since he prefers the darker songs also for girl groups I recomend Dream Catcher for the same reason
    Stray Kids: topline, ITEM
    Ateez: Halazia, Guerilla, Wonderland
    Dream catcher: Scream, deja vu

    • @haegl_
      @haegl_ 2 месяца назад +168

      Yessss Dreamcatcher!

    • @xmarshmilox9955
      @xmarshmilox9955 2 месяца назад +54

      three of my favorite groups!

    • @justsomeone3694
      @justsomeone3694 2 месяца назад +118


    • @Dinosaur_Biscuits
      @Dinosaur_Biscuits 2 месяца назад +39

      YESSSS I totally agree especially if he really liked Exo and Bigbang

    • @ShammahAgahozoNdoba
      @ShammahAgahozoNdoba 2 месяца назад +90


  • @NoisyButters
    @NoisyButters 2 месяца назад +577

    i saw SHINee in the thumbnail and i clicked SO FAST im so glad he enjoys one of the best generations of KPOP ✨✨✨

    • @TheDexterity
      @TheDexterity 2 месяца назад +3

      i didn't know you were a kpop stan hello??? who's your favorite group?

    • @NoisyButters
      @NoisyButters Месяц назад +5

      @@TheDexterity omg SHINee is everything to me! EVERYTHING Key specifically destroys every fiber of my being, such a talented group

    • @TheDexterity
      @TheDexterity Месяц назад +1

      @ ugh i feel you on that. i’m a relatively newer kpop stan but man when i first heard replay i was so addicted. Absolutely love big bang aswell

  • @SarahSnoodle
    @SarahSnoodle 2 месяца назад +509

    "Just gonna autism my way through this" vibe, lifestyle

  • @skylererin7256
    @skylererin7256 Месяц назад +24

    Jack you would LOVVVE Ateez!!! You should react to some of their things!

  • @nabilahnurhusna3395
    @nabilahnurhusna3395 Месяц назад +209

    no but why does 2nd gen kpop music HIT SO HARD?? 😭 like everything is just soooo good

    • @retropunk6439
      @retropunk6439 Месяц назад +12

      real, they focused more on talent and less on looks

  • @onenerdwithpocky9937
    @onenerdwithpocky9937 2 месяца назад +859

    Finding out that Sean is a fan of SHINee & then singing the opening lines of Lucifer together somehow means the WORLD to me (and I too, watched SHINee's dance practice videos in my bedroom & taught myself the choreography 💃💃)

    • @bedchemexo
      @bedchemexo 2 месяца назад +22

      hes also an exol hes mentioned and danced to call me baby. hes defo an sm girlie lol

    • @kimkai9005
      @kimkai9005 2 месяца назад +3

      Jack and sm artists my beloved worlds 💞

    • @rjafitzgerald
      @rjafitzgerald 2 месяца назад

      Same ❤ it’s still in my most played songs ever

    • @NomNomNomNomage
      @NomNomNomNomage 2 месяца назад +1

      I definitely did the Lucifer hands with him and squealed uncontrollably. God this is so good
      Edit: god i forgot how cringey my handle is lmao

  • @animejoy5
    @animejoy5 2 месяца назад +936

    I didn't think I was going to feel nostalgic about kpop so soon, but him reacting to Lucifer got me there 😭🙌🏾

    • @honeysweet4804
      @honeysweet4804 2 месяца назад +4

      me toooook

    • @Mrs.ragnvindr31
      @Mrs.ragnvindr31 2 месяца назад +5

      I know right! It's been awhile since I've followed KPop as well, man, so nostalgic

    • @Miilkyshookyarts
      @Miilkyshookyarts 2 месяца назад +1


    • @camelliasinensis219
      @camelliasinensis219 2 месяца назад +4

      Same, SHINee used to be my favourite group. I haven’t really listened to much kpop in ages, but I really loved them. Those dance practice videos especially were so iconic

  • @loonieeverse
    @loonieeverse Месяц назад +6

    as an SM stan myself, I love how Sean have a nostalgic moment with SM idols 🥲

  • @promiseofeunoia
    @promiseofeunoia 2 месяца назад +335

    SHINee's "Sherlock" was what got me into kpop, and seeing him singing along to it and remember Jonghyun brings me so much joy and nostalgia

    • @esow4742
      @esow4742 2 месяца назад +10

      even my dad likes sherlock and he knows almost nothing about kpop. it’s just that good 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️

    • @annielaurie2322
      @annielaurie2322 2 месяца назад +5

      shinee isn’t even my ult group but sherlock is The kpop song to me

    • @Helloimapersonontheinternet
      @Helloimapersonontheinternet 2 месяца назад

      Sherlock by SHINee is one of the greatest kpop songs ever and I wish more people knew of it. ITS TOO GOOD

  • @sotmemma1583
    @sotmemma1583 2 месяца назад +1806

    someone needs to introduce this man to heavy beats and noise music kpop artists (stray kids, ateez, nct, everglow, dreamcatcher, etc.) 😭

  • @milkyplumz
    @milkyplumz 2 месяца назад +662

    Jack speaking Korean will never fail to amaze me 🥹😂

  • @cosmicnightwalk7341
    @cosmicnightwalk7341 29 дней назад +14

    Nooo, please keep going. This is so nostalgic. ;_;

  • @th3anxi0usambivert
    @th3anxi0usambivert 2 месяца назад +383

    he’s being so respectful even when talking about his likes and dislikes, his happy face and singing and dancing along makes me so happy as a longtime viewer. could honestly just watch him vibe for hours 🥹

  • @Taylor92Williams
    @Taylor92Williams 2 месяца назад +2301

    We DESPERATELY NEED a second video of Jack reacting to 4th Gen, because I feel like he would be OBSESSED with Stray Kids, Ateez, XG, etc.

    • @mai_suniverse
      @mai_suniverse 2 месяца назад +16


    • @astr0v1
      @astr0v1 2 месяца назад +100

      It would be so cool for him to react to Stray Kids OMG

    • @Rhi_know
      @Rhi_know 2 месяца назад +3


    • @katet8639
      @katet8639 2 месяца назад +49

      Those bg kinda azz tbh

    • @timmyisreallycool
      @timmyisreallycool 2 месяца назад +10

      @@katet8639 right like one of these is not like the others

  • @moopotatokimchi
    @moopotatokimchi 2 месяца назад +1058

    R.I.P. Jonghyun 😢

  • @rena3490
    @rena3490 Месяц назад +5

    I used to be a big k-pop enjoyer, like i have an obsessive personality so when i like something, it becomes everything to me. i was 16 at the time, it was 2018 and my obsession went on for 3 years! knew all the big groups, small groups, upcoming groups and listened to a lot of k-rnb and rap too.
    I had a few groups i really loved like ateez (my bias was yunho) , astro, nct (my bias was jeno, he was my favorite, i loved him sm) and a few independent artists like dean (who, if anyone is readimg this should absolutely check out, hes my favorite solo artist, i still listen to his music) and penomeco. One of the astro members passed away in 2023 and it broke me, he was my favorite out of the group and even now listening to their music makes me choke up.
    I know how much shinee meant to a lot of people, including some of my old online k-pop friends and they still get sad about it, i wish this industry gave their artists more freedom, time for themselves and at least a way to check in with others that aren't managers, or team members.

  • @vanessaa6926
    @vanessaa6926 2 месяца назад +1448

    I love how you cut out Seungri when you showed the bigband picture ❤ You are the real mvp!

    • @hannardee
      @hannardee 2 месяца назад +45

      I noticed that too! Love it

    • @SaturnSpotter
      @SaturnSpotter 2 месяца назад +4

      What did they do?

    • @poutsablue2346
      @poutsablue2346 2 месяца назад

      ​@@SaturnSpotter S.trafficking, gambling and more

    • @nessaxlx
      @nessaxlx 2 месяца назад +142

      @@SaturnSpotter He was involved in the Burning Sun scandal and went to prison

    • @not_mana
      @not_mana 2 месяца назад

      @@SaturnSpotter Burning sun. Search it up, not because I'm a rude person who doesn't want to explain to you, but it's a deep rabbit hole and you will benefit much more by searching for the information yourself. I recommend Rotten Mango's on the burning sun case, very informative. Long story short, Seungri owns a club where inside, exists a s*x trafficking ring, where they assault and drug women in the club, and "give" them to high-paying VIPs to be r*ped and filmed. It's a very deep story worth researching.

  • @kaileystaples8385
    @kaileystaples8385 2 месяца назад +637

    As a retro kpop fan who doesn't really follow it anymore this was positively DELIGHTFUL. I could watch you watch this older stuff ALL DAY EVERY DAY.

    • @lemonsgalore93
      @lemonsgalore93 2 месяца назад +12

      Same, what a walk down nostalgia lane…. Brown eyed girls’ Abracadabra and 2pm got me sucked in…

    • @XPrisca150
      @XPrisca150 2 месяца назад +6

      When the third generation started to “take over” I kind of faded out.
      Sometimes I check up on it, but I don’t follow any new bands. I am very very sad when 2nd generation are barely mentioned, even though they did a lot to build the road of kpop IMO (scandals and all aside). They didn’t gain the western popularity like current generation, they still got a name.
      For Sean giving them so much attention, makes me happy

    • @TisaTinkers
      @TisaTinkers 2 месяца назад

      Ugh this. Vocaloid basshunter. I had such a weeb music Era 😅❤

    • @SoggycereaI
      @SoggycereaI 2 месяца назад +1

      Me too, this was so damn delightful, though I mainly know 3rd gen best. I do genuinely think that 2nd gen is becoming more and more forgotten though, and my telltale for that is whenever I randomly decide to watch those k-pop random dance compilations... they never have 2nd gen songs despite there being plenty of iconic choreos, and hardly any 3rd gen ones.

  • @Zoom_CRAZY
    @Zoom_CRAZY 2 месяца назад +220

    Jacksepticeye being a kpop stan was not on my bingo card 😭 The fact that he knew many groups i also knew just JDNDJFND

  • @aim_berry2252
    @aim_berry2252 Месяц назад +6

    its so cool to see jack open up these cans from his past and enjoy himelf on camera like that 🥹🫶🫶
    as an active international kpop fan i feel like the fandom spaces have gotten way better over the years, at least from the perspective of an outsider. In korea there are still incidents bordering on straight up insane behaviour both from saesangs and „fans” (such as putting up death wreaths only because dude was caught smoking and a pics of his gf from before he even started training came out) but many fans both internationally and in asia have started to gain awareness of their actions and i just hope it keeps on going like that, because the change is really visible.
    anywho my fav group is Ateez, very talented guys who also do have lots of „harder” sounding songs and an amazing lore to go with it :]

  • @ShacysPagelings
    @ShacysPagelings 2 месяца назад +480

    Sèan unintentionally made every of us in their 30's have a major flashback

    • @ShacysPagelings
      @ShacysPagelings 2 месяца назад +6

      Please all the song Sean plays all my playlists ajsnjdd now i have to listen to it again

    • @Kyosumari
      @Kyosumari 2 месяца назад

      Yeah he called me out hard, down to the mirrored choreography we failed to accomplish/

    • @tdelioncourt1268
      @tdelioncourt1268 2 месяца назад +3

      what do you mean? they're still in my playlist haha

    • @mahooi
      @mahooi 2 месяца назад

      ​@@tdelioncourt1268 😂😂fr , I was about to say.

    • @LilKitLen
      @LilKitLen 2 месяца назад

      I'm approaching 26 and I am having flashbacks rn cuz this was also my era :"v

  • @frog5654
    @frog5654 2 месяца назад +557

    HIM KNOWING ALL (literally all) THE EARLIER GEN KPOP LORE AND LEARNING SHINEE DANCES😭😭❤ Korean fans ARE SO PROUD AND HAPPY, we love u Sean 오빠…아니면 이재 삼춘인가..ㅋㅋ

  • @InvaderArisa
    @InvaderArisa 2 месяца назад +226

    I love the vulnerability to find your younger self embarrassing, but not be embarrassed by having been young and embarrassing.
    So many people in the social media era are afraid of being embarrassing, and it's what builds character!
    Loved seeing this part of you Sean!

  • @danapetkova8503
    @danapetkova8503 Месяц назад +3

    I got goosebumps listening to all of these songs!
    It’s nice to see that Sean was a K-pop Stan lol, I wonder if he ever found about vixx, cuz back then they were concept kings

  • @rin.shikto1255
    @rin.shikto1255 Месяц назад +85

    never in my life did I think I would hear jack say "im the legend Thanos" 💀

  • @raynacarraway440
    @raynacarraway440 2 месяца назад +355

    As someone who got into K-Pop during 4th Gen, it’s honestly really cool seeing how passionate Sean is/was about 2nd Gen! Everyone who was a fan back then talks about that time so fondly ☺️

    • @kuroakikitsune
      @kuroakikitsune 2 месяца назад +40

      It was a good time for kpop, so many catchy songs and dances.

    • @hallooos7585
      @hallooos7585 2 месяца назад +14

      I think the Kpop community got more toxic, since when i started actually obsessing with Kpop during 3rd gen

    • @baoziday5178
      @baoziday5178 2 месяца назад +8

      ​@hallooos7585 as someone who started listening to groups in 2016, it definitely got more toxic. Especially fandoms of certain groups, I shall not name but, I'm not longer that into kpop because of it.

    • @MidnightEkaki
      @MidnightEkaki 2 месяца назад +10

      @@hallooos7585 i dont think so. kpop fandoms have been bad since the 90s they had physical fights in korea back then

    • @aniumar5964
      @aniumar5964 2 месяца назад +1

      been ard since 2nd Gen...if you just enjoy the music and ignore the fighting and all that toxic stuff its fine.

  • @Taytortot
    @Taytortot 2 месяца назад +2519

    I'd love to see him react to Stray Kids, Seventeen, Ateez, XG, Dreamcatcher, etc...
    (Also at 22:23 you asked about which group people consider the best in their dance routine and I'd say that Seventeen has been known for their dance skills since their debut in 2015. 'Super' is a song by them that you'd love)

    • @mmmqua
      @mmmqua 2 месяца назад +106

      Yes, SEVENTEEN are literally still the reigning & undisputed Kings of K-pop Dance!!! There are so many amazing dancers out right now, of course, but nobody has consistently brought it like SVT for the last 10 years, and are STILL consistently bringing it hardcore and to the high level they do, when it comes to dance, choreographies, synchronization, & performance, each and every time.

    • @godzsilla5248
      @godzsilla5248 2 месяца назад +4

      Totally agree!!

    • @bblilyylensz
      @bblilyylensz 2 месяца назад +47

      i feel like jack would LOVE dreamcatcher

    • @Vincisomething
      @Vincisomething 2 месяца назад +39

      Seconding XG. I know they're technically not Kpop, but it needs to be added. They're fluent in Korean so good enough lol.

    • @tardybloomer
      @tardybloomer 2 месяца назад +11

      Seventeen the kings of dance !! Thank you for recommending them, i’m a stay and atiny but my first loves were Seventeen !! 💖

  • @sei-chan120
    @sei-chan120 Месяц назад +5

    This was such a throwback video. I heard some of those songs when I was a teenager, crazy how time flies!

  • @orangetaemint
    @orangetaemint 2 месяца назад +421

    Taemin from Shinee is doing a World Tour right now and most of the shows are sold out but the Manchester stop at AO Arena still has seats if you want to indulge your nostalgia and watch him as a mature artist in his early 30s now performing his self-composed/written songs! He’s an even better dancer now and his singing is so amazing he covers Jonghyun’s parts in Shinee’s old songs when he performs with the group ❤

    • @Mooncinder
      @Mooncinder 2 месяца назад +29

      Yes! Taemin is an amazing performer, I can't believe I got tickets. I've been a Shinee fan since 2013 and I'm so happy I finally get to see at least one of them live.

    • @ErinCharlot
      @ErinCharlot 2 месяца назад +10

      Taemin is such an Icon, his solo stuff is just pure magic!!! He's forever gonna be THE KING

    • @im_o
      @im_o 2 месяца назад +11

      bless you for this comment... I didn't know there was a Manchester stop and was so sad when I missed the tickets for the London show 😭 thank you!!! I've got tickets now 🩵

    • @orangetaemint
      @orangetaemint 2 месяца назад +4

      @ I’m so happy to hear that!! The additional stops in Brussels, Manchester and Honolulu didn’t get even a quarter as much advertisement as the initial rollout of the tour so I’ve been trying to spread the word to all the people who missed out when the other stops sold out in 5 mins. I hope you have an amazing time!

    • @magikarpg
      @magikarpg 2 месяца назад +1

      I'm so glad I got tickets for Helsinki, I don't have to travel!

  • @alishakay
    @alishakay 2 месяца назад +549

    Talking about choreographies, Seventeen are well respected for it. Not only for their dance but also their synchronization. Other newer groups involve Ateez and The Boyz.

    • @StarLost96
      @StarLost96 2 месяца назад +22

      Yeeees seventeen especially being such a bigger group and being so in sync

    • @MidoriBel
      @MidoriBel 2 месяца назад +6


    • @strawbrrysugar
      @strawbrrysugar 2 месяца назад +2

      TBZ MENTIONED!!! he would like their road to kingdom performance of reveal for sure

    • @Lemon-x-
      @Lemon-x- 2 месяца назад +6

      Yeah I always think of Seventeen when it comes to boy groups known for choreo and performance. On the girl group side I'd probably say GFRIEND are the top for synchronization and in how deceptively simple their choreo can seem while being really aesthetically pleasing.

    • @arianamarkus5041
      @arianamarkus5041 2 месяца назад +1

      Seventeen was my first thought for the dance/choreography question as well! I don't really keep with them or their music, but I know they're pretty well-known and respected for their dancing and synchronization.
      Ateez was my second thought because they're well-known for their performance skills as a whole (and I'm Atiny, so you know lol) and would probably be better-suited to Sean's apparent music taste than most of Seventeen's stuff

  • @andiniwirawan
    @andiniwirawan Месяц назад +145

    Sean being OG SM Stan and Gen 2 Kpopers will be my favorite septiceye lore🤣🤣🤣

  • @HeyItsZee_
    @HeyItsZee_ Месяц назад +6

    OHMYGOD SEAN LOVESGEN2 KPOP TOO! this is where i started ny kpop journey! I love every group you mentioned! I sobbed when Jonghyun passed and I still get videos with jonghyun and I still tear up. We miss him so much

  • @b3nt055
    @b3nt055 2 месяца назад +269

    seán and shinee??!! an unexpected crossover i didn’t know i needed until NOW

  • @iankneecox4098
    @iankneecox4098 2 месяца назад +346

    glad to know Sean was an SM boy.. taste right there😌

  • @Saturn_13
    @Saturn_13 2 месяца назад +904

    “I like darker and grittier-“ LEMME INTRODUCE YOU TO STRAY KIDS AND ATEEZ-

    • @acgeewhiz
      @acgeewhiz 2 месяца назад +51

      Allow me to also present XG’s “Woke Up”, “Tape 2: GALZ Xypher”, “Undefeated”, etc.

    • @comet_the_emo
      @comet_the_emo 2 месяца назад +1


    • @nalaa9618
      @nalaa9618 2 месяца назад +2

      XG isnt Kpop​@@acgeewhiz

    • @acgeewhiz
      @acgeewhiz 2 месяца назад +9

      @@nalaa9618 For the purposes of this discussion, they might as well be.
      If he likes them, congratulations, he gets to learn about X-Pop, lol. But they’re a Japanese group who promote heavily in Korea (music competition shows, reality shows, interviews), all while singing in English.
      I think that sometimes people get too hung up on what is and what isn’t K-Pop. If you’re afraid of snakes and I show you a legless lizard, you’re probably still going to be afraid.
      *Edited to add: Just in case someone reading this doesn’t know, legless lizards are a real thing. I’m not hypothetically mutilating reptiles.*

    • @jackiejewels5961
      @jackiejewels5961 2 месяца назад +8

      @@Saturn_13 not me thinking of VIXX😂💕

  • @katelynallen9550
    @katelynallen9550 Месяц назад +5

    Mblaq was the group that got me into K-Pop.

  • @skyecrane8045
    @skyecrane8045 2 месяца назад +269

    DUDE SHERLOCK IS STILL ONE OF THEIR BEST SONGS IDC TALK TO THE WALL. Brooo Minho's been my Ult Bias for like 10 years now. Watching Jack watch these "old school" KPop songs is so nostalgic 🥲🥲

    • @SaraRankins.
      @SaraRankins. 2 месяца назад +5

      You should watch stray kids cover of Sherlock! They have a memeber named Minho

    • @Whatsahandle779
      @Whatsahandle779 2 месяца назад +1

      @@SaraRankins.I was just thinking that🙌

    • @kristalclear7602
      @kristalclear7602 2 месяца назад +5

      Sherlock still gets me hyped to this day!! TO THIS DAY!!!

    • @skyecrane8045
      @skyecrane8045 2 месяца назад +2

      @@SaraRankins. I know who SKZ are dw xxx my bias is Changbin 😍

    • @midnightwolf6411
      @midnightwolf6411 2 месяца назад +1

      @@skyecrane8045 my bias is felix and channie

  • @Minasince
    @Minasince 2 месяца назад +104

    Didn’t realize how much I needed that SHINee nostalgic dump. I saw old SHINee on the thumbnail and clicked so hard.

  • @Addie_MyLove
    @Addie_MyLove Месяц назад +184

    Agh! Seeing someone so TICKLED by SHINee brings me so much JOY! The way you were so excited by Lucifer and did the dance with them!! Subscribed!!

  • @Sunnybias
    @Sunnybias Месяц назад +4

    Aww the nostalgia in the songs, dances and feelings back in 2009-2016 (even up to 2018) 😢❤ It’s truly a unique experience that brings joy like nothing else.

  • @autumnlove96able
    @autumnlove96able 2 месяца назад +136

    As a SHAWOL of 14 years who grew up with the same generation jack did, this made me so unbelievably happy OMG 😭I haven't thought about BEAST in AGES

  • @klaragranzow2540
    @klaragranzow2540 2 месяца назад +573

    For newer boy groups who make noise music I can recommend Stray Kids, Ateez and Xikers! Also I'm so excited that you've been into Kpop when I also got into my first Kpop phase

    • @atticghost2739
      @atticghost2739 2 месяца назад +11

      i second these recommendations!! i love all three of these groups

    • @Abbyintheboxes
      @Abbyintheboxes 2 месяца назад +18


    • @d4sparade
      @d4sparade 2 месяца назад


    • @np-cos4065
      @np-cos4065 2 месяца назад +6

      OOH I've been meaning to check out Xikers! I saw their 'WITCH' dance practice and was absolutely blown away!

    • @bandnerd545
      @bandnerd545 2 месяца назад +13

      The Rose makes noise songs too. Highly recommend Back to Me or alive

  • @blurry010
    @blurry010 2 месяца назад +461

    part 2 of this video but you reacting to newer k-pop stuff like ateez and stray kids would be SO COOL AND FUN

  • @Airinfiinity
    @Airinfiinity Месяц назад +3

    i need him to now review modern k-pop and the new gens bc it changed so much and its nice to compare!

  • @Smothiez_
    @Smothiez_ 2 месяца назад +372

    The 2nd gen of k-pop was the best in my opinion.
    Not just for its music but also for its iconic variety shows like Family Outing / Weekly Idol / Invincible Youth / We Got Married / Star Dance Battle / Star King / Idol Army Show, and more.
    These Shows allowed idols to interact freely, showcasing their personalities. Unfortunately, such interactions are rare today due to overly sensitive fan reactions.

    • @xDisABlez
      @xDisABlez 2 месяца назад +2

      Those shows were so good!

    • @raxacorico
      @raxacorico 2 месяца назад +8

      we got married WAS THE SHITTTT i rewatched the taemin naeun one recently cause i needed a funny background noise

    • @youlleatamuffinandlikeit4596
      @youlleatamuffinandlikeit4596 2 месяца назад +13

      fr kpop ain't the same anymore. BTS getting big was the turning point, and now it's all just made for tik tok 😭

    • @MonAhgasInsomniAroELF
      @MonAhgasInsomniAroELF 2 месяца назад

      @@raxacorico WGM was fine, could have been so much better if korea wasn't h0mophob1c and included girlxgirl and boyxboy pairs too. oh the funny pairings we could have had 😔 tbh they should bring it back updated like this 😏

    • @exhaustedpunk1477
      @exhaustedpunk1477 2 месяца назад +4

      Suju's explorers of the human body was such a bizarre and funny show, the first batch of ISAC events had an unique vibe to them as well that I feel got lost along the way, hello baby was an insane concept as well. I remember watching some of them without subs because they were that entertaining, truly simpler times

  • @builtonnofoundation
    @builtonnofoundation Месяц назад +175

    I fucking love you Sean. The fact that you are just putting all this out here rules. Its not cringe is just just you honestly loving something and being proud of it. Youre awesome and I feel so seen. haha

  • @RestingQuill
    @RestingQuill 2 месяца назад +890

    I now need a part 2 where Sean reacts to Stray Kids, Ateez, and txt. I feel like he would absolutely love their music

    • @RestingQuill
      @RestingQuill 2 месяца назад

      I think if you were to search "kpop noise music" you would most likely get the music you like thats newer

    • @amdraglover
      @amdraglover 2 месяца назад +21

      As a Staytiny and baby carat I def agree!

    • @iluvpuffins6670
      @iluvpuffins6670 2 месяца назад +22

      Definitely. I’m an Atiny. I need his reaction to Wonderland Symphony #9 and Guerillas and the break the wall fan chant lol

    • @CJ-cz3hv
      @CJ-cz3hv 2 месяца назад +13

      My non kpop fiance only likes Ateez, they have this sound that anyone can listen to

    • @im_boo_11
      @im_boo_11 2 месяца назад +2

      100%, if that happened I would die happy

  • @daze4447
    @daze4447 Месяц назад +1

    Him knowing BEAST was a big shock for me!!

  • @mikuzillas
    @mikuzillas Месяц назад +454

    Since Sean mentioned loving Jonghyun’s vocals I think he’d absolutely adore ATEEZ’s Jongho, I really wanna see him react to Guerrilla, Cyberpunk and Halazia

  • @pumpkinonwheels4238
    @pumpkinonwheels4238 2 месяца назад +90

    Sean being a 2nd gen stan makes so much sense. And also TASTE. Seconding the recs for ATEEZ and Stray Kids. I think he’d adore them. Dreamcatcher too! And I am BEGGING for him to watch some of Taemin’s solo work.

  • @strawberryeosang
    @strawberryeosang Месяц назад +892

    if you like a 'darker' tone i definitely recommend ATEEZ (guerrilla, bouncy, halazia,...) their lore is also INSANE !!!

    • @ditto5538
      @ditto5538 Месяц назад +26

      also one of the best dancing groups out there!!

    • @mixiesticks
      @mixiesticks Месяц назад +1


    • @myaaj3474
      @myaaj3474 Месяц назад +1

      yesss i was going to recommend them too!

    • @billyloomis8263
      @billyloomis8263 Месяц назад +3

      This the one.

    • @FlowerChildQ
      @FlowerChildQ Месяц назад +7

      ATEEZ all the way!!!

  • @Briebeell
    @Briebeell 12 дней назад

    It’s so nice to see someone who appreciates K-pop to react to it and be so nostalgic

  • @King_Jonghyun
    @King_Jonghyun 2 месяца назад +335

    GOT7 appreciation comment passing by since they're 3rd gen and they just had an amazing comeback 💚

    • @deeveedee379
      @deeveedee379 2 месяца назад +12

      I KNOW I'M AN ICON 🔊🔊🔊

    • @King_Jonghyun
      @King_Jonghyun 2 месяца назад

      @deeveedee379 WATCH ME WITH THE LIGHTS ON 💡💡💡

    • @PhantamSam
      @PhantamSam 2 месяца назад +13

      Python is incredible and has been on repeat. Not to mention they had a banger year of solo releases in 2024.

    • @bignonoIamAgirl
      @bignonoIamAgirl 2 месяца назад +10

      I am so happy to see a got7 comment

    • @King_Jonghyun
      @King_Jonghyun 2 месяца назад +9

      @@bignonoIamAgirl ahgase representation was missing ☺💚

  • @ANBUAzula33
    @ANBUAzula33 2 месяца назад +127

    Clicked because SHINee in thumbnail. Thank you for the jog down memory lane.

  • @jellycatfish
    @jellycatfish 2 месяца назад +71

    When Seán said he liked Mic Drop, I said out loud: then you'll like Fire! And he said he liked that song as well, it gave me the biggest smile I've had on my face for days! I really enjoyed watching all the older songs too, I knew all of them.

    • @no.1yoongistan
      @no.1yoongistan 2 месяца назад +3

      i was smiling so hard SJSJS

    • @SoggycereaI
      @SoggycereaI 2 месяца назад +3

      I'm sure he'd like the current solo stuff from BTS, since I do feel like it's generally gone further from the squeaky mainstream pop sound (Dynamite, Butter) that I also don't like, but the genres are very personable atp. I might be biased saying that I love J-hopes solo work and would love to see him listen, (like I love Arson and I can see him liking it as well for example) and also Yoongi's work as well!!

  • @HulkVahkiin
    @HulkVahkiin Месяц назад +1

    Jack being a listener to K-Pop back in the day is amazing, and yes, BIGBANG was already legendary even back in the day.

  • @madelinestokes5548
    @madelinestokes5548 2 месяца назад +277

    As a current kpop stan (since 2016), girls generation and shinee will forever be iconic :)

    • @contendedtea3733
      @contendedtea3733 2 месяца назад +17

      Girls generation on top 🙏

    • @Dwaekki_At_Hearteu
      @Dwaekki_At_Hearteu 2 месяца назад +18


    • @honeysweet4804
      @honeysweet4804 2 месяца назад +6

      we joined around the same tome

    • @madelinestokes5548
      @madelinestokes5548 2 месяца назад +2

      @ cool! :) who was your first group?

    • @yogaandrianto4113
      @yogaandrianto4113 2 месяца назад +3

      GG was and still IS the only group that I follow to this day. I follow some person from other groups (as individual / solo work), but as a whole group? None defeat soshi in my world 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🖤

  • @alanardominim
    @alanardominim 2 месяца назад +768

    Unfortunately, the k-pop world is still a mixed bag of stuff. Fandoms are absolutely insane, tearing at each other's throats over every possible perceived slight. There's also been a rise in what's called 'solo stans', which means ppl that are so obsessed with a single member of the group that they're rallying to have that member leave and start their own thing (and on the opposite side there's those who hate a member and want them to leave to protect the rest of their precious members). For example, recently a member of Riize, a 7 member boy group, got the worst treatment because he had a girlfriend? and smoked? before he was even in the group?? The company did nothing to help and these kstans went insane (there's been a recent trend of antis sending Funeral Wreaths with vile messages to the companies, talk about yikes) . It's bad, it's a very toxic place in general and if you find a few good friends that are ...y'know, mature enough to use their brains, then that's great, but in general every other day there's a "scandal"
    Some artists, if they're popular enough have more of a leg to stand on when signing contracts, but a lot are still basically owned by their companies.
    Some groups I'd recommend listening to, from the more newer generations, i guess, would be some of the BTS members solo albums (as you said, some are still in the military but they pre-recorded individual albums), Seventeen (one of the top groups when it comes to choreos), Stray Kids (this one seems to be very much to your taste, I think? They're also friends with Ryan Reynolds, ayy), Ateez (there's a lot of new groups, but idk if you'd be that interested in groups that are spanning between 18 and early 20s year group). For girl groups, G-Idle, Mamamoo, Twice, Red Velvet (I'm also trying to name groups you haven't mentioned that you've heard on tiktok already). Different members of Shinee and Big Bang are still putting out music, definitely recommend checking out Taemin and Key's stuff as well as Taeyang and G-Dragon
    If anyone comes at me for not mentioning a specific group, I will knife you. Please be mature about it oh my god.

    • @kimpark6325
      @kimpark6325 2 месяца назад +55

      God you are so right about the toxicity. Some fandoms are better than others from what ive seen but generally its a mixed bag frl frl

    • @septiceye_3706
      @septiceye_3706 2 месяца назад +23

      Omg, you have no idea how much I appreciate this update on the k pop world!! ❤❤❤❤ Haven't been in the loop ever since 2022, so this bit of insight is genuinely appreciated!!

    • @moopotatokimchi
      @moopotatokimchi 2 месяца назад +14

      @alanardominim I found my best friend in the world through Stray Kids. She's literally my platonic soul mate. And we never would have met without kpop. But I also at the same time have had to pull away from some other Fandoms for my own sanity because the toxicity is out of this world. It's a catch 22 society

    • @SHINeeNAilee
      @SHINeeNAilee 2 месяца назад +14

      All members of SHINee are still putting out music!

    • @witcherye
      @witcherye 2 месяца назад +13

      ​​@@moopotatokimchi I have a similar experience, I found my soulmate when we were very active within a kpop fandom. I as ARMY and he as EXOL. I love him so much, we have been best friends for nine years.

  • @joycebelleflamme
    @joycebelleflamme 2 месяца назад +522

    I completely agree with what Jack said about preferring songs with a more 'darker' or 'edgy/mature' sound. Because of that, I gravitate a lot towards Stray Kids and Ateez, as they have a lot of very good songs in that area. But jeez, everything shown in this video was such a blast from the past!

    • @CuteKittyKatelyn
      @CuteKittyKatelyn 2 месяца назад +2

      Same here :)

    • @SynthAir
      @SynthAir 2 месяца назад +8

      Yeah, same here. For example I wasn't really a fan of Twice until their album Eyes Wide Open. That album is utterly fantastic. I'd imagine Jack would like it, and he'd probably like Minnie's Her, Aespa's Whiplash, and almost anything by Big Bang, 2NE1, NCT 127, Bibi, Chung Ha, or Kiss of Life. There's so much!!

    • @tomboysquirrel
      @tomboysquirrel 2 месяца назад +6

      Yeah I always like the trap / EDM style kpop

    • @tdelioncourt1268
      @tdelioncourt1268 2 месяца назад

      OnlyOneOf and Pink Fantasy too (both too underrated) ! technically not k"pop" but Bewhy, Dpr Ian and Bibi would most likely match his taste too.

    • @beomkaslana
      @beomkaslana 2 месяца назад

      Despite me prefering more cutesy and fun kpop songs like earlier Twice and TXT, Red Velvet, Boynextdoor, QWER, etc... Love me some quirky edgy noise music too, kpop is not complete without them (!!!)

  • @theodorelouro
    @theodorelouro Месяц назад +1

    seeing my old hyperfixation react to my current hyperfixation is so wild i love it

  • @seduelle
    @seduelle 2 месяца назад +80

    shawol sean, our comrade ✊ all the shinee members have solo careers now as well, it'd be dope to see his reaction to their songs. they all have different sounds from each other, but you can hear the influence their solo careers have had on the more recent (2015 and beyond) shinee albums. it's amazing how all their individual skills and experiences come together to create something entirely new every time.

  • @airtemis
    @airtemis 2 месяца назад +117

    Jonghyun is my ultimate bias, it's so great hearing others remember him. It was December 2017, i still think about the morning when i read the news 💔

    • @LifeAndSophia
      @LifeAndSophia 2 месяца назад +5

      I remember that morning so vividly. I was in my living room and I had just woken up. It took me like 10 minutes for the info to set in and I just remember crying all day and playing all of his music on repeat. He’s dearly missed and he’ll live on as one of the greatest 💕

    • @youlleatamuffinandlikeit4596
      @youlleatamuffinandlikeit4596 2 месяца назад +3

      That morning is seared into my brain because of how surreal it was. I was in my room, woke up, went on my phone to check r/kpop and was floored by the news. couldn't even say "oh it's like that time everyone thought tom cruise was dead and he had to post on twitter that he wasn't"...except the news had already been confirmed by sm hours before. It still makes me sad to listen to his music. 😔

    • @anhcharizard
      @anhcharizard 2 месяца назад +2

      I called my old best friend who was also obsessed with k-pop as me, at like 3-4 am and was DOOM scrolling after we heard the news… still so unfortunate 😢 I remember my heart sinking at that moment 🕊️r.i.p

    • @airtemis
      @airtemis 2 месяца назад +3

      @anhcharizard Oh man, yeah I wish I'd had my friend around. I cried nonstop for three whole days and felt numb for a couple of weeks. I still listen to his music though. Even though it stings still, it's almost therapeutic to hear his voice.

    • @willowg7131
      @willowg7131 Месяц назад +4

      It was the first time grief hit me so hard. I instantly burst into tears and ran downstairs and hugged my mom, and I'm never that impulsive. Not something I'll soon forget. May he rest in peace.

  • @kitty-kat6928
    @kitty-kat6928 2 месяца назад +81

    As a SONE I feel so proud that jack knows Girl's generation. He even said GG!, and knew that Jessica left😢. Plus thank you for remembering our 2 angels jonghyun and hara. ❤

  • @seon_njang
    @seon_njang Месяц назад +1

    It is genuinely so fascinating and cool to hear you gush about kpop, something I’ve only gotten into in the last 2 years, especially coming from a youtuber i watched way before then. It’s really sweet to hear you talk about learning the dances and fawn over these artists. I have definitely gained an interest in checking out these older artists with more urgency since I’m more of a modern fan haha. Thanks for sharing this part of you with us bc I know the stigma kpop fans usually get and it’s rlly nice to see some reputable and casual fans in the wild haha

  • @NataliePark-we9hz
    @NataliePark-we9hz 2 месяца назад +127

    Ateez definitely has some of the best Choreo right now, and them and Stray Kids probably have a sound most similar to what Sean likes.

  • @turtlekyo
    @turtlekyo 2 месяца назад +145

    as a 2nd gen fan this is so healing !! kpop fans at my university mainly like 4th gen and later so i have no one who shares my enthusiasm for older groups

    • @melissaduong784
      @melissaduong784 2 месяца назад +14

      ikr i just think 2nd gen is superior

    • @exosproudmamabear558
      @exosproudmamabear558 Месяц назад

      4th gen is meh , 3rd gen is much more better they had more variety and it was the peak,5th gen is straight trash . 2nd gen music seriously isnt for me I am an exol even loving their 2nd gen like songs I cant help but cringe. Those beats and metallic aliminium clothing God.

  • @alishakay
    @alishakay 2 месяца назад +835

    Judging by Sean's tastes, he might like
    Ateez - Guerilla, The Real
    TXT - 0X1 Lovesong, Puma
    Stray Kids - Thunderous, Topline
    Xdinary Heroes (I don't listen to them often but they're an amazing rock band, their fandom can suggest some songs).

    • @avalonwolf
      @avalonwolf 2 месяца назад +56

      For Xdinary Heroes I'd recommend Strawberry Cake and Freakin' Bad

    • @PixelWolf0325
      @PixelWolf0325 2 месяца назад +26

      Xdinary Heroes’ Save Me is what grabbed me after Han shared it on his IG. Probably would fit in with his tastes.

    • @DatBoiAntix
      @DatBoiAntix 2 месяца назад +15

      NCT 127 - Fact check. Not one for boy groups but NCT 127 somehow surpassed the gate because of how hard they go.

    • @tullytubbies314
      @tullytubbies314 2 месяца назад +18

      His taste is giving *BREAK THE WALL* 👹👹☠️⛓️😤💀

    • @1kornygrrl
      @1kornygrrl 2 месяца назад +13

      Xdinary Heroes- Instead!!!

  • @jaredbush1032
    @jaredbush1032 Месяц назад +1

    sean is so authentic and honest i love him