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Reviews for "You Are Disabled"

Iam giving the best rate. Even on Illiterate it is pretty hard game, but it has an idea and the reason to be so hard.
Sure, Spastic and Illiterate are not exatly disabilities, but still they are indeed handicaps (especially the spastic is a giant handicap for any kind of game)

And I thought before the crippled will be the hardest option, how even could it be posible to make it through all those platforms?!.. Oh I see now. Wow, that was unexpected.

I will respond on early reviews here about "more humility, portrays of ignorance" and such.
You are forgetting one main thing. the "crippled" is the same person as any of us. Anyone among us can get any kind of injury or handicap and got to DEAL with it somehow in its life. Deal with changes, emotions, new obstacles and judgements.

And that is the main point about this game I love. I had to deal with any problem I get to finnish the game.

Although I understand what your trying to do with this game, it ends up coming off pretentious and in all honesty offensive to people who have actual disabilities. Half your list of disabilities (namely illiteracy and "spastic") are not disabilities by themselves; they are symptoms and indicators of a deeper-rooted problems. It would have helped if you had friends/family members/peers to base the story on because this overly dramatic game -- from the creative liberties you took to program each "disability" to the purple prose signs you have scattered throughout the game -- actually portrays the ignorance most people have towards the physically and mentally disabled community. I'm not critiquing the gameplay, I'm critiquing the purpose of the game. I commend you for trying to pull something quite ambitious off, but next time you need to do so with more humility.

I cant Jump

Haha, I kinda broke the game. At one level, I was Spastic, then I jumped on the roof, went the whole way, then through the ladder, and still lost. XD

Other that that little bug, it was a fun game. I can understand the bug since you only had 72 hours. ;)

So I loved this game I honestly did however the crippled part made me um....well i cried lol im kind of weak when it comes to emotions. This game is sad, and well developed so great job at it. I hope you continue to make video games