There's nothing wrong with swearing, but it takes the emphasis away from the points you really want to make. For example, if you swore once in the video, whatever point you were making at the time really sticks with the viewer because it was so important it made you swear. The more you swear the less impact it has.
But then again, this means nothing if you made the video just for fun and didn't give a shit whether your point got across. In that case, cuss away
The only problem I had with the video is that it wasn't so much "porn etiquette" as it was just "business etiquette". I'd love to see a video where you enlighten us with more rules or experiences that are unique to you or the pron industry. Like that point about fluffers - I still thought they were a thing.
Oh, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who'd be interested on your thoughts about star wars