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DEC 09 2021

Now in Beta: Automate your Releases with the Workflow Builder

Get ready to launch features… with even more automation! The Workflow Builder allows you t...

Now in Beta: Automate your Releases with the Workflow Builder featured image

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Get ready to launch features with even more automation!

Over the years, LaunchDarkly has helped developers move faster by decoupling their code deploys from the business processes that are necessary to release features to end-users. As part of learning how our customers build software, we became familiar with multiple processes and safeguards that customers typically need to follow. To help with this, we’re excited to announce the Workflow Builder now available in Beta, which allows users to define complex release workflows that help automate aspects of your release, making them safer and repeatable. Now you can schedule future rollout stages, target multiple segments, and even include multiple reviews for different parts of your releases.

Workflows allow a release manager or product manager to define when a feature flag is released, how it’s released, to whom, and requires which approvals. With workflows, you no longer need a reminder to manually update the status of a flag rollout. Instead, you can set and forget all the steps of your release process whether you need to implement a quick soft launch or a slow progressive rollout.

Scheduled Rollout

Previously it was possible to schedule a single flag change. And now you can schedule many flag changes along a visual timeline so you can get back to the more important job of innovating new feature ideas!

Multi-stage Approvals

For teams that have approvals built-in as a required step in their release process, workflows have support for them. You can choose to add an approval as the first stage of a release and optionally add more approvals as you continue the flag rollout to different users. 

Get access to Workflows

While we put the finishing touches on a few things before we make this Generally Available soon, we’ve made Workflows available in Beta to all Enterprise plan customers. If you’re interested in getting access to try it out, feel free to request access here.

Share your story

As you know, the team at LaunchDarkly will dogfood everything before we ship it to customers to help us build better user empathy. In line with this, our product and engineering teams have been discovering a lot of creative ways in which workflows help them automate feature launches. Stay tuned for my next post where I share some examples for inspiration! In the meantime, if you’d like to share an example of workflows you’d like to see in LaunchDarkly, email me at with the subject “Workflows.” We look forward to hearing from you!

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