^^^Can't tell if this was written by a 5th grader or 6th grader...but definitely by someone with no idea what relationship lawyers, the law, rights and courts have to do with one another.
I am glad the US grants it's citizens the freedom to think and say what they want irrespective of how nonsensical, hypocritical, etc.
I make a perfectly on point, rationed response ...not a single exclamation point, all-cap word nor underhanded insult but according the this ^^^ person I'm the one in need of chilling. I just love the knack of some people to totally contradict themselves minutes apart.:hatsoff:
Talk about a clue? Get in the same time zone as your constitution sometimes...occasionally pass by some case law on the subject, read one syllable about the history of our rights and their origins first before you start babbling simplistically on the internet about something so absolutely and clearly over your head.
Illegal people residing in the US is not an excuse for potentially trampling the rights of citizens the constitution and case law protects in order to get them out.
Our laws and constitution say the g'ment has to have a tangible reason for detaining and/or investigating it's people. You're okay with being detained and investigated to find out if you belong here..okay...so.:dunno: The rights in our constitution and laws apply to more than just Sparky Shorts...If she's willing to individually relinquish her rights...that's her business.
Or have you somehow concocted a method in your mind whereby ONLY illegals are detained and investigated? If you haven't, then guess what? Legal residents will potentially have their rights violated.
I understand how some of you get tied so hopelessly and ignorantly to some dumb agenda or group of talking points....but how is that simple point not understood in all this?
Maybe because you're also arguing out of both sides of your mouth...Claiming on the one hand it doesn't violate the rights of citizens because illegals have "no" rights..whilst on the other hand saying legal residents have no reason to worry if they can prove they belong here.
Not really a big fan of something like this but it would be pretty instructive, if not fun for some of the cops who may disagree with this law to stop and detain some of you who "belong here". Although the embarrassingly shallow knowledge you have of your laws and rights really call into question the "belong" part... But it would be fun to see some of you detained while the cop checks your license...checks to see if it's legit and not faked, hauls you down to check with INS to see if you should have papers to be here or not...That might be a pretty instructive way to learn some of you up about your rights and why we have them.:wave: