What Happened to the Below Deck Thread?


New Member
Has anyone seen anything real from KF? I don’t think she’s going to show anything but always hoping
She has offered me nipples and boobs but Im not buying unless its a group effort and it been sets from $70-$100+. I would prefer to pool money so the risk is low. Also would prefer someone else to run the pool...she also told me she would do full nude but not yet. Could be lying about all of it but wont really know until someone is a hero amongst us or we band together to make a go at it.


New Member
She has offered me nipples and boobs but Im not buying unless its a group effort and it been sets from $70-$100+. I would prefer to pool money so the risk is low. Also would prefer someone else to run the pool...she also told me she would do full nude but not yet. Could be lying about all of it but wont really know until someone is a hero amongst us or we band together to make a go at it.
Negotiate with her. Tell her you'll give her $10 for a pic with nipples actually showing, and will spring for the rest if she comes through


Active Member
I’m guessing no one believes in the KF photo she’s trying to promote on onlyfans. I honestly don’t thing she will show anything
There is already a topless picture of her out there. I've seen it. She's not all that attractive IMO, but for some reason this forum is abuzz about her.