Our point Poggy is we want no insults ,eitheir in the open or in private rep.We think the abusive stuff happens in private more than in the open.Thats the way it works in the world also.Abusers will not do the things they do in private in public.And as to our abilities to debate things without resorting to insults I think that is a comparison I welcome any time on any issue.
That's the point of the word
private. No one sees it.
So what your saying is you never take someone to one side and argue with them. You've never insulted someone in private. You've EVER insulted, abused or called someone a name. If you haven't then your better than ever other person in the world.
Now without PM's the abuse and insults would come onto the board. Everyone getting banned or would just leave. Do you actually want that to happen at FreeOnes? Every board uses PM's for this reason as well as others. To keep the arguing off the board as much as possible.
Now most people here know I don't take much notice of the rep anyway. I judge members from there posts. So leaving me a neg rep just makes me laugh. Because they actually think that would upset or hurt me. Now if they sent me a PM we might have something to discuss. That could breakdown into a argument. But it wouldn't effect anyone but us.
Now bring this onto the board as you twos suggested before in your "if it's done in private, it should be done in public" speach. Then others get involved and soon there is a big mess of people just fighting with each other. What a great sight this board would become. With all these people bring out this issue and that issue onto the board. Great sight that would be with other taking sides just because they are friends.
So are PM's important. I believe they are.
Is rep important. Well my answer has always been the the same
"take it away and see if I care!". Because as I've always said, I don't look at it and I don't judge people on it. Hence why I always laugh when people say to me "I got plenty of good/bad rep for this and that".
Dave_Rhino said:
Thought you'd never heard of him?
Dave Rhino that is called been sarcastic.
You use it often when I see the countless times you post "use the search function" comment all over.
As I know DarkJester better than you think.