MFF (Report)
12 years ago
The ramblings of a hedgie:
As I mentioned before, was an absolute blast, and pretty much everything I could ask for in a first con!
1. Getting to meet (and hug)
dogbomb. He's been a hero of mine for quite a while now, and no matter how I try to rationalize things and calm down, I still get a little choked up thinking about the fact I was able to talk with him, even for a minute or two. On a related note, thanks
rexraccoon and
teh for getting his attention when I was too shy to .
2. Getting to chat with
fox0808. I've loved his art for quite some time, and it was great to talk to him in person
3. Randomly meeting
Gummy-Sweet and knowing within 5 minutes that I was gonna miss her after the con was over hope to see you again really soon!!
4. Room parties!! All of them were great, was nice meeting the squeakies like
ipequey and
dariomouse, and the
rcking's party and photoshoot for Samantha's Sweet 16 was amazing, got to meet a lot of people that I've admired and been inspired by for a long time.
5. Meeting
shadowulf Definitely looking forward to seeing you next year at MFF, if not sooner.
6. Hanging out with
skrugg! We really need to hang out more, was way too kind to me
cocoeagle and his Applejack suit! I love quadsuits, especially super plushie ones of that kind, and am still super thrilled to have gotten to see one in person, hug him, and get pictures taken with him!
8. Airport con with
sakurafox was great to meet you at the con, and getting to chat with you on the way out helped keep my spirits up, thanks!
9. Other peeps I met that I didn't already mention!
tigerpawatl and a ton of others I'm sure that I'm forgetting!
Con Regrets (I've had a few)
1. Not being able to to go all the panels I was thinking of! Between sleeping late and spending so much time derping around in suit, a lot of panels sorta went by the wayside, only actually ended up attending 2 of them.
2. Missing the photo shoot. This was much like the panels, an issue of me spending way too much time running around in suit and meeting soooooo many people that by the time I was gonna go to the photo shoot it was too late, making Connor a sad wuffy
3. Not sticking around at
sevenwolf's party. Skrugg was nice enough to get me in and everything, but after we left it for a bit, I decided to not head back up to the party. Found out afterwards that I missed a ton of fun and a bunch of people that I really wanted to meet, still really bummed about it.
4. Not running into
bunnyman! Hope that I can meet up with him at FC!
5. My shyness. I have a bad habit of building people into celebrities in my mind, and then having an attitude of "why the heck would someone like them want to talk with me?" This led to what I feel were a lot of missed opportunities, much like Bauer's party, and I really hope to rectify this soon! There are so many awesome people in this fandom, I can't help feeling a little overwhelmed, but more than that I want to be a bigger part of it, and I can't do that if I can't even bring myself to talk to anyone.
Overall, a great first con, and really made me learn a lot about myself, some of which I hope to correct, and some of which I need to follow through more on! Thanks to both the staff of MFF and all the amazing fuzzies that made it the best weekend of my life!
1. Getting to meet (and hug)

2. Getting to chat with

3. Randomly meeting

4. Room parties!! All of them were great, was nice meeting the squeakies like

5. Meeting

6. Hanging out with


8. Airport con with

9. Other peeps I met that I didn't already mention!

Con Regrets (I've had a few)
1. Not being able to to go all the panels I was thinking of! Between sleeping late and spending so much time derping around in suit, a lot of panels sorta went by the wayside, only actually ended up attending 2 of them.
2. Missing the photo shoot. This was much like the panels, an issue of me spending way too much time running around in suit and meeting soooooo many people that by the time I was gonna go to the photo shoot it was too late, making Connor a sad wuffy
3. Not sticking around at

4. Not running into

5. My shyness. I have a bad habit of building people into celebrities in my mind, and then having an attitude of "why the heck would someone like them want to talk with me?" This led to what I feel were a lot of missed opportunities, much like Bauer's party, and I really hope to rectify this soon! There are so many awesome people in this fandom, I can't help feeling a little overwhelmed, but more than that I want to be a bigger part of it, and I can't do that if I can't even bring myself to talk to anyone.
Overall, a great first con, and really made me learn a lot about myself, some of which I hope to correct, and some of which I need to follow through more on! Thanks to both the staff of MFF and all the amazing fuzzies that made it the best weekend of my life!
Hopefully next time, both of us will be able to over come out shyness !
One again, glad you had a good time :D We'll catch Bunnyman at FC for sure!
When I'm making a better salary, I'll be able to justify going to a con. I'd like to make one. Just one...
- The Desert Fox
Pics coming soon!