(Latest novel, 'Three Wasted Chances', is available here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CLRSSCLC)
Finally, I can call the Fatality series complete! And here is the finished cover for the third novel to prove it!
Took a few years to get here, but got there in the end. Also meant sitting on the whole series idea for years without getting to actually work on it and showcase it. Themes were very important throughout this, and the last one needed to be the three white stumps with the full reveal of Fatality's rather alien silhouette (because only devoted readers get to the third book anyway, so at this point they're bought into her weird appearance), and then the whole apocalyptic sight of the flaming asteroid. More color, just as surreal. Took me less time to make this one than the second because I very clearly knew what I wanted here and then just had to do it.
Frankly basic Photoshop and chaotic work at this point. Layers, paint overs for the fireball. Absolutely cool result in the end.
Photoshop CS4, Chaotica
For those who want to know more about Aons, Forces, and my character, Fatality...
The 'Fatality' series published by Dream's Edge Publishing, is available on Amazon:
USA eBooks www.amazon.com/dp/B0BFK7P1GG
UK eBooks www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BFK7P1GG
Finally, I can call the Fatality series complete! And here is the finished cover for the third novel to prove it!
Took a few years to get here, but got there in the end. Also meant sitting on the whole series idea for years without getting to actually work on it and showcase it. Themes were very important throughout this, and the last one needed to be the three white stumps with the full reveal of Fatality's rather alien silhouette (because only devoted readers get to the third book anyway, so at this point they're bought into her weird appearance), and then the whole apocalyptic sight of the flaming asteroid. More color, just as surreal. Took me less time to make this one than the second because I very clearly knew what I wanted here and then just had to do it.
Frankly basic Photoshop and chaotic work at this point. Layers, paint overs for the fireball. Absolutely cool result in the end.
Photoshop CS4, Chaotica
For those who want to know more about Aons, Forces, and my character, Fatality...
The 'Fatality' series published by Dream's Edge Publishing, is available on Amazon:
USA eBooks www.amazon.com/dp/B0BFK7P1GG
UK eBooks www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BFK7P1GG
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Alien (Other)
Gender Intersex
Size 800 x 1280px
File Size 675.3 kB