im seeing alot of girls with biracial babies but no dad

what is it with the trend of white girls having biracial babies and then of course i see them all the time walking around by themselves. this confuses me
this seems like it might be a problem but it seems society is afraid to address it
Depends on the racial mix up of the area you see these kids in, I think it's a myth that any one race has more fatherless children, normally it depends on the affluence of the area and poorer areas where you are most likely to see single parents (especially in the cities) often have large minority populations but if you went to a primarily white housing estate/trailer park you'd see plenty of white girls with white kids. Lately I've been watching the Jeremy Kyle show :facepalm: everyday (UK equivalent of Jerry Springer) and they do like DNA tests for single mothers and of the 50+ or so cases i've seen over the past few months they are all virtually white (mum and potential dad(s)) which only further leads me to believe that there is a link between poverty (and poor areas) and single mums rather than race and single mums. :2 cents:
what is it with the trend of white girls having biracial babies and then of course i see them all the time walking around by themselves. this confuses me
this seems like it might be a problem but it seems society is afraid to address it

What'chu mean by 'of course'???

Please explain, because it sounds like you're saying that it's a foregone conclusion that if a white girl has a baby by a man of another race, the father will skip out on them both.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
This not a color issue. This is an issue of a younger generation not taking full responsibility for themselves. I see alot of single young mothers, not all with "bi-racial" kids.
Maybe you just focus on the mixed kids.
This not a color issue. This is an issue of a younger generation not taking full responsibility for themselves. I see alot of single young mothers, not all with "bi-racial" kids.
Maybe you just focus on the mixed kids.
I saw this thread, sighed, and clicked on it, expecting the worst. Thank you for dissapointing me, and presenting a rational view.
what is it with the trend of white girls having biracial babies and then of course i see them all the time walking around by themselves. this confuses me
this seems like it might be a problem but it seems society is afraid to address it

Really? You must get around to be seeing 'alot' (sic) of something like this. For you to see a chick with a 'biracial' baby and then automatically know what the status of her relationship is with the kid's father is quite an amazing talent.

But then again, we all know how this thread is about to turn out.
I thought that Revamp would have been the creator here.

just because the dad isn't there at the exact moment doesn't mean he is a dead beat dad.
I've seen white mothers with bi-racial (half black/half white) kids. Most of the time the mother's are alone. So it's unknown whether the BF or husband is working (and can't take time off work to be with her) or incarcerated.
What'chu mean by 'of course'???

Please explain, because it sounds like you're saying that it's a foregone conclusion that if a white girl has a baby by a man of another race, the father will skip out on them both.

so you're sayin it's not common. i dont think i doubt your thought about white kids without white dads but i think its far more prevelant in minority communitys. if you can prove me wrong i am all ears.
Did you read what I asked you???

Don't put put words in my mouth and answer the question... or don't. If you choose not to, that's fine, but don't pin words on me that do not belong.
Its all those planes with their chemtrails, its not exhaust or ice crystals in the atmosphere their dropping sperm!!!
Biracial Alien Sperm!
Did you read what I asked you???

Don't put put words in my mouth and answer the question... or don't. If you choose not to, that's fine, but don't pin words on me that do not belong.

what im saying is its WAY MORE PREVELANT IN MINORITY COMMUNITIES and that is a godamn disgrace. :2 cents::2 cents::2 cents:
so you're sayin it's not common. i dont think i doubt your thought about white kids without white dads but i think its far more prevelant in minority communitys. if you can prove me wrong i am all ears.

No one here including you can prove anything unless you have exact figures for the number of illigitimate babies by race rather than going by what you see in a small concentrated area visually. Unless you talk to these girls you have no idea of the background, maybe the father is at work, maybe she wants to shop alone, maybe he's elsewhere or maybe they split up :dunno: There are countless possibilities. I don't care what the race I can't stand people that create a life by accident through stupidity then don't raise the child properly and expect the state to pay. We ALL know how babies are made, guys know about condoms and girls know about the morning after pill and abotions. Making a baby should be a serious decision made after a lot of thought by either a happily married couple or a couple in a long term stable relationship, or someone rich like Madonna who can afford an army of nannies. Too many people have kids by accident or worse still to get a free home and money from the state, there will be no love there for the child and the child will notice as they grow up and become a damaged person by the time they are an adult. When I see that show and there's a young women bringing on 3 potential fathers who she doesn't even like (yet still fucked) for a paternity test it makes me sad :(

ps How many happily married parents/in relationship stick together anyway? Divorce rates are higher than ever and this is just as damaging to a child than lacking a parent, especially when a custody/divorce battle proceeds
what im saying is its WAY MORE PREVELANT IN MINORITY COMMUNITIES and that is a godamn disgrace. :2 cents::2 cents::2 cents:

Who cares? :dunno:What some of the thick people around us don't seem to realize is while some things may trend a certain way for a variety of macro reasons...people are all individuals when it comes to their personal choices and decisions.

I know 'we' tend to acknowledge what we observe as people but if you're single, married, divorced with or without child...what difference does any of this make to you?:dunno:

No one here including you can prove anything unless you have exact figures for the number of illigitimate babies by race rather than going by what you see in a small concentrated area visually. Unless you talk to these girls you have no idea of the background, maybe the father is at work, maybe she wants to shop alone, maybe he's elsewhere or maybe they split up :dunno: There are countless possibilities. I don't care what the race I can't stand people that create a life by accident through stupidity then don't raise the child properly and expect the state to pay. We ALL know how babies are made, guys know about condoms and girls know about the morning after pill and abotions. Making a baby should be a serious decision made after a lot of thought by either a happily married couple or a couple in a long term stable relationship, or someone rich like Madonna who can afford an army of nannies. Too many people have kids by accident or worse still to get a free home and money from the state, there will be no love there for the child and the child will notice as they grow up and become a damaged person by the time they are an adult. When I see that show and there's a young women bringing on 3 potential fathers who she doesn't even like (yet still fucked) for a paternity test it makes me sad :(

Of course your suggestion is absurd U....MF D need only go by what he 'sees' (looking for).:rolleyes:
but i think its far more prevelant in minority communitys. if you can prove me wrong i am all ears.

what im saying is its WAY MORE PREVELANT IN MINORITY COMMUNITIES and that is a godamn disgrace

This is observation or research?

i see them all the time walking around by themselves

In the minority communities? Are you usually there?

Just asking.

this confuses me