9 years ago
I'm sorry I haven't uploaded anything in forever... even though I HAVE things to upload. I just can't really find any comfortable time to dedicate to FA or arting or anything like that, and lately - as in over the last few days - I've been having a lot of personal problems. Nothing I really want to go over, but I don't feel like myself much lately. I'm getting way more emotional than usual and it's just... taking a toll on me.
It's a little sad looking at my journals that say I'm leaving, coming back, and now leaving again...
Just know that I'll be back SOME day. And I know I have notes to answer, I'll get to those too-- soon. Like today or tomorrow.
As for the rest of you, know that I still look through every upload and read every journal. I can do, at least, that much for you. And I do it while on hiatus as well. I just don't really -appear- by faving or commenting. uou Sorry, sorry...
And thank you in advance for understanding. Idk, I just... think I need -less- things in my life right now. Focus on what's important? I think?
That's also why I haven't been talking to a few friends, I guess. I just really don't want any contact right now. I think.
This has dragged on a bit.. but I'll be back online sometime. Just don't stop uploading and don't stop posting. <3 Because I still look at all of it. For all of you.
It's a little sad looking at my journals that say I'm leaving, coming back, and now leaving again...
Just know that I'll be back SOME day. And I know I have notes to answer, I'll get to those too-- soon. Like today or tomorrow.
As for the rest of you, know that I still look through every upload and read every journal. I can do, at least, that much for you. And I do it while on hiatus as well. I just don't really -appear- by faving or commenting. uou Sorry, sorry...
And thank you in advance for understanding. Idk, I just... think I need -less- things in my life right now. Focus on what's important? I think?
That's also why I haven't been talking to a few friends, I guess. I just really don't want any contact right now. I think.
This has dragged on a bit.. but I'll be back online sometime. Just don't stop uploading and don't stop posting. <3 Because I still look at all of it. For all of you.