12 years ago
★ Bitch, I'm a STAR. ★
Stolen from 
A - Age: Twenty
B - Bed size: Leather couch
C - Chore you hate: I love cleaning >.>
D - Dog's name: Rocko
E - Essential start your day item: Taking my morning bowel movement. (Shut up, everyone does it.)
F - Favorite color: Blue, orange and purple.
G - Gold or Silver: Silver
H - Height: 5'4.5"
I - Ireland or Italy: Erin go Braugh!
J - Job title: Sales Associate at FYE
K - Kid(s): Someday. Though for right now I have 8 ratties who are my babies :3
L - Living arrangements: Apartment/Duplex thingy with Dingo and Jess
M - Mom's name: Beth
N - Nicknames: Allie, Jae, Jae-Jae, JB, Coolf, Coolfbutt, Coolfpup, Bitch, Hobag, StarFruit, SF
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: When I got pretty busted up in a soccer game. Ended up with cracked ribs, nerve damaged arm and a major concussion.
P - Pet Peeve(s): People who think they know what they're talking about when they obviously don't. People who talk way too loud. Other people using my laptop. People touching my phone without asking. People who are far too judgmental.
Q - Quote from a movie: "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." ~ Mewtwo
R - Righty or Lefty: Righty
S - Siblings: Two half brothers, one half sister and one step sister.
T - Time you wake up: Between 6 and 7 most days.
U - Underwear: ...What underwear?
V - Vegetables you dislike: Spinach.
W - Water or land: Water.
X - X-rated or PG: Both. Depends on the quality, though.
Y - Yesterday's best moment: When I wasn't in as much pain as I was the night before.
Z - Zoo favorite: Kangaroos or Otters. Oh, also Giraffes. :|

A - Age: Twenty
B - Bed size: Leather couch
C - Chore you hate: I love cleaning >.>
D - Dog's name: Rocko
E - Essential start your day item: Taking my morning bowel movement. (Shut up, everyone does it.)
F - Favorite color: Blue, orange and purple.
G - Gold or Silver: Silver
H - Height: 5'4.5"
I - Ireland or Italy: Erin go Braugh!
J - Job title: Sales Associate at FYE
K - Kid(s): Someday. Though for right now I have 8 ratties who are my babies :3
L - Living arrangements: Apartment/Duplex thingy with Dingo and Jess
M - Mom's name: Beth
N - Nicknames: Allie, Jae, Jae-Jae, JB, Coolf, Coolfbutt, Coolfpup, Bitch, Hobag, StarFruit, SF
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: When I got pretty busted up in a soccer game. Ended up with cracked ribs, nerve damaged arm and a major concussion.
P - Pet Peeve(s): People who think they know what they're talking about when they obviously don't. People who talk way too loud. Other people using my laptop. People touching my phone without asking. People who are far too judgmental.
Q - Quote from a movie: "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." ~ Mewtwo
R - Righty or Lefty: Righty
S - Siblings: Two half brothers, one half sister and one step sister.
T - Time you wake up: Between 6 and 7 most days.
U - Underwear: ...What underwear?
V - Vegetables you dislike: Spinach.
W - Water or land: Water.
X - X-rated or PG: Both. Depends on the quality, though.
Y - Yesterday's best moment: When I wasn't in as much pain as I was the night before.
Z - Zoo favorite: Kangaroos or Otters. Oh, also Giraffes. :|