- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- In today's video you'll find everything you need to work comfortably. From wrenches to exoskeletons, from sledgehammers to laser rulers…These pros will have you mesmerized as they show off their tools. By the end of the video, you might even want to buy something from this compilation!
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Где топор с обложки, обманщики?
привет от ИИ
Aku pun mencarinya.
А я бы посмотрел на палец супермена в этой штуке 9:40 👈🏻😁
When work turns into art, the results are always mesmerizing! 🎨
Уау! Пилу засунули в рукоятку топора - это немыслимо! Нобелевскую премию в студию!!!😂😂😂
Stihl украл модель Советской топра-пилы 1950ых годов?:))
His electric Hammer was nowhere in the Video...... Click bait that ist annoying
I like it
Stihl украл модель Советской топора-пилы 1950ых годов?:))
Are these tools really that ingenious? Some seem pretty basic to me.
Гениальность в простоте
Где топор?
9:35 this be great for blade smiths and house makers lol
Another Click-Bait. The STIHL-Hatchet isnt in the video. Probably an Ai Fake pic.
Oh it's there. 22 minutes and 3 seconds in. Total trash Ai gen clickbait image and there were so many good, interesting tools too. Just pointless really but they are shameless.
Wow amazing
Кувалда ру 😂
Thumbs down you did not show what ax does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
those ratcheting loppers dont exist...
10:20 точить ножницы и нож под одним углом??? бред
Wait... that light tower is a Milwaukee... And is about $3,299 at Home Depot....... ouch
Thumbs down for being a misleading video
That first knife was exciting, but any job? it did not do well as a masonry chisel.
I want them all
I thought this channel learned the lesson some years ago with clickbait thumbnails.
Now they're doubling down on AI clickbait...
И везде мелькает кувалдару🤔
топорик с превью на 22:00 родители автора нормальные мужики
Половина инструмента максимально нелепы
Más de la mitad de esos productos son una porquería
Инструменты и фурнитура - огонь!
angrezo i love you tawano aho jya cheeza banon waste kamal kar dinde o salam aa tuwanu tay g aya nu tusi o jo taraki kar sakde baki tay bayman har kise di lat khichan wale tay mein ameer mein wada mein power full mein chodry koi koi kam nai lar lya kut lay tay nap liya kabza garop chori qatal beymani koi khiyal nai ba allah hi allah