MFF '12 Recap
12 years ago
Yeah, I know I'm a week late, and you're probably sick of reading these, but maybe you'll listen to what I have to say.
In short, I had an absolute blast. MFF '12 was just what I needed, not only because I needed a vacation, but to reconnect with that furry-side of myself that I had been pushing away all year. My friends, REAL friends, in the fandom are few and far between, but they are my family and mean the world to me. To the new friends I made at MFF, I hope you'll become part of that family too because you're all very awesome people and I'm glad we got to hang out and do everything that we did at the con =)
I really have to thank my crew,
for just being awesome. I know not everyone was there, but mostly everyone, and we all got too meet and hang out.
seriously, I love you guys, and thank you both from the bottom of my heart for doing this with me =)
it's always a pleasure to see you and hang out. You're always going to be a close friend. One of these days, the bf and myself will make a trip out to Seattle and we'll have a ball. I'll also make good and build that GTI of yours. I'd love to help.
I MISS YOU!!!! Always love seeing you =) you're seriously too nice to me and know how to cheer me up. I'm very happy for you and Domino, and wish you two many years of happiness. Hope you enjoy Florida! If I'm ever down there, I'd love to hang out =)
as always, it's great my friend =) I'm always going to care about you. Now maybe you'll listen and take it easy from time to time! See you again soon.
it was great to meet and hang out! Definitely an awesome dude =)
too much fun man! It was great spending time with you and Blitz. We'll do it again soon!
it was great to see you both =) can't wait for TFF!
Everyone else; Tacoma, Prowler, Phoebus & Renna, Granite & Aura, Takoda, Ace, Areitu, and anyone else I forgot (feel free to hit me next time), you all rock and made the weekend something special. I definitely rekindled a love for this side of me and fursuiting. The con experience is definitely not like anything else. I've been to a lot of big car shows and car events, but nothing compares. You definitely do not forge the friendships that you do at a con, since a con is really about the people. I definitely missed it and it was good to go back. Can't wait for MFF '13, but in the mean time, definitely expect me to go to a few more cons as I am able to.
In short, I had an absolute blast. MFF '12 was just what I needed, not only because I needed a vacation, but to reconnect with that furry-side of myself that I had been pushing away all year. My friends, REAL friends, in the fandom are few and far between, but they are my family and mean the world to me. To the new friends I made at MFF, I hope you'll become part of that family too because you're all very awesome people and I'm glad we got to hang out and do everything that we did at the con =)
I really have to thank my crew,

Everyone else; Tacoma, Prowler, Phoebus & Renna, Granite & Aura, Takoda, Ace, Areitu, and anyone else I forgot (feel free to hit me next time), you all rock and made the weekend something special. I definitely rekindled a love for this side of me and fursuiting. The con experience is definitely not like anything else. I've been to a lot of big car shows and car events, but nothing compares. You definitely do not forge the friendships that you do at a con, since a con is really about the people. I definitely missed it and it was good to go back. Can't wait for MFF '13, but in the mean time, definitely expect me to go to a few more cons as I am able to.

Its always great seeing you dude! Wish it happened more often though!!!! :) omg i had a blast at mff and you definitely were a big part of what made it amazing :)

You're definitely a really chill guy, and I'm glad Blitz introduced us cause it was so much fun! Hope you can see us again soon!