I'm not gonna be a cuck about it and try and shit on xierra for making gays tuff, fanservice for whoever likes gay, nice plot wrap up too,
however it is true that
I can see a woman calling another woman sexy more believable and normal than a man calling another man sexy
and as a result
woman on woman is just that more appealing
idek do gay people watch straight porn?
imma summerize this comment section rq to show you how dumb homophobes can be "oh no gay shit on a porn website that is deffinetly the worst about this comic not the fact half of it is minors fucking"
Buzz off dumbass. If you’d bothered to pay any kind of attention to the story when you read the thing, you’d realise that the characters generally don’t have any qualms about going at it with the same sex.
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I'm just going to assume every character is bisexual unless stated otherwise...
gay sex incoming oh no
No! Don't show us the two boys fucking! It's turning me on!!!