Vanoss Crew plays a Gmod Scary Map in 2022
- Опубликовано: 13 мар 2025
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#nogla #gaming
we really are back in the gmod golden age. These lads are playing, WITH THE OG SKINS.
We don’t speak of lad
@@Cheeto80085 I think you meant 🎶we don't speak about Pablo🎶
@@Cheeto80085 yeah it's kind of an unspoken rule that whenever they play gmod, no one is mario for well....reasons.
@@ConceptsCool4993 Which is sad cause Mario is my favorite character but Pablo had to ruin it.
Ahhh nostalgia. Never gets old.
No matter the times, these videos never gets old. These are the golden moments that I always like from the ogs.
Moo's genius plan had me laughing lol, man waited 5 years just for this video.
Right? I actually pinched myself to make sure I wasn't hallucinating or anything. That's some dedication right there.
Brian's whole mood changed from a window and a hole in the wall, Nogla needs to show him German tiktoks to cheer him up 🤣
I genuinely couldn't tell if this was an old Gmod video and Nogla was pranking us for a good few minutes at first. The dialogue and such gave me a strange sense of deja vu.
plus they have played this map before before awhile ago
I can't tell if this is new or old either
@@HorrorGuy96 what is the name of the map?
i don't think nogla play this back then, i only knew about pablo, panda, and basically play this tho.
Same, i know they already played that map, almost same things happened and were said like that old video, when Terroriser came to glory hole then i realized it is new video lol
I liked how they refuse to accept that Moo is the smartest of the group.
Nah that ain't intellect, that's just proof he's been rehearsing and practicing.
"Do you guys not just press E on everything?" - Moo and anyone who has ever played the original Doom games.
Thank you for the nostalgic video Nogla. I needed that today. :)
just played this map with friends a few days ago for laughs and now the gang is playing it? awesome!
what's the map called? please.
What map is this bro
@@SPLEDZY the names "horrorween" on the workshop im pretty sur
@@4four415 alr thx bro ill go check
@@4four415 yup its the right map thx bro
Delirious acting like he's never played this map before.
i love the fact they've went back to the good days.
this is fucking bringing me back.
I remember watching MiniLadd, Panda and Basically play this map YEARS ago and to see these guys playing it now is great.
*We do not speak of that name…*
We don’t speak of that name
so thats why it was familiar. I kept thinking it was the map Delirious played with Liz
@@simplyjay3638 what happened with M***L*** anyways? i remember some drama went down w the gang but never the specifics :0
@@myuserissophia he is Pablo
4:49 Vanoss didn’t even say what his plan was a delirious understood it lol
It's great to see Gmod again on the channel regularly. I missed this more than I knew.
Damn the nostalgia.. time to binge the old Gmod scary map videos.
Even tho Nogla isn't really as energetic as he used to be but the rest of the crew still got it, they'll always able to make us laugh
I think it just depends on some vids, he can be really energetic in some and others, plus since he has a kid he probably keeps his voice down
@@ItsJustJosh999 true
It's always a great day when Nogla uploads!
I honestly hope Nogla makes that gmod movie and releases it in 2025. I would love to see it 😂
They need to get wildcat and basicallyidowrk to play as doritos bag and finn from adventure time xD
0:10 Nogla when trying to be intense
that pablo lad cameo 👌
I have 2014-2015 flashbacks. The scary map videos were one of my favourites. Good times.
YESSSS. A vanoss crew video without legion!!
0:18 "you're to stupid"
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call irony
7:07 It's like that one moment in BO3 zombies, "Is he big?" "BIG GUY!, BIG GUY!"
The Legends are playing the old days again
Delirious looks SO fed up with everything in the thumbnail! XD
Love you as always😀🥰
Also the thumbnail looks wicked! Give the creator a raise
ngl the last part really made me tear up
8:00 delirious, "super duper pooper scooper" 💀
These nostalgic videos make me so happy :,)
The ending brought back so many good memories
I have the feeling I have seen this map, with the crew again.
This is what i wanted for the longest time im ligit crying 😭 you guys are the best you tubers 💜💜 love you guys 💜
To the good old era of Gmod
This is giving me the Always Sunny Gang looking for coyotes.
Man these videos are like treats, few but sweet.
Yes indeed
"I don't wanna be apart of this skit" lmao poor delirious
1:34 I Love that door get slapped right in the face
nostalgia and taking the pissing out of scary maps is why i like it when they do scary maps
3:33 so thats why there was a kid stuck in a closet
I liked it when the door slammed in Vannos's face
Makes me want to see you guys dress up as your gmod character models for halloween this year
i love when delirious really don’t want to get cancel 😂😂😂
that trailer was pretty bold I must say
As soon as nogla said there was a movie I immediately thought of that video😭
The next patch notes of this era would have Nogla leave his videos unedited again.
12:00 I Love the map maker so hard trying make Brian Room
“There clearly justin treudo” 😂
*raises a glass of nostalgia* Cheers
the scariest part was that i saw Mario on screen 🤣
And it wasn't LEQION...
Everyone: Unloading rounds and rounds on the boss
Make legion do a scary map he’ll probably get scared fr
These dives back into the past are always so enjoyable. It's great to see the nostalgia angle alongside their improvements as a team and as entertainers. Great stuff
Nostalgia is really hittin nowadays
When you know it's like old times when your mouth hurts from smiling the whole time and laughing lol
"I don't wanna be apart of this skit" most relatable shit,felt that, hate teethy bliwjobs
7:56 Nice jumpscare there
I’m finally glad Nogla played the horrorween map there was supposed to be a part 2 to this But I think it got canceled I don’t remember
This never gets old, the Masterpiece is Back
The last time someone joked about children on a gmod map it did not end well.
Buzzes cold dead eyes staring out "I don't want to be a part of this skit..."
Brings me back to the nostalgic days
I havent click that fast in a while but it's gonna be worth it
Those pistol sounds take me back to gta san andreas
Gmod horror map LETTSSSS GOOOOO
Hannu Korvala? Let's go, Finland!!!
Looks like they re-enacted that one scene from the intro in Mob of the Dead at 7:10
"You've been in the joint too long! You forgot how to get shit done!"
Good to be back
I feel like crying. I feel like I'm 12 again with this amount of nostalgia. 😭😭😭
At 11:22, i like that reference lol. Logan Paul is always fun to make fun of.
Its crazy how i know how all these guys look but when i watch this Vanoss really is a huge Italian guy and Moo is a little Zelda
Not gonna think of something funny to say just enjoying the moment like the good old gmod days 🥲👍❤️ love you guys
Ohhh Nostalgia rushing in
They set all puzzles according to Moo's level.
8:50 I’m so high rn that shit was so funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“He definitely got scared, look at the way he turned” 😭😭😭
14:26 - vanoss lmfao
Timeless game tbh.
Ive loved gmod videos
gmod is a timeless game and you cannot change my mind
okay maybe in like 30 years
Omg i remember this map this is gonna be a great video 😂😂😂
Omg please try and play part 2 as well
gotta love the golden age
The throw back characters!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I love the new thumbnail artist! Very Nice 👍
Delirious played this map with Liz
It's all coming back
i remember when delirious and liz played this
Last time I saw a scary map I think u guys did that one around a camp fire
finally nostalgia 😌
In 6:57 I thought Evan said there's five of us, different shades and sizes
I always want to watch Zelda when I see Link XD so many memories. You have never disappointed which is why I watch your vids everytime. Thank you, Mate
Creative content, hope many people like it like me!
That thumbnail goes hard can I screenshot on a community post for a desktop background?
Y’all done killed SpongeBob in his costume @ 5:55 😭
Ganging up on the monsters has me rolling 🤣 😂
Am I the only one who remembers delirious play this with Liz katz back them?
Huh where's the big red Italian fella? He used to be in their old gmod videos
I wonder where he could be? 🤔
Them old San Andreas Gun shot noises damm those days were fun