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Cory's Super Heroine Adventures
Cory's Super Heroine Adventures
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Green Lanturn Gurl Recruits Rene Phoenix - Part 2 (iPhone)

5/10/11 12:44 PM5 min41 MBmp4360p
Price5.99 EUR
Related CategoriesGirl-Girl,Made To Cum


Green Lantern Gurl fresh off a battle with Super Gurl was out looking for fresh talent...She heard of a new Brat Gurl that was kicking ass in the underground...Green Lantern Gurl captured the number one Brat Gurl Rene Phoenix...Rene was brought to the Lantern lair against her will however Lantern Gurl quickly discussed the benefits of working on Team Lantern...The first benefit is all the pussy she could ever eat...Green Lantern Gurl has an insatiable appetite for pussy and loves to have her pussy eaten...Next is Meganite...Green Lantern Gurl is the only Super Heroine that knows Super Gurl's weaknesses...This looks like a long recruiting trip but Rene might come around to the Team Lantern side...

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