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Mar 7, 2023 3:56 PM

Dec 2020
Ajoymurmu123 said:

I hear ppl have a big distaste for ECCHI genre (or fanservice in general). I remember being at MAL event and ppl were putting ECCHI as a genre to avoid, sometimes even on the forum, people don't show a big interest in it.
I just can't see any reason why someone would hate this genre...

So, any reasons?

I don't hate ecchi but I do hate unnecessary ecchi like in Enen No Shouboutai , No Game No Life , Fate Kaleid Liner etc.

Complex Stories are basically sleeping pills . Helps to get some sleep .

Mar 7, 2023 4:16 PM

May 2018
I think people hate it when it's something that has no relation with any aspect of the story and characterization, the grudge isn't exactly towards ecchi itself. 

    Grant me one hour on love's most sacred shores
    To clasp the bosom that my soul adores,
    Lie heart to heart and merge my soul with yours
Mar 7, 2023 5:27 PM
Dec 2021
epidemia78 said:
GreyStoneFlinger said:
Ecchi sacrifices good character writing in exchange for objectification and exploitation of female characters. Itโ€™s misogynistic, and absolutely disgusting to watch. Ecchi is a reminder of sexism creeping into our media, and you have to be brain-dead, or misogynistic, to not recognize it as a problem.

Ok, I am not a fan of ecchi anime but I must say your post deserves a reply.

Lol. "good character writing" is not a requirement for "our" media. People can write whatever they want. If you want to write a story about sexy ladies or men flaunting their stuff then there's nothing actually wrong with that. Sexual desire is not misogynistic... it's the most natural thing in the world.
The most natural human functions are eating, drinking, and breathing. If creators are producing appalling content, then their work should at least have stricter distribution regulations.
Mar 7, 2023 5:33 PM

Jul 2022
GreyStoneFlinger said:
epidemia78 said:

Ok, I am not a fan of ecchi anime but I must say your post deserves a reply.

Lol. "good character writing" is not a requirement for "our" media. People can write whatever they want. If you want to write a story about sexy ladies or men flaunting their stuff then there's nothing actually wrong with that. Sexual desire is not misogynistic... it's the most natural thing in the world.
The most natural human functions are eating, drinking, and breathing. If creators are producing appalling content, then their work should at least have stricter distribution regulations.
If sexual desire was not natural then you and I wouldn't be here. Don't project.
Mar 7, 2023 5:57 PM
Mar 2017
The only problem I have with ecchi and Hentai is they don't show enough story by that I mean the potential they can have of after the kiss/handholding, why they are that passionate, why they grow up and have a kid, why is that never covered just teasing ecchi moments and action scenes as just that it's always confused me.

Even parody would be good.

Do I hate the teasing or the action scenes no (then again Nagatoro a great example of more involved teasing and could be ecchi/borderline ecchi, Takagi and others on the lighter end in said romance/slice of life space are teasing just not ecchi level, do they have the best characterisation or content no but they exist and somewhat get there depending (though Takagi S3 was good when it got out of it's formula and did more original things too).

Do I hate ecchi no.

Do I think the whole point of the being the after the handholding/kissing is missed potential yes. We get adult life stuff but we rarely see the after life stuff.

Be we get so many 'action scenes' why, just why. What's the point in the area they have more range to do and not doing it.

Look at old Hentai to current Hentai so much action scenes, in old you have barely any to infrequent and has purpose.

Not 99% of it and barely any non-action to even show in videos.

I don't expect great story either but some are so dumb in Hentai even that they just use one location and have the same repeats of dumb logic it's hilarious.

Ecchi it's better because it has better logic to it usually I know what a bar to reach. XD

Reasons are more justified in Ecchi even for how teasing level it is. Or powering up or whatever purpose it has. Besides yes most times being filler to pad it out or know their series is bad.

Once they get rid of it they end up better I won't deny that then after that break we see it appear and remember ah it was that bad.
Suntanned_Duck2Mar 7, 2023 6:04 PM
Mar 7, 2023 6:35 PM

Apr 2015
Check their other posts, you're just talking to a brick wall with Grey really. Though I do commend your efforts. 
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
Mar 7, 2023 6:55 PM
Sep 2022
GreyStoneFlinger said:
epidemia78 said:

Ok, I am not a fan of ecchi anime but I must say your post deserves a reply.

Lol. "good character writing" is not a requirement for "our" media. People can write whatever they want. If you want to write a story about sexy ladies or men flaunting their stuff then there's nothing actually wrong with that. Sexual desire is not misogynistic... it's the most natural thing in the world.
The most natural human functions are eating, drinking, and breathing. If creators are producing appalling content, then their work should at least have stricter distribution regulations.
By that logic then it'd be sexist and misandrist for women to look at Kenshiro in a pervy way since he's always shown shirtless, buff and pecs are shown as well. If men can fap and have sexual fantasies about female characters so can women do the same to male characters same with females fapping to female characters and males fapping to male characters. Hell there's even women fapping to Kazuma and even some of them do it to the female ones too. Example is Dead Or Alive has female fans that ogle at the male and female characters and vice versa. You need to see there's billions of humans with different minds and what they do. It's normal and you're also calling women misogynists as women can be aroused by female fanservice too.
AkihitoZero1224Mar 7, 2023 8:22 PM
Mar 7, 2023 7:50 PM

Sep 2021
My experience is that Ecchi usually forces fanservice at the cost of a good story. OVAs aside, I haven't seen a single good Ecchi show so far. 

However, I don't hate Ecchi. I wouldn't even know why to downright hate a genre. It might be my least favorite genre and somewhat of a red flag, but I still have an Ecchi show on my PtW for next season - maybe it can suprise me ^^

Mar 9, 2023 12:48 AM
Jul 2018
Ironically people jump most times to the conclusion "do you dislike ecchi, because you are woke or do you dislike it, because you are too childish / prude for it!!1"

No, my problem is that most ecchi is often too tame for what people pretend it is supposed to be.
Some ecchi fans around this site and I met in real, really act like they watched the most wicked, deviant shit known to mankind ... and then it's often a pile of wiggling breasts and pantyshots etc.
They will act like about most series "oh wow, I'm such a big pervert, look at aaalll the perverted series I watch!"
... then it's the most basic fanservice ever lol.

I laugh at a good dick jokes and co. like everyone else too ... AND we all know Golden Kamuy is the peak of dumb dick jokes and sexual jokes in general. That for example made me laugh so much more than 95 % of all the typical ecchi I have seen.
When lot of ecchis get on some good humor etc or get female characters that are actually attractive, mature women... then we are talking.

That's my second big problem with ecchi and fanservice. Not including the moral side of it that we are looking at a kid's ass most times; I just don't want to waste my time with series like that doing it all the time.
Even in series like Fire Forces etc., where it was only there to keep the audience at screen. It was just so clumsily and stupidly done too.

Almost all the characters in anime are also so young, they also act and look so young and lot of have generic anime faces.
I genuinely don't think the majority of anime characters are anywhere near attractive to me. Some look cute, but they are not attractive and I surely not want to have their ass in a big shot in the screen.

When I find good works with sexual content, if that's ecchi, erotica or hentai, it's often in form of more unknown manga (especially josei, but also some others).
Not in the form of the next ecchi series with its super generic and young anime girl designs. Their designs and personalities are just not attractive to me to begin with and where are all the women, men and everyone else in their mid, late 20s, in their 30s and 40s in anime ecchi, fanservice whatever; I'm 30 myself, why do I have to look at kids. ;_;

One of the only ecchi in anime that made me laugh and care throughout the series was Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt and maybe parts of Cutie Honey and a few others.
Highschool of the Dead is an okayish parody of ecchi tropes too.
Also Darling in the Franxx at least had put thought into portraying its sexual themes and is better than people give it credit for, even tho it was a bit messy.

I would be fine with ecchi that is actually good (and maybe actually funny in its sexual humor too) with adult women that do look and act like that and are interesting characters.
And stop throwing half-naked children at me, these characters aren't even attractive to me.
removed-userMar 9, 2023 1:12 AM
Mar 9, 2023 1:43 AM
Jul 2018
GreyStoneFlinger said:
epidemia78 said:

Ok, I am not a fan of ecchi anime but I must say your post deserves a reply.

Lol. "good character writing" is not a requirement for "our" media. People can write whatever they want. If you want to write a story about sexy ladies or men flaunting their stuff then there's nothing actually wrong with that. Sexual desire is not misogynistic... it's the most natural thing in the world.
The most natural human functions are eating, drinking, and breathing. If creators are producing appalling content, then their work should at least have stricter distribution regulations.

To begin with ... may I introduce you to
Anime like these are not made with a straight male audience in mind. Just my wildest of guesses.
Same goes for every yaoi manga with sexual content. Ofc there are tame boys love series for everyone, but these with heavier sexual content are MAYBE not directed to straight men either.

And you are free to criticize series all you want, but as long as media isn't supporting hate speech in its content or anything, you are not free to put regulations on media just because you see too much naked skin.
Most ecchi is (as stated above lol) even quite too harmless in nature for what it tries to do. What bugs me more is how young they look and act.

Also to be honest, you have Hero Academia in your favs like it doesn't have one of the most annoying and disgusting character who harasses girls and there is not any sexualization in it.
And I don't talk about Midnight, Midnight is really cool with her sex positivity and all, but the underaged girls are portrayed yikes sometimes, mainly because they often get harassed and the author thinks it's funny.

I also mean, I don't view sexuality as the most basic human thing because I'm demisexual, but lot of other people do, and sexuality is not only stuff that is sex-and attraction-related. It's also the way people present and dress themselves etc.
removed-userMar 9, 2023 1:56 AM
Mar 9, 2023 3:05 AM

Jul 2021
I surprisingly agree with most of what you said.
Felori said:
(especially josei, but also some others).

This part though. The josei smut I read so far were either boring, or had an uncanny relationship dynamic, that I don't really know how to describe.
They weren't the most fucked up manhwas I read, but those got under my skin anyhow...
That said, I'm not a woman. ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ
Cucumber ice cream is the best!
Mar 9, 2023 3:11 AM

Mar 2021
what kind of guy hates ecchi. that is acting like some type of fag. Even blockbuster movies like titanic had nude scenes. Except with anime you are watching in closed doors. Similiar with men who act weird questions whether you havea girlfriend like they want in on your personal lives
Mar 9, 2023 3:16 AM
Jul 2018
JaniSIr said:
I surprisingly agree with most of what you said.
Felori said:
(especially josei, but also some others).

This part though. The josei smut I read so far were either boring, or had an uncanny relationship dynamic, that I don't really know how to describe.
They weren't the most fucked up manhwas I read, but those got under my skin anyhow...
That said, I'm not a woman. ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

To be fair, I rarely look up demographic tags. I expected lot of yuri (at least that kind that isn't directed at straight men) and yaoi to count as josei. Some have really good (reading: more healthy) relationship dynamics, but I can't say others aren't interesting to read here and there either.

What Does the Fox Say was surely made with a female and queer target audience in mind and it has both really interesting relationship dynamics and good sex scenes, although their relationships weren't supposed to be seen as completely healthy.
That's a good yuri and manga with also well-drawn sex scenes that really stood out to me tho.
Also the women look actually attractive and aren't your little anime girlies either.
Mar 9, 2023 3:20 AM

Feb 2020
Because 9 times out of 10 ecchi anime are stupid and or forgettable both as a story and its characters. I can only think of a few anime that are ecchi that actually not only utilize it for the story but are actually good.

I have Kill la Kill I'm my favs example of imo a good ecchi anime. Another one I liked a lot is Food Wars.
Mar 9, 2023 4:55 AM
Sep 2013
Hate is a bit strong of a word but....

1) Because most people have no idea how to integrate fanservice/ecchi into a story. They just slap it in there, causing everything else to suffer. Not really an issue unique to anime though.
1.5) If that isn't an issue, then the inverse happens; they rely on ecchi to carry the rest of the anime. 
2) It is simply not something I'm interested in. Ecchi is not a motivator at all as far as why I watch anime. 

Mar 9, 2023 5:04 AM
Aug 2021
Overused and repetitive, they're not funny anymore after you've seen the same shit over again.
Mar 9, 2023 5:19 AM
May 2020
Ajoymurmu123 said:

I hear ppl have a big distaste for ECCHI genre (or fanservice in general). I remember being at MAL event and ppl were putting ECCHI as a genre to avoid, sometimes even on the forum, people don't show a big interest in it.
I just can't see any reason why someone would hate this genre...

So, any reasons?

I mean if you are like in your teens, and younger years of course. You are at the direct target market for these type of shows.
But when you hit adult hood, any person would have to go alot of mental gymnastics to watch anime with high school girls being put into different types of fanservice scenarios.
Mar 9, 2023 5:19 AM

Aug 2012
Ecchi anime tend to have garbage plots and shitty characters. Plus, when a character has breasts bigger than their damn head I roll my eyes so hard it hurts. Very much not a fan of ecchi. And while yes, I am female, I'm also pan so it isn't because I'm not attracted to women. I just despise the genre because it's tasteless. Just my opinion. Feel however you want, but this is how I feel about it.
Mar 9, 2023 5:20 AM

Apr 2018
Felori said:
Ironically people jump most times to the conclusion "do you dislike ecchi, because you are woke or do you dislike it, because you are too childish / prude for it!!1"

No, my problem is that most ecchi is often too tame for what people pretend it is supposed to be.
Some ecchi fans around this site and I met in real, really act like they watched the most wicked, deviant shit known to mankind ... and then it's  often a pile of wiggling breasts and pantyshots etc.
They will act like about most series "oh wow, I'm such a big pervert, look at aaalll the perverted series I watch!"
... then it's the most basic fanservice ever lol.

I laugh at a good dick jokes and co. like everyone else too ... AND we all know Golden Kamuy is the peak of dumb dick jokes and sexual jokes in general. That for example made me laugh so much more than 95 % of all the typical ecchi I have seen.
When lot of ecchis get on some good humor etc or get female characters that are actually attractive, mature women... then we are talking.

That's my second big problem with ecchi and fanservice. Not including the moral side of it that we are looking at a kid's ass most times; I just don't want to waste my time with series like that doing it all the time.
Even in series like Fire Forces etc., where it was only there to keep the audience at screen. It was just so clumsily and stupidly done too.

Almost all the characters in anime are also so young, they also act and look so young and lot of have generic anime faces.
I genuinely don't think the majority of anime characters are anywhere near attractive to me. Some look cute, but they are not attractive and I surely not want to have their ass in a big shot in the screen.

When I find good works with sexual content, if that's ecchi, erotica or hentai, it's often in form of more unknown manga (especially josei, but also some others).
Not in the form of the next ecchi series with its super generic and young anime girl designs. Their designs and personalities are just not attractive to me to begin with and where are all the women, men and everyone else in their mid, late 20s, in their 30s and 40s in anime ecchi, fanservice whatever; I'm 30 myself, why do I have to look at kids. ;_;

One of the only ecchi in anime that made me laugh and care throughout the series was Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt and maybe parts of Cutie Honey and a few others.
Highschool of the Dead is an okayish parody of ecchi tropes too.
Also Darling in the Franxx at least had put thought into portraying its sexual themes and is better than people give it credit for, even tho it was a bit messy.

I would be fine with ecchi that is actually good (and maybe actually funny in its sexual humor too) with adult women that do look and act like that and are interesting characters.
And stop throwing half-naked children at me, these characters aren't even attractive to me.
Ecchi is usually aimed at a young or young adult audience, so the high school setting is too basic in that genre. There aren't many jobs that use older adults because they probably won't be the draw for public opinion. It wouldn't be bad to find one, although the only thing different for me would be to see a different type of boob drawn.

And, yeah, within the ecchi community there is usually the problem of those groups (usually teenagers) who, having seen things like DxD, Monogatari and Kill la Kill, already believe they have seen the best of ecchi and are men of culture when these they only bait to the public with the most basic fanservice. Ecchi is not made like hentai, so it will always seem strange to me that someone says "Oh wow look at these nipples, I'm a pervert hahahaha"

But, the narrative that I usually hear about why you wouldn't like an ecchi refers more to pointing out the sexualization facets of a character (usually female) in series that are already oriented to do it in any way. Mangakas and artists daily design and draw the character to attract the public, it is not exclusive to ecchi but even in those series where these characters tend to emphasize the "development" of the character.

You and the rose are connected. Know the weight of your own life
Mar 9, 2023 5:42 AM
Jan 2021
The easy answer and 99% of the dishonest crybabies who hate on ecchi giving vague and overly broad reasons is that they are moralfagging and their little morals should apply to everyone in their opinion so eechi shouldnt exist in their warped minds

Btw the problem is solved by kicking the mainstream out of the internet as they dont belong here and it was better before they got access going starting with iphone 1
Normies should not be allowed to have internet that was a huge mistake
CryptorulerMar 9, 2023 5:45 AM
Mar 9, 2023 5:52 AM
Dec 2022
I wouldn't say I hate it, but for me it shouldn't be the main thing of the show..
If the show has something to offer, and then there's also Ecchi in it, I enjoy that quite a lot.
Just adds a few spicy scenes is very nice!
Mar 9, 2023 5:55 AM

Feb 2018
I'm personally not too fond of Ecchi. I can watch it if it doesn't go overboard. Some shows can turn it into funny jokes if timed right, but i don't understand why some other shows try so hard to show fanservice whenever they can.

The probably best example for the latter is Highschool DxD... I watched the 1st Season because of a friend of mine and they really shoved fanservice in every time they got the chance to. Confession scene - gust of wind so you see the panties casually. Club room has a shower next to it so you can see more shower scenes.

The screentime used on such things really takes a toll on what those anime could be. I think each of us can think of more than one 12ep anime with a beach episode in it, and mostly that episode doesn't add much to the story.

So yeah, i don't HATE Ecchi, but too much is too much, if there is a good balance or just a hint of it i don't mind it.
Mar 9, 2023 6:23 AM

Dec 2020
Felori said:
GreyStoneFlinger said:
The most natural human functions are eating, drinking, and breathing. If creators are producing appalling content, then their work should at least have stricter distribution regulations.

To begin with ... may I introduce you to

ok what is up with all these victorian era prudes popping up on mal lately, lol.

this is like the second 1 in a day who thinks a bunch of males doing competitive swimming is softcore porn.
Mar 9, 2023 6:28 AM

Jul 2021
Felori said:
JaniSIr said:
I surprisingly agree with most of what you said.

This part though. The josei smut I read so far were either boring, or had an uncanny relationship dynamic, that I don't really know how to describe.
They weren't the most fucked up manhwas I read, but those got under my skin anyhow...
That said, I'm not a woman. ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

To be fair, I rarely look up demographic tags. I expected lot of yuri (at least that kind that isn't directed at straight men) and yaoi to count as josei. Some have really good (reading: more healthy) relationship dynamics, but I can't say others aren't interesting to read here and there either.

What Does the Fox Say was surely made with a female and queer target audience in mind and it has both really interesting relationship dynamics and good sex scenes, although their relationships weren't supposed to be seen as completely healthy.
That's a good yuri and manga with also well-drawn sex scenes that really stood out to me tho.
Also the women look actually good and aren't your little anime girlies.

It's not like I was filtering by that, otherwise I wouldn't have started reading those. It's just something I noticed after looking at my dropped list. (Most of which aren't on MAL...)

And I don't know about that, I'd say it's just low on the usual hentai/porn tropes. Don't need to be lesbian to prefer more lifelike stuff over the very over produced mass market garbage.
Cucumber ice cream is the best!
Mar 9, 2023 8:12 AM
Jul 2018
Rachiba said:
Ecchi is usually aimed at a young or young adult audience, so the high school setting is too basic in that genre. There aren't many jobs that use older adults because they probably won't be the draw for public opinion. It wouldn't be bad to find one, although the only thing different for me would be to see a different type of boob drawn.

And, yeah, within the ecchi community there is usually the problem of those groups (usually teenagers) who, having seen things like DxD, Monogatari and Kill la Kill, already believe they have seen the best of ecchi and are men of culture when these they only bait to the public with the most basic fanservice. Ecchi is not made like hentai, so it will always seem strange to me that someone says "Oh wow look at these nipples, I'm a pervert hahahaha"

But, the narrative that I usually hear about why you wouldn't like an ecchi refers more to pointing out the sexualization facets of a character (usually female) in series that are already oriented to do it in any way. Mangakas and artists daily design and draw the character to attract the public, it is not exclusive to ecchi but even in those series where these characters tend to emphasize the "development" of the character.

I mean there are a lot of adult men, who also act like they are the biggest pervert on the planet just for liking breasts and you think there is something much worse coming, when they state about themselves they are perverted. Then they go like "I've seen Highschool DxD hehe." Oof, a real deviant.
Some of the same ecchi-loving guys tho freak out, when there are actual sexual themes, even if it's not shown in detail, because of purity shit, I guess.

It's okay to look at it, but not if the female main character is not a virgin or anything along these lines. I have seen a few times grown-ass men, who state to love ecchi and sexual stuff, then freaked out over a female fictional character that is not a virgin; weird shit, really ... and one called my female friend a whore, because she had three former relationships before marriage lol. Oh no, a 28 yo woman is not a virgin!? Terrible.

Of course most is made for younger teenagers in mind, but it's kinda tiring how many shows include sexual fanservice that comes down to seeing someone's underwear or holding someone's hand is the pinnacle of sexuality and themes you may include.

I'm just grateful when all of that is left out and there is no fanservice, if they won't go beyond these dumb standard scenes or shows that are not trying to have sexual themes or making a parody of fanservice tropes.
removed-userMar 9, 2023 8:21 AM
Mar 9, 2023 9:38 AM

Apr 2018
Felori said:
Rachiba said:
Ecchi is usually aimed at a young or young adult audience, so the high school setting is too basic in that genre. There aren't many jobs that use older adults because they probably won't be the draw for public opinion. It wouldn't be bad to find one, although the only thing different for me would be to see a different type of boob drawn.

And, yeah, within the ecchi community there is usually the problem of those groups (usually teenagers) who, having seen things like DxD, Monogatari and Kill la Kill, already believe they have seen the best of ecchi and are men of culture when these they only bait to the public with the most basic fanservice. Ecchi is not made like hentai, so it will always seem strange to me that someone says "Oh wow look at these nipples, I'm a pervert hahahaha"

But, the narrative that I usually hear about why you wouldn't like an ecchi refers more to pointing out the sexualization facets of a character (usually female) in series that are already oriented to do it in any way. Mangakas and artists daily design and draw the character to attract the public, it is not exclusive to ecchi but even in those series where these characters tend to emphasize the "development" of the character.

I mean there are a lot of adult men, who also act like they are the biggest pervert on the planet just for liking breasts and you think there is something much worse coming, when they state about themselves they are perverted. Then they go like "I've seen Highschool DxD hehe." Oof, a real deviant.
Some of the same ecchi-loving guys tho freak out, when there are actual sexual themes, even if it's not shown in detail, because of purity shit, I guess.

It's okay to look at it, but not if the female main character is not a virgin or anything along these lines. I have seen a few times grown-ass men, who state to love ecchi and sexual stuff, then freaked out over a female fictional character that is not a virgin; weird shit, really ... and one called my female friend a whore, because she had three former relationships before marriage lol. Oh no, a 28 yo woman is not a virgin!? Terrible.

Of course most is made for younger teenagers in mind, but it's kinda tiring how many shows include sexual fanservice that comes down to seeing someone's underwear or holding someone's hand is the pinnacle of sexuality and themes you may include.

I'm just grateful when all of that is left out and there is no fanservice, if they won't go beyond these dumb standard scenes or shows that are not trying to have sexual themes or making a parody of fanservice tropes.
Yeah, it's the problem of the fan's perception regarding the issues of sexuality. Normies usually come to the conclusion that having seen the most popular ecchi like DxD, or series that use fanservice as an attraction like Kill la Kill or Monogatari, is lascivious enough, but watching other ecchi where he deliberately sells you sexual situations will it's too much for your liking. If not, it's the silly excuse of looking at a harem girl by MC Gigachad who isn't afraid to insert "gender equality" (slapping an annoying anime girl, like the tsundere archetype).

But it's not the ecchi's fault that there's a bunch of virgins incels who act as the "anti-woke" representation as opposed to the anti-sex/anti-porn community that harasses and witch-hunts for the enjoyment of our demo. Leftist groups often think they are doing this well under the premise that they are defending female integrity against media exploitation, or the ferichization of LGBT characters by cis heteros. But when push comes to shove, those views coincide with the conservative views of the right, which sticks to religion and morality by considering sex as immoral and disgusting.

It is strange for me to think, as a bisexual man, that a movement like the LGBT is against pornography and sexualization when the phrase "Sexual Liberation" is in its slogan, we should be more open-minded people than a cis hetero who looks at Yuri /Yaoi.

This is why I do not agree with the narrative in linking fanservice as an element that affects the personality of the character, because it is nothing more than a fairly old resource, easy and cheap to consume and you see it in practically everything - Episodes of beach to see the characters in swimsuits, Onsen to see them in towels, Festivals to see yukata, etc. But this is not inherent to how the character is developed, a character is not attractive to its audience because its author has no idea how to write it, so they resort to fanservice as an easy alternative, but fanservice is not the problem.

You and the rose are connected. Know the weight of your own life
Mar 9, 2023 1:36 PM

Dec 2020
Just FYI for everyone here, ecchi isn't just "ecchi" when it's female characters. Seems a lot of people here aren't even aware that male-focused ecchi certainly exist and fall into most of the same trappings as their female-focused counterparts...

As for me... well, I don't like regular porn/erotica/etc. as-is, so what reason do I have to like ecchi? Nothing against people who do, of-course, but I watch, read and play media for the plot. And (outside of the meme-y misuse of the word), ecchi aren't exactly famous for their well-written stories or characters, 90% of the time. Now, there are certainly exceptions of-course (School-Live!, Yozakura Quartet and JoJolion ARE in my favorites, as are My Lovely Ghost KANA and Chio's School Road until my MAL Supporter runs-out), but generally speaking, ecchi tends to focus mostly on fanservice. Heck, even outside of sexual fanservice, I find that fanservice (such-as bringing back a popular character with no logical in-universe explanation, for example) often detracts from a series
My greatest contribution to this website:
Mar 9, 2023 2:33 PM
Jul 2018
Rachiba said:
Yeah, it's the problem of the fan's perception regarding the issues of sexuality. Normies usually come to the conclusion that having seen the most popular ecchi like DxD, or series that use fanservice as an attraction like Kill la Kill or Monogatari, is lascivious enough, but watching other ecchi where he deliberately sells you sexual situations will it's too much for your liking. If not, it's the silly excuse of looking at a harem girl by MC Gigachad who isn't afraid to insert "gender equality" (slapping an annoying anime girl, like the tsundere archetype).

But it's not the ecchi's fault that there's a bunch of virgins incels who act as the "anti-woke" representation as opposed to the anti-sex/anti-porn community that harasses and witch-hunts for the enjoyment of our demo. Leftist groups often think they are doing this well under the premise that they are defending female integrity against media exploitation, or the ferichization of LGBT characters by cis heteros. But when push comes to shove, those views coincide with the conservative views of the right, which sticks to religion and morality by considering sex as immoral and disgusting.

It is strange for me to think, as a bisexual man, that a movement like the LGBT is against pornography and sexualization when the phrase "Sexual Liberation" is in its slogan, we should be more open-minded people than a cis hetero who looks at Yuri /Yaoi.

This is why I do not agree with the narrative in linking fanservice as an element that affects the personality of the character, because it is nothing more than a fairly old resource, easy and cheap to consume and you see it in practically everything - Episodes of beach to see the characters in swimsuits, Onsen to see them in towels, Festivals to see yukata, etc. But this is not inherent to how the character is developed, a character is not attractive to its audience because its author has no idea how to write it, so they resort to fanservice as an easy alternative, but fanservice is not the problem.

Okay, I get what you mean and of course ecchi is not at fault for the behavior of these people, but I do believe that you need some real life comparison to wish fulfillment media and your own experiences. Otherwise it's much easier to engage in behavior and a mindset like that.

I just miss the opportunity of anime to make good sexual content too (that isn't hentai), but they put out lot of fanservice harem, isekai series etc., mostly with teenage protagonists and love interests, because it's selling better.
Anime has just much more potential in that regard and way of telling storytelling than producing the same kind of ecchi and harem all over again.

There are anime with pretty boys in them, which is nice to have and some have a story to them. Boys love anime adaptations are quite rare, even more so that when it's not censored. Girls love anime often consists of cute moe girlies, with some exception.

I miss the opportunity to adapt manwha or manga like What Does The Fox Say and similar series, just more sexual and relationship content for a mature audience that has more story than hentai.
The closest I came to a good adaptation with mature relationship content was Nana, I guess.
Scum's Wish was also interesting, but teenagers figuring out their sexuality and the difference between lust and love... it's much more than what you can get from lot of other series, still.

Yeah I know, you never know with some types of "feminists", if they come from their local church and have a stick up their ass... or if they try to defend women's integrity at that moment lol.
It's the same with other types of delusional people. They jump from "that fictional character shouldn't wear sexy clothes" to telling real women and female assigned people what to wear very fast.
I love and hate the irony in this. "Men can't tell you what types of clothes you should wear!" (Because I fucking tell you what type of clothes you should wear!) Their head works like: "Feminism is when being patronized by women", I guess.

Kii_Ibarra said:
Now, there are certainly exceptions of-course (School-Live!, ...

I wouldn't say Gakkougurashi was an ecchi tbh. It had maybe three, four short fanservice scenes.
removed-userMar 9, 2023 2:37 PM
Mar 9, 2023 4:39 PM

Apr 2018
Felori said:
Rachiba said:
Yeah, it's the problem of the fan's perception regarding the issues of sexuality. Normies usually come to the conclusion that having seen the most popular ecchi like DxD, or series that use fanservice as an attraction like Kill la Kill or Monogatari, is lascivious enough, but watching other ecchi where he deliberately sells you sexual situations will it's too much for your liking. If not, it's the silly excuse of looking at a harem girl by MC Gigachad who isn't afraid to insert "gender equality" (slapping an annoying anime girl, like the tsundere archetype).

But it's not the ecchi's fault that there's a bunch of virgins incels who act as the "anti-woke" representation as opposed to the anti-sex/anti-porn community that harasses and witch-hunts for the enjoyment of our demo. Leftist groups often think they are doing this well under the premise that they are defending female integrity against media exploitation, or the ferichization of LGBT characters by cis heteros. But when push comes to shove, those views coincide with the conservative views of the right, which sticks to religion and morality by considering sex as immoral and disgusting.

It is strange for me to think, as a bisexual man, that a movement like the LGBT is against pornography and sexualization when the phrase "Sexual Liberation" is in its slogan, we should be more open-minded people than a cis hetero who looks at Yuri /Yaoi.

This is why I do not agree with the narrative in linking fanservice as an element that affects the personality of the character, because it is nothing more than a fairly old resource, easy and cheap to consume and you see it in practically everything - Episodes of beach to see the characters in swimsuits, Onsen to see them in towels, Festivals to see yukata, etc. But this is not inherent to how the character is developed, a character is not attractive to its audience because its author has no idea how to write it, so they resort to fanservice as an easy alternative, but fanservice is not the problem.

Okay, I get what you mean and of course ecchi is not at fault for the behavior of these people, but I do believe that you need some real life comparison to wish fulfillment media and your own experiences. Otherwise it's much easier to engage in behavior and a mindset like that.

I just miss the opportunity of anime to make good sexual content too (that isn't hentai), but they put out lot of fanservice harem, isekai series etc., mostly with teenage protagonists and love interests, because it's selling better.
Anime has just much more potential in that regard and way of telling storytelling than producing the same kind of ecchi and harem all over again.

There are anime with pretty boys in them, which is nice to have and some have a story to them. Boys love anime adaptations are quite rare, even more so that when it's not censored. Girls love anime often consists of cute moe girlies, with some exception.

I miss the opportunity to adapt manwha or manga like What Does The Fox Say and similar series, just more sexual and relationship content for a mature audience that has more story than hentai.
The closest I came to a good adaptation with mature relationship content was Nana, I guess.
Scum's Wish was also interesting, but teenagers figuring out their sexuality and the difference between lust and love... it's much more than what you can get from lot of other series, still.

Yeah I know, you never know with some types of "feminists", if they come from their local church and have a stick up their ass... or if they try to defend women's integrity at that moment lol.
It's the same with other types of delusional people. They jump from "that fictional character shouldn't wear sexy clothes" to telling real women and female assigned people what to wear very fast.
I love and hate the irony in this. "Men can't tell you what types of clothes you should wear!" (Because I fucking tell you what type of clothes you should wear!) Their head works like: "Feminism is when being patronized by women", I guess.

Kii_Ibarra said:
Now, there are certainly exceptions of-course (School-Live!, ...

I wouldn't say Gakkougurashi was an ecchi tbh. It had maybe three, four short fanservice scenes.
I can be agree.

I mean, I'm in my early 20s, in my teens I probably would have been nervous about a titty shot (I wasn't the oh look I'm a pervert type, just more reserved than I am now), but now I'm like "oh lol, it was fun when the Amagami president dominated the MC wearing the same swimsuit for the 11th time. Next page." Perhaps because I have come to the conclusion that I am aware of what I consume and I prefer to take advantage of it to enjoy it than to validate an opinion by looking at something that I know I will not like.

I'm not saying ecchi can't be disliked, there are people who genuinely won't like the genre because they don't consider themselves its target audience and simply don't want to consume adult sexual content. But shitting and harassing those who enjoy it to degrade it to a social status worse than that of a serial killer, slaver or pedophile is being too stupid, as well as being dishonest if they ironically tend to consume it.

I guess because I'm young my criteria is not so strict. So I don't care if it's an anime teenager or old adult who gets involved in the works (and if he's a virgin or not, it's the most irrelevant detail that I can assure my more experienced ecchi mates share this opinion). They are nothing more than settings for a specific audience, and if something like the adult and old casting becomes popular, then take advantage of the moment because this lends itself to any innovative idea or to show something easy to consume. Today it seems that gender benders are looking to position themselves, and I want titles like Boku Girl to have their adaptation (because one could already be fulfilled this season), tomorrow they could be milfs/dilfs, comedies with a male cast, or return to old trends like lolis tsunderes by JC Staff or Jun Maeda-style melodramas from the 2000s.

You and the rose are connected. Know the weight of your own life
Mar 9, 2023 6:05 PM

Sep 2020
You can literally just search "why do people hate ecchi MAL forums". That's what the forums are for, not making generic posts over and over again that will yield the same responses.

๐’ฎ๐‘œ๐“‚๐‘’๐“‰๐’พ๐“‚๐‘’๐“ˆ, ๐“Ž๐‘œ๐“Š ๐’ธ๐’ถ๐“ƒ'๐“‰ ๐“‚๐‘œ๐“‹๐‘’ ๐’ป๐‘œ๐“‡๐“Œ๐’ถ๐“‡๐’น ๐“Œ๐’พ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘œ๐“Š๐“‰ ๐’ธ๐“๐‘œ๐“ˆ๐’พ๐“ƒ๐‘” ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐’น๐‘œ๐‘œ๐“‡ ๐’ท๐‘’๐’ฝ๐’พ๐“ƒ๐’น ๐“Ž๐‘œ๐“Š. - ๐‘…๐‘’๐’พ ๐’ฆ๐’พ๐“‡๐’พ๐“Ž๐’ถ๐“‚๐’ถ

Mar 9, 2023 8:53 PM

Dec 2020
i have never experienced sexual attraction in my life so it just doesnt interest me at all. and it annoys me when im just trying to watch a show and suddenly there are boobs or really suggestive poses. its uncomfortable and annoying like not everything needs fanservice, if they want to make something with fanservice just make a hentai at this point

i have watched ecchi anime and there are some i enjoy, i just prefer to not watch it most of the time. and its always unnecessarily added to everything
Mar 9, 2023 9:55 PM

May 2018
They gay or overly religious. 
No other excuse is realistically possible. 
And since religion is being removed for gay stuff in most media these days, gays and its variants went from 2-5% of the world to 40-50%...
Damn shame, but more chicks for us normal guys, I guess lol.
Mar 13, 2023 6:56 AM
Jan 2022
I like ecchi, i watched them when i first started anime, although I wouldn't watch it a lot xD
Mar 13, 2023 2:30 PM
Mar 2017
sometimes i like mindless wholesome ecchi, but i could never defend it as being good or really worth the watch, so i can understand the distaste to it, but i do appreciate good cases of Ecchi integrated into Anime which Ecchi is not their main/only premise. 
Mar 13, 2023 3:13 PM

Jan 2013
Felori said:

I would be fine with ecchi that is actually good (and maybe actually funny in its sexual humor too) with adult women that do look and act like that and are interesting characters.
And stop throwing half-naked children at me, these characters aren't even attractive to me.
I seem to really enjoy the kind of ecchi you dislike, I can't disagree that it's dumb and juvenile, but there's something oddly appealing about it, besides the obvious. I was just wondering what type of characters you're talking about, do you mean loli's or maybe slightly older looking girls, like a lot of the characters in To Love Ru? It can't be someone with a Rias body type I would assume, because there's surely not much difference between her and a mature woman, other than the eyes.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Mar 13, 2023 3:22 PM

May 2016
I don't hate it. Like any genre, Ecchi can be good if done right. Examples of good Ecchi that I've seen is Gantz, Prison School, My Dress Up Darling, Food Wars, The Familiar of Zero, and To Love Ru. Examples of bad Ecchi are Kanokon & Kiss x Sis. 
Mar 13, 2023 3:32 PM
Jul 2018
LostSpectre said:
Felori said:

I would be fine with ecchi that is actually good (and maybe actually funny in its sexual humor too) with adult women that do look and act like that and are interesting characters.
And stop throwing half-naked children at me, these characters aren't even attractive to me.
I seem to really enjoy the kind of ecchi you dislike, I can't disagree that it's dumb and juvenile, but there's something oddly appealing about it, besides the obvious. I was just wondering what type of characters you're talking about, do you mean loli's or maybe slightly older looking girls, like a lot of the characters in To Love Ru? It can't be someone with a Rias body type I would assume, because there's surely not much difference between her and a mature woman, other than the eyes.

Yeah other than her eyes, and imo all of her facial features, which are the most important parts of the design for me. That's why I can't find any of those attractive. I normally don't like these typical anime designs too much, especially not their faces.

You do your do btw. I don't automatically think all people, who like lolis or anything, would be into real children (although it could go hand in hand in some cases, but I don't think it has to by default).

I just can't see how most anime girls or women are attractive... or men or anyone else. That's not what I watch anime for. If I find attractive characters, it's a plus to me, but I don't watch them for.
I just don't like it, when there is sexual content in it and they look too childish or too much "generic anime", like all having very similar and simple facial features and only slightly different eye forms, because their noses, facial bones etc are looking all the same.

Tbh I like a slightly more realistic style the most. It doesn't have to be hyperrealistic, just a bit more on that side. Besides some anime, I for example thought Sypha, Lisa and Greta from the Castlevania series and Vi and Caitlyn from Arcane are very attractive.
Mar 13, 2023 4:05 PM

Jan 2013
Felori said:
LostSpectre said:
I seem to really enjoy the kind of ecchi you dislike, I can't disagree that it's dumb and juvenile, but there's something oddly appealing about it, besides the obvious. I was just wondering what type of characters you're talking about, do you mean loli's or maybe slightly older looking girls, like a lot of the characters in To Love Ru? It can't be someone with a Rias body type I would assume, because there's surely not much difference between her and a mature woman, other than the eyes.

Yeah other than her eyes, and imo all of her facial features, which are the most important parts of the design for me. That's why I can't find any of those attractive. I normally don't like these typical anime designs too much, especially not their faces.

You do your do btw. I don't automatically think all people, who like lolis or anything, would be into real children (although it could go hand in hand in some cases, but I don't think it has to by default).

I just can't see how most anime girls or women are attractive... or men or anyone else. That's not what I watch anime for. If I find attractive characters, it's a plus to me, but I don't watch them for.
I just don't like it, when there is sexual content in it and they look too childish or too much "generic anime", like all having very similar and simple facial features and only slightly different eye forms, because their noses, facial bones etc are looking all the same.

Tbh I like a slightly more realistic style the most. It doesn't have to be hyperrealistic, just a bit more on that side. Besides some anime, I for example thought Sypha, Lisa and Greta from the Castlevania series and Vi and Caitlyn from Arcane are very attractive.
I was just curious what you had in mind, since when it comes to ecchi I know some people are weirded out by the childish faces of anime characters, even if they have mature/developed bodies. I wasn't going to take offense to whatever your answer was, and I personally have no strong infatuation with loli, I just dislike the hypocrisy of making alien looking cartoons out to be literal humans, but that's another story altogether. I tend to find a lot of female characters attractive, at least in a basic cute/pretty sense, at least in terms of anime, I relate to these cartoons on a completely different level than I would with real people. I can certainly appreciate the examples you gave as well, more realistic designs can sometimes get a bit "uncanny valley" territory for me though, but that's probably rare. 
LostSpectreMar 13, 2023 4:09 PM
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Mar 13, 2023 4:28 PM

Oct 2013
Something something something, difference in taste, something something, don't like tna shoved in their face, something.

Side note, when did people forget that "fanservice" doesn't just mean jiggly mounds of fleshy bits? Because that's the only way I ever see it used...Saying "fanservice in general" would also cover things like easter eggs, cameos from other series, highly anticipated moments, and so on. You know, everything else that also "services" fans.
Mar 14, 2023 9:50 AM
May 2020
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  2.ใ€€Please refrain from creating threads that do not encourage meaningful and/or civil discussion. Examples include:

    g.ใ€€categorizing generalized opinions as popular/unpopular

    • e.g.ใ€€Why does everyone like/hate ___, Why is studio ___ so hated, Post your unpopular opinion about ___, etc.

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