Neil & Harris are not Sophia’s LIs. If you click on the heart at the top right corner of the screen you will not find them in Sophia’s list. She’s using them to take revenge on Liam for postponing their date. At the same time Dylan is home and expects to spend time with Sophia right after she prepares some finger food for the guests. So, Sophia will change to her work out clothes (see last teaser shared by
Jungles70 ) she will go down and start preparing the meal. Neil & Harris will start teasing her and she will use this to make Liam jealous… in the meantime time Dylan goes downstairs as well to talk to her. He sees the scene and decides if he will stop Sophia’s teasing (LI Dylan) or wait and watch how far she can go (cDylan).
So if Dylan doesn’t stop her they will have the workout together and Sophia will leave to meet Patricia and the college guys. LP is using here Dylan’s reaction in the same way he used it when the “horny college guys” asked Sophia to dance with them. If Dylan stays silent there’s no hand job in the pool. Similarly here if he stays silent she decides to leave and meet Patricia. So the Dylan/Sophia event stops before the hot scene starts.
Since Neil & Harris are NOT LIs apart from some groping and lewd comments do not expect anything else happening…
As for Dylan and Sophia I believe they will touch the “forbidden area” here and I expect either a bj or dry hump…