Reacting To Sus Moments With The Boys But It’s Mainly Just Me
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- We are a bit sussy if you didn't know...
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Edited by @TheMilitiaGamer
Outro song | • bbno$ - sriracha prod.... Игры
I'll try to be there. Might have homework though
Can't wait
Yay I’m excited!!
“The gayest thing is a group of straight guys”
-Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“Count me in” -Sun Tzu, The Art of War
the art of gay
"Stop saying shit i never said"
-Sun Tzu, The Art of War
9:30 "is that multiplayer or what" is the best thing i've ever heard😂
facts bro 😂
Along with
“I’d eat toe with mustard”
Others “What????”
“What? U don’t fuck with mustard or what?”
I never knew Droid loved the furry community. He made a whole story about it.
I forgot bout that.. 😭
We all do
can't get enough of that twitlonger
He rather not have a pipe bomb in his mailbox XD
“therefore i am uber ultra gay” bro 💀
Out of everyone in the group Droid is the one with the most sus moments 😂
Yall already know its a great day when Droid Uploads
I like how most of the clips Droid is regretting cause of the massive digital footprint LMAO
I swear Droid and Pezzy are just boyfriends without the title.
they’re all just in a poly relationship
and if that's true then smii7y and kryoz are an old married couple
Droid is 100% the most attractive one of the group to me, no doubt
I find all of them attractive
Do you happen to have something for glasses?
@@Blitz_Divers_soldier honestly…I think so
4:36 Droid: I’m not gay, but $20 is $20
Anything for money
Droid not knowing about puffers dream merch is really surprising. I’ve seen him wear it so much
mf said pre-marital marriage😂
LMFAO I didn't even realize
The fact they called y’all the frog house 😂
4:52 "Thats his dominant hand too ugh" got me dying💀😭🙏
Droids just a proud homiesexual, nothing wrong with that
Im sorry but I am SHOCKED he still has his V-Card cause I would pick him out of all his friends. He is the most attractive while Smii7y has the most attractive voice.
Dawg what
Honestly all of them are pretty good looking
bro gave a detailed analysis
So real wtf
cant wait for the coming out vid
Wait you're the person who made the compilation
this was a video of droid i never knew i needed
1:37 Him saying premarital marriage is so fucking funny. It gets me every time. Stay goofy, Droid!
Honestly if i had the validity and Droid swung that way, I'd definitely get with him romantically. Hes such a kind soul
That's a crazy way to say you'd hit
@@bananaBread16 and I’ll say it again
@@Confea22 real
same fr
Now they can get sus moments from this video as well 😭😂
i couldn't stop laughing for 2 mins straight cuz of 8:39
9:27 I Like that cooking videos hairstyle Droid, should do it again
also goated joke hahaha
banger video as always droid, thanks for the laughs peepoLove
Pre martial marriage 😂😂
2:50 honestly, that is like, the least weird thing someone could respond with, lol. That’s just me, tho, but like… convenience and location, it makes more sense.
9:02 my god that frame droid looks like he did a face reveal
7:47 suffering from success
Lowkey would snatch Droid up 🏃♀️
Amazing being there for that stream
Droid being sus just a normal video
this is just him and pezzys relationship
I saw a video like this before pax and I’m not surprised anymore after that day 😂
5:34 wut 😂
Bro that’s so funny that you and puffer had the same reaction to the 4 big guys intro song u both were like wtf but u both danced to it
1:26 facts,i never had my first kiss either
Why are you so quick with the sus 😂😂😂
8:59 the joke just writes itself
Good Video Elastic! :D
Ayeee, love the Cowboys shirt Droid! 🙌🏼
*I wanna see the sus moments (behind the scenes)* 🐴
I would also romance Droid lmao
the funniest thing is he used mostly your content but put you last in the description like I wouldn't have that droid 😂 anyway droid i love your content keep up the great work have a nice day/night
Day 3 of saying your vids are straight fire: Fire
Ayyyy Elastic!!!!😋another good video once again.
watching the new droid video with my elasticdroid youtooz plushie :]
The most BASED Droid video EVER!!!!
Please someone tell me what video 3:47 is from, I almost coughed up a lung laughing
YOOOO lets go sussy moments
Droid is gonna be like ishowspeed after he showed it. Gotta question everything you do
I really couldn’t care what these guys did, their laughs are historic for me. G.O.A.T laughs
Great video like always :D
the outro song always gets me dancing sheeesh
Yooo droid you are best man
I mclove watching ur videos at night lmao
Lol best RUclips ur the best how are you btw
just from the first two minutes of this video @ElasticDroid was rethinking what he was saying lmao
not even surprised at this point
Whole wheat bread
what a cute video😄
9:00 some jokes just write themselves
I am 99.9% sure I lost my first kiss at the age of like 5 or 6 to a girl in my kindergarten
Been a while and sup
Bros really had a glow up
1:50 funny
7:15 that is what it sounds like
Anybody know what video 6:41 is from I have been looking for that video
I know this is a year late but here you go. Aftermath of The Forest. I’ve watched it from Pezzy and Puffer’s channels
The boys sus moments are so funny 😂
Song was 3 big balls
Droid is my favorite RUclipsr
droid if you share your fav song with me i’ll try to learn it on my guitar (electric) pls respond, have a good day, keep up yo funny ahh videos bc they make my day better. have a good day 💪💪💪
He did mature tho
He ain't as crazy as these clips nowadays lol
Common droid W
Droid time
I missed the stream anyway you need to upload more one every 2 days
3:43 I thought it could only grow to 1 1/2 inches
Damn I’m hella early can I get a reply or what dawg 🤔🤔
I believe (keyword believe Take this with a grain Of salt.) That the male G spot was placed there in case another male came along and wanted to assert dominance you see this happening in Nature all the time naturally.
Why would you need to get pleasure from it tho? That’s not a part of the whole assert dominance thing in the animal kingdom.
Cause if you don't, it hurts...... Don't question how I know that.😅🤣
@@PickledScab6996 Alright, chief💀
Sussy boys 😂 i love dirty jokes this is 10/10
good video Droid
Wait which vod is this I gotta know
Hey droid I love the vids dude and can I get a hi
The amount of downbad I am for Nelson is insane
Is it weird that the third harbinger is playable at this point of the game? I mean, like these guys are supposed to be the team rocket of the game
7:25 why so descriptive bro??? Like wtf?
I think because mostly it’s you because you are a are more sus then the others💀💀
1:46 what video is that i like to see the full video
The title is “I made them do this with me…” it’s on puffers channel
Its funny how he doesnt remember most of these
i thought the title was "reacting to slurs with the boys"
Uploadddd yes
That one was tuxy
BBL Droid
i know every word to the intro music of the vid hes reacting to
Bro, if you're not fruity for the homies, are you actually homies to begin with
Hello :D
Yo droid, I sent you an oil painting of you for the Christmas PO Box. I don’t know if it arrived, could you let me know if it got to you?