Sexual Game Mechanics: Why and How

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Maybe it's because I'm not a guy, or maybe I just play these games weird, but I don't really find that working out what to do next takes me out of the situation? If anything, it makes the situation more immersive for me as a player, depending on what the situation is, I guess.
[Globally speaking, since everyone is unique in a way or another]
Women are more prone to need a whole context to their arousal, while men tend to focus on the action. It doesn't mean that men don't fantasize but, why the girl is here and why they are having sex, matters less than the fact that they have sex.

Therefore, for women yes, having to think about the next move deter them less from their final goal. At the opposite it tend to enforce their pleasure. Whatever they are fantasizing about (romance, submission, dominance, etc), they feel more like it's their actions that put them in this situation ; precisely because they did those actions in the game.
For men it tend to be the opposite. Of course, we can be romantic, but we wouldn't care, and sometimes would prefer, if we could just jump into the action. Therefore, having to think too much is more often a diversion than something interesting. As I said, the journey through the game help raise the arousal, but once we are effectively aroused, we prefer to act, not to slowly continue until the moment we can't take it anymore.

The clichés regarding masturbation are relatively accurate.
Women are seating, slowly caressing they body, and only after some time starts to effectively focus more on their sex. And they continue like this until the moment they can't get it anymore and start effectively being serious. For men, things are serious the instant they are erected. And of course, once you have it in hand, you'll not stop until you finished.
It doesn't reflect my own thoughts but, unlike women who can pause for an instant to touch another part of their body, for many men the idea to, at this time, touch another parts of their body that their dick would be "soooo gay". They can like the feeling when they are having sex, but when they are fapping it's not the feeling that is in their mind, it's the fact that they hand is touching a man, and that they are touched by a man.
It's why, whatever the game, there's always someone to complain because there's too much dialog. It pause them in their action, and they don't like that, because they never do that when they usually fap.

But, as I said, this is globally speaking. There men who like it slow, like there's women who prefer it fast. They tend to be the exception, but they exist. And it can also vary depend of the mood.

I guess the question is, does it matter whether the developer's intent is to get you off? Like, what does it even mean to say a game is 'designed' to get you off, when what situations, fetishes, etc get people off differs so wildly, and some people aren't even playing with that intent?
When it come to the game design, yes it matter.

In the 90's, and at least in Europe since it seem that it was rare in the US, each porn studios where releasing a new game almost every week. At this time the difference in game design was really obvious. Just looking at the preview you could tell if the game was intended for pure release, or if it was entertainment with a plus. What doesn't mean that you couldn't fap on the second ; they were porn studios, they expected you to fap on their games.
Nowadays, there's no more such professionals on the scene. There's studios dedicated to adult games, but in terms of money, and therefore capacities, they are nothing compared to the porn studios at this time. What mean that effective porn games are really exceptional. When you release a game/week, and have the incomes from your movies, you can afford to have some games that have bad sells, because it will address a fetish that is too much a niche, because he got unnoticed, or whatever reason. But you can't afford this when you need to cover at least your expenses in order to avoid bankruptcy. Therefore games tend to now address a larger public.
The closest to what was pure porn games at this time is probably Illusion games. Yet, with their scene building mechanisms, and their studio, they already target a larger audience.

Sorry if I'm overstepping there, [...]
It's a public forum, you aren't overstepping at all.


May 2, 2018
[Globally speaking, since everyone is unique in a way or another]
Women are more prone to need a whole context to their arousal, while men tend to focus on the action. It doesn't mean that men don't fantasize but, why the girl is here and why they are having sex, matters less than the fact that they have sex.

Therefore, for women yes, having to think about the next move deter them less from their final goal. At the opposite it tend to enforce their pleasure. Whatever they are fantasizing about (romance, submission, dominance, etc), they feel more like it's their actions that put them in this situation ; precisely because they did those actions in the game.
For men it tend to be the opposite. Of course, we can be romantic, but we wouldn't care, and sometimes would prefer, if we could just jump into the action. Therefore, having to think too much is more often a diversion than something interesting. As I said, the journey through the game help raise the arousal, but once we are effectively aroused, we prefer to act, not to slowly continue until the moment we can't take it anymore.

The clichés regarding masturbation are relatively accurate.
Women are seating, slowly caressing they body, and only after some time starts to effectively focus more on their sex. And they continue like this until the moment they can't get it anymore and start effectively being serious. For men, things are serious the instant they are erected. And of course, once you have it in hand, you'll not stop until you finished.
It doesn't reflect my own thoughts but, unlike women who can pause for an instant to touch another part of their body, for many men the idea to, at this time, touch another parts of their body that their dick would be "soooo gay". They can like the feeling when they are having sex, but when they are fapping it's not the feeling that is in their mind, it's the fact that they hand is touching a man, and that they are touched by a man.
It's why, whatever the game, there's always someone to complain because there's too much dialog. It pause them in their action, and they don't like that, because they never do that when they usually fap.

But, as I said, this is globally speaking. There men who like it slow, like there's women who prefer it fast. They tend to be the exception, but they exist. And it can also vary depend of the mood.

When it come to the game design, yes it matter.

In the 90's, and at least in Europe since it seem that it was rare in the US, each porn studios where releasing a new game almost every week. At this time the difference in game design was really obvious. Just looking at the preview you could tell if the game was intended for pure release, or if it was entertainment with a plus. What doesn't mean that you couldn't fap on the second ; they were porn studios, they expected you to fap on their games.
Nowadays, there's no more such professionals on the scene. There's studios dedicated to adult games, but in terms of money, and therefore capacities, they are nothing compared to the porn studios at this time. What mean that effective porn games are really exceptional. When you release a game/week, and have the incomes from your movies, you can afford to have some games that have bad sells, because it will address a fetish that is too much a niche, because he got unnoticed, or whatever reason. But you can't afford this when you need to cover at least your expenses in order to avoid bankruptcy. Therefore games tend to now address a larger public.
The closest to what was pure porn games at this time is probably Illusion games. Yet, with their scene building mechanisms, and their studio, they already target a larger audience.

It's a public forum, you aren't overstepping at all.
Thanks for the information on the porn studios! And the insight into guys' habits when it comes to porn viewing. That really puts it into perspective why I can't get on with a lot of the VNs I've tried, actually. The pacing always feels off to me, but with that in mind, I get why it's like that haha

I guess what I meant regarding intention to fap was more whether it was valuable attempting to gauge developer intent when we analyze the end result of their work. In lit terms, is the author dead or not? Because even if the developer is still alive, they're often not reachable for comment on their intent behind design decisions, much like with books. If a dev comes out and says 'I intended people to fap to my game when I wrote it', does that make their game any more/less fapworthy to a player? That sort of thing, right?

Idk, anyway, I feel a weird kinship to nulnil's complaints about trying to get off to games that don't mesh gameplay and smut good, because that's often also something I feel, but until they reply (if they reply at all to my questions), I can only speculate :D

I will say the OP feels like someone dressing up their porn opinions/tastes as objective game design facts out of confusion over others' tastes. Honestly if you asked me to explain the appeal of something like Dreams of Desire's scenes, for example, I'd have difficulty discerning if the pacing/writing of the scenes was bad (as in the product of an unskilled writer) or just aimed at someone whose sex drive works completely differently to mine, with regard to what you said about how guys often get off :p
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Active Member
May 18, 2021
I guess the question is, does it matter whether the developer's intent is to get you off? Like, what does it even mean to say a game is 'designed' to get you off, when what situations, fetishes, etc get people off differs so wildly, and some people aren't even playing with that intent?
What I mean when I'm talking about intent is some games (typically open-world types) have adult content but aren't really fappable, like Cyperpunk and Fallout:NV (unmodded). The adult content there is usually too out-of-the-blue and unrelated it feels jarring, and certainly (for me) impossible to jack off to. I'd say games designed to get you off integrate sexual mechanics into the game, but that doesn't work for at least 80% of the games here.

Also, nulnil are you also a fan of game over rape, level drain, those sorts of mechanics? This 'presentation' thing kind of feels like you're trying to explain, as an enjoyer of dubcon/noncon games with sexual combat, where the simulation of the negotiation of consent is the important thing for your arousal, that it's a superior form of erotic gaming to people who don't really get what you're talking about. I mean, I also enjoy games with those kinds of mechanics, but I wouldn't say it's objectively good design just because it makes me horny, right?
Game over sex, level drain (generally speaking) and things that punish you for trying to enjoy the sexual content beat the entire point of making a porn game. It technically is presentation, but it is bad presentation, like how VN's have bad gameplay.

I'll give an example of (good) presentation:
  • In a melee-based fighter, the player has access to a sex-attack(s) that heals them upon use. Some enemies may be able to also use sex-attacks against the player. There may still be a gallery, but you can still "get off" to the gameplay without that.
That would be a geniune 9/10 on presentation.
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Active Member
May 18, 2021
And, as I said, those games are extremely rare in the scene.
Since Karinn's Prison, that you systematically take as example isn't one of them, I wonder if you ever played one. The purpose of the game is more to rise your arousing, and therefore preliminaries to your fap session ; in a way, you build the scenario in the game, then later fap about it being reality.
What doesn't mean that you can't fap while playing it, just that it's not designed for this. Exactly like the fact that you can fap while looking at KPop girls band videos doesn't mean that they are porn videos.
Yes all games will have some build-up. No, that doesn't mean what the average VN's grind is should be used in other games. I also never said Karryn's prison had no flaws with it's presentation. The first issue is getting to the sex takes a few hours of gameplay, because you need to grind for passives. Second is how all the early sex traits look like debuffs, which makes the average player who plans on winning, avoid them. It is otherwise pretty well done.

And that mean that any game mechanisms come between the player and his goal.

Firstly because the majority use the same hand to fap and to use the mouse. Secondly because having to think about what should be your next move take you out of the lewd cloud you want to be when fapping.
Skill issue.
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May 2, 2018
What I mean when I'm talking about intent is some games (typically open-world types) have adult content but aren't really fappable, like Cyperpunk and Fallout:NV (unmodded). The adult content there is usually too out-of-the-blue and unrelated it feels jarring, and certainly (for me) impossible to jack off to. I'd say games designed to get you off integrate sexual mechanics into the game, but that doesn't work for at least 80% of the games here.

Game over sex, level drain (generally speaking) and things that punish you for trying to enjoy the sexual content beat the entire point of making a porn game. It technically is presentation, but it is bad presentation, like how VN's have bad gameplay.

I'll give an example of (good) presentation:
  • In a melee-based fighter, the player has access to a sex-attack(s) that heals them upon use. Some enemies may be able to also use sex-attacks against the player. There may still be a gallery, but you can still "get off" to the gameplay without that.
That would be a geniune 9/10 on presentation.
Okay, now I know you're just trying to dress up your opinions as objectively good game design, because for me, those things make games more sexy, not less. It's about the protagonist vs their opponent's consent, and watching that play out/influencing that is kinda... the point, for me. Seeing a bad end is the 'end of the ride' so to speak. And then, if you are in the mood for more, you go again, like a rollercoaster. It's good game design... if you, as a player, are into consensual nonconsent. The possibility of getting a bad end or the protagonist losing stats is called 'stakes for the protagonist', which heightens the tension in the moment (and shows you what happens if the protagonist fails btw - improving the story), even if saves render it largely meaningless for the player outside of the story. So when you say that 'beats the entire point of making a porn game', no, that's your opinion on what gets you off, not a fact about porn game design.

Basically, if I were you rn, and in your headspace over this thread, I'd be over there trumpeting that Monster Girl Quest was the height of good game design (newsflash, it wasn't lmao), coining a new term to evangelize about it, and it would be a fucking waste of everyone's time. This is literally just a thread about how anything you can't fap to is bad game design.

Like, I literally agree with your opinions is the thing! I like the same general formula of game that you appear to (battlefuck, broadly speaking). It's frustrating, because while we like the same sorta game, I can't agree with your metrics. As detailed above, they seem very poorly justified atm.

Also, idk if you're joking, because that doesn't come across well in text, but if you're serious about that whole skill issue thing further down... c'mon, don't bring 'git gud' into masturbation. Really? Talk about killing the vibe.
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Active Member
May 18, 2021
Okay, now I know you're just trying to dress up your opinions as objectively good game design, because for me, those things make games more sexy, not less. It's about the protagonist vs their opponent's consent, and watching that play out/influencing that is kinda... the point, for me. Seeing a bad end is the 'end of the ride' so to speak. And then, if you are in the mood for more, you go again, like a rollercoaster. It's good game design... if you, as a player, are into consensual nonconsent. The possibility of getting a bad end or the protagonist losing stats is called 'stakes for the protagonist', which heightens the tension in the moment (and shows you what happens if the protagonist fails btw - improving the story), even if saves render it largely meaningless for the player outside of the story. So when you say that 'beats the entire point of making a porn game', no, that's your opinion on what gets you off, not a fact about porn game design.
I contradicted myself there. I meant to say that they were bad if they are the ONLY sexual content in the game. The problem with it only being so is that you're rewarding the player for losing the game, which goes against the idea of skill being rewarded. The idea is that winning is harder than losing, requiring skill.

Also, idk if you're joking, because that doesn't come across well in text, but if you're serious about that whole skill issue thing further down... c'mon, don't bring 'git gud' into masturbation. Really? Talk about killing the vibe.
That was just a slight directed at that user specifically.


Game Developer
Oct 9, 2022
To me this feels like a very 'scholastic' aproach to gamedev.

My advice is for you to try to make/produce your own 'desirable' game and through practise you will understand how design and production really works.

Personally I think good and cohesive writing -world setting, character arcs, plot- can justify any game genre or mechanic including VNs.
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Active Member
May 18, 2021
Personally I think good and cohesive writing -world setting, character arcs, plot- can justify any game genre or mechanic including VNs.
Yeah well even if that did excuse bad game mechanics, I haven't seen anything like that.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
I will say it also depends on the intent of the game, there is many different adult games with porn in them, they often are done for different reasons. Some the goal of the game is the sex, others not so much. Take the game I work on, Girl Life, love it or hate it, it is what it is. Which deep down it is a life sim sorta like the sims but with porn. The goal of the game is to life the life of a teenage girl and interact with a world, that is compared to the real world much more sexualized but not to over the top. I know we have players that play our game and try to see if they can play the whole first year of the game and stay a virgin, others play it and slut it up every chance they get. Neither play style is write or wrong, as GL is meant to be a sandbox life sim of sorts for you to play how you want.

My point is there is no universal what is good or bad way to make a adult game. Now depending on ones taste you can certain say this or that is what you like, but adult games as a whole can and do cater to a huge variety of tastes and some the sex is the main focus and others it is window dressing and everything in between.

On a unrelated topic, I have seen Ophanim post a few times and kinda want to get her to try GL just to see what she thinks of it.


Active Member
May 18, 2021
I will say it also depends on the intent of the game, there is many different adult games with porn in them, they often are done for different reasons. Some the goal of the game is the sex, others not so much. Take the game I work on, Girl Life, love it or hate it, it is what it is. Which deep down it is a life sim sorta like the sims but with porn. The goal of the game is to life the life of a teenage girl and interact with a world, that is compared to the real world much more sexualized but not to over the top. I know we have players that play our game and try to see if they can play the whole first year of the game and stay a virgin, others play it and slut it up every chance they get. Neither play style is write or wrong, as GL is meant to be a sandbox life sim of sorts for you to play how you want.
This isn't about sex being the goal, or forcing the player to engage (though it is probably encouraging) in sexual content. A similar game to Girl Life (assuming this girl life is that QSP in that takes place in russia) is Degrees of Lewdity. Degrees of Lewdity's combat system is what makes it shine as a porn game. I assume you've at least tried DoL, but it's a turn based combat where you can use sexual attacks to your advantage as you are corrupted more. On the other side, you can try and play a 'pure' route where you have to play defensively.

It might not be the best combat system, but it's relevant, it's paced well, and there's a very large amount of content for it.

My point is there is no universal what is good or bad way to make a adult game. Now depending on ones taste you can certain say this or that is what you like, but adult games as a whole can and do cater to a huge variety of tastes and some the sex is the main focus and others it is window dressing and everything in between.
Sure, there isn't a universal way to make a good porn game. However, there are methods you can follow, things you can read up on, and practices to avoid. Too many porn games would have the exact same gameplay experience if you removed everything sexual, because the porn in them is dead weight.
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
This isn't about sex being the goal, or forcing the player to engage (though it is probably encouraging) in sexual content. A similar game to Girl Life (assuming this girl life is that QSP in that takes place in russia) is Degrees of Lewdity. Degrees of Lewdity's combat system is what makes it shine as a porn game. I assume you've at least tried DoL, but it's a turn based combat where you can use sexual attacks to your advantage as you are corrupted more. On the other side, you can try and play a 'pure' route where you have to play defensively.

It might not be the best combat system, but it's relevant, it's paced well, and there's a very large amount of content for it.
Never played it but I have played other games where it is turn based combat and sex can be the result from the combat.

Sure, there isn't a universal way to make a good porn game. However, there are methods you can follow, things you can read up on, and practices to avoid. Too many porn games would have the exact same gameplay experience if you removed everything sexual, because the porn in them is dead weight.
See I disagree with that statement completely. The sex doesn't need to be tied to a game mechanic or even serve a purpose beyond what it is, which is sex. I mean in RL, sex can have many meanings, love, lust, boredom etc. So a game that mimics RL and lets the player pursue NPC's which may or may not lead to sex by interacting with them and become friendly with them. Doesn't make it dead weight, just because there is no game mechanics behind the sex.

Now you might not like that style of game but that doesn't change the fact it doesn't make the sex any less or more meaningful for the game.


Active Member
May 18, 2021
Never played it but I have played other games where it is turn based combat and sex can be the result from the combat.
DoL's sex takes place during the combat, not after it.

See I disagree with that statement completely. The sex doesn't need to be tied to a game mechanic or even serve a purpose beyond what it is, which is sex. I mean in RL, sex can have many meanings, love, lust, boredom etc. So a game that mimics RL and lets the player pursue NPC's which may or may not lead to sex by interacting with them and become friendly with them.
Very few games actually attempt to mimic real-life. Some may be grounded in reality, or they may be realistic, but very rarely do they try to completely mimic a real person's life. It's hard to name any real piece of media that isn't slightly fantastical (besides documentaries) because they would be boring if they weren't. The vast majority of games just won't be about RL, and that's what this guide is for.

Doesn't make it dead weight, just because there is no game mechanics behind the sex.

Now you might not like that style of game but that doesn't change the fact it doesn't make the sex any less or more meaningful for the game.
The whole idea is that because a game is a game, a majority of the sexual content should be tied to what matters most in a game; the game mechanics/gameplay. Some "games" like VN's don't have a focus on challenge or game mechanics which means what game mechanics there are in VN's, don't hold much weight to begin with.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
Writing with such authority while ignoring the whole other side of porn gaming is suspect. The story, writing, and characters are just as big of a factor, if not bigger, when it comes to fapworthyness of a porn game. You don't have to tie the porn to the core gameplay mechanics at all. It can be tied to the story.

You are advocating for hypersexualized conditions where you engage in sex battles all the time or do some management of sex slaves or whatever. That's fine, but that is extremely narrow in scope. It's also entirely up to the player's personal taste whether this type of situation is arousing or fappable. And tying the porn to core gameplay mechanics inherently comes with hurdles because each individual scene cannot be written thoroughly.

Chloe use Boob Cyclone!
It's super effective!
"Ohhh... my face. You will pay for this."
Thug 1 uses Thousand Finger Bang!
1000 lust damage!
Chloe is mind broken!
"Hehehe... you are nothing but a big titted sow."
Thug 1 rapes Chloe!
*Kuche kuche kuche kuche*

No, I don't find stuff like this fappable usually. And it's not "fun" gameplay to me. Fun gameplay is usually gameplay mechanics we might find in normal games.

You know what's fun? Pronant Symphony. Venus Blood Frontier/Hollow. Big Bang Age. Leanne 2. CoC2. The Last Sovereign. Renryuu Ascension, etc etc. It's absolutely fine to tie the porn aspect to the story instead of the core gameplay. Now I will give you that if the porn is significantly detached from even the story, that does make for a poor porn game.

Anyways, the point is that your entire essay is basically just your opinion and is not a general guideline on proper porn game development. I, for one, don't want to be fapping during some interactive sex scene. It's annoying and the scenes are gonna be, by the nature of their coding, generic and rote. I want to play a fun game, and have sex scenes based on the story progression. Bonus points if the porn aspect ties back in to the gameplay somewhat (Venus Blood heroine evolution being tied to corruption/love).
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Active Member
May 18, 2021
Writing with such authority while ignoring the whole other side of porn gaming is suspect. The story, writing, and characters are just as big of a factor, if not bigger, when it comes to fapworthyness of a porn game. You don't have to tie the porn to the core gameplay mechanics at all. It can be tied to the story.

You are advocating for hypersexualized conditions where you engage in sex battles all the time or do some management of sex slaves or whatever. That's fine, but that is extremely narrow in scope. It's also entirely up to the player's personal taste whether this type of situation is arousing or fappable. And tying the porn to core gameplay mechanics inherently comes with hurdles because each individual scene cannot be written thoroughly.
Good arguement, however you have failed to read the following:
.. a non-novel porn game.. (maybe I should have clarified games focused on skill and challenge, not RPGMs that are secretly VN's with random turn-based combat)
Few normal games have a half-decent story if you rip away the gameplay, because they're games, not novels. This is not about narrative media. This is addressing games like Resist The Succubus: End of The Female Knight where the porn has nothing to do with the main part of the gameplay (sending your guys to fight the other guys).

*strawman arguement*

No, I don't find stuff like this fappable usually. And it's not "fun" gameplay to me. Fun gameplay is usually gameplay mechanics we might find in normal games.
I never said you can ONLY have sexual game mechanics. For the love of god, read carefully!

You know what's fun? Pronant Symphony. Venus Blood Frontier/Hollow. Big Bang Age. Leanne 2. CoC2. The Last Sovereign. Renryuu Ascension, etc etc. It's absolutely fine to tie the porn aspect to the story instead of the core gameplay. Now I will give you that if the porn is significantly detached from even the story, that does make for a poor porn game.
I haven't played any of those games, but do you think any of those games would be as fun if the sexual content was removed, since you imply the porn has nothing to do with the game? Would you ever have bothered playing those games knowing there wouldn't be porn? Of course, there's the chance the narrative in those games is this grand, amazing thing that rivals Breaking Bad.

Anyways, the point is that your entire essay is basically just your opinion and is not a general guideline on proper porn game development. I, for one, don't want to be fapping during some interactive sex scene. It's annoying and the scenes are gonna be, by the nature of their coding, generic and rote. I want to play a fun game, and have sex scenes based on the story progression. Bonus points if the porn aspect ties back in to the gameplay somewhat (Venus Blood heroine evolution being tied to corruption/love).
If you want to fap to a story, I suggest reading an adult web-comic. I don't see why you are so determined to have the porn do nothing with the central aspect of any (skill-based/normal) game.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
Few normal games have a half-decent story if you rip away the gameplay, because they're games, not novels. This is not about narrative media. This is addressing games like Resist The Succubus: End of The Female Knight where the porn has nothing to do with the main part of the gameplay (sending your guys to fight the other guys).
What an absurd thing to say. RPGs are games that have extensive storytelling. Strategy/tactics games often feature in-depth narratives as well. Are you gonna say these are not "normal games?" Then what, are you talking about Street Fighter and Mega Man? Minesweeper? Solitaire?

I never said you can ONLY have sexual game mechanics. For the love of god, read carefully!
No, but you implied that porn games must have sexual game mechanics as part of the core gameplay. That's your opinion and I gave my opinion that sexual game mechanics are, more often than not, boring and unfappable.

I haven't played any of those games, but do you think any of those games would be as fun if the sexual content was removed, since you imply the porn has nothing to do with the game? Would you ever have bothered playing those games knowing there wouldn't be porn? Of course, there's the chance the narrative in those games is this grand, amazing thing that rivals Breaking Bad.
I didn't say the porn has nothing to do with the game. The porn is part of the story, and the gameplay is also part of the story in a way. The story and gameplay, as well as the atmosphere and artistic presentation (no, not your made up definition of presentation) make up the overall game. What kinda games are you playing, seriously?

And yes, most of those games I listed were fun because they were fun games. I didn't even fap to the more vanilla oriented ones on that list. It's dumb to ask if I would have played them or not without the porn part, because they are not mainstream games advertised through normal avenues.

If you want to fap to a story, I suggest reading an adult web-comic. I don't see why you are so determined to have the porn do nothing with the central aspect of any (skill-based/normal) game.
Gee, thanks. I didn't realize porn games were exclusively for fapping to "skill based sexual game mechanics." What a decidedly self absorbed statement.
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Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
Interesting thread. While I do have a similar rant titled "Games with Porn vs Porn Games" tucked away into some corner of my brain, this here is wrong:
Again, you can't really rely on the narrative here because most stories here are.. poorly written. A reward mechanism was what I was saying to avoid, since it becomes work to get the reward rather than the gameplay being a fun activity. Sure, while the ultimate goal can be achieved with all 3 methods, the gameplay is what only a game could offer. I could watch the narrative via a video, or get a 100% save file for the gallery, but playing the game is the only way to experience gameplay.
The advice you seem to be giving, is "you're bad writers, so don't write, design games instead!" Having browsed a lot of games on this site, I am coming to the conclusion that this would be a terrible advice. You see, you are absolutely right, most games have poorly written stories. But they are even worse as games. My observation is that there is a small but not insignificant number of talented visual artists, a very limited number of good writers, and almost complete absence of even somewhat competent game designers.

From a consumer perspective, it's better that we have a few decent narrative-focused games rather than none because these rare capable writers wasted their time trying and failing to create good gameplay.

I haven't played any of those games, but do you think any of those games would be as fun if the sexual content was removed, since you imply the porn has nothing to do with the game? Would you ever have bothered playing those games knowing there wouldn't be porn?
Then you should go and play them, starting with the Last Sovereign. The argument here is that porn is an integral part of the narrative. Yeah, it's not really an integral part of the gameplay (it's a lowly JRPG). Your question translates to "would you ever have bothered playing this narrative-heavy game knowing that the integral part of its narrative is gone for the sake of my argument?" Well, duh, of course not! Would you have bothered playing a game knowing that its key mechanics are deactivated?

If you want to fap to a story, I suggest reading an adult web-comic. I don't see why you are so determined to have the porn do nothing with the central aspect of any (skill-based/normal) game.
First, care to suggest a porn comic or porn movie where writing is on the level of Breaking Bad? It would seem awfully fallacious of you to hold porn narratives to that standard in one part of your argument and then failing to uphold that standard in the other.

And the answer to your question is dopamine. Achieving goals in games, no matter how not-skill-based they are, results in dopamine hits in a way that turning a comic page absolutely does not. Now, having good gameplay during porn scene would enhance that, sure, but designing good gameplay that requires 1 hand and is not distracting from absorbing the scene is hard. If you can do it, go on, you'll be the golden dev. But failing that, it's better to have some gameplay than none, even if it's not tied to the porn.
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Nov 2, 2017
The whole idea is that because a game is a game, a majority of the sexual content should be tied to what matters most in a game; the game mechanics/gameplay. Some "games" like VN's don't have a focus on challenge or game mechanics which means what game mechanics there are in VN's, don't hold much weight to begin with.
I understand your argument. I just disagree. I mean if you have a fun game where you go off adventuring, then come back to town and go to the brothel, pay some gold for sex and then have sex. It doesn't make the sex dead weight and it is not tied to any game mechanic.


Active Member
May 18, 2021
What an absurd thing to say. RPGs are games that have extensive storytelling. Strategy/tactics games often feature in-depth narratives as well. Are you gonna say these are not "normal games?" Then what, are you talking about Street Fighter and Mega Man? Minesweeper? Solitaire?
Name a game that has a good story. Like something you'd get people to watch/play for the story alone. Even some of the games I think have good stories (for video games) like MGR:R don't hold their own only as a story.

No, but you implied that porn games must have sexual game mechanics as part of the core gameplay. That's your opinion and I gave my opinion that sexual game mechanics are, more often than not, boring and unfappable.
You seem to be taking that too litterally and thinking sexual mechanics are the only mechanics, not just a tool in the arsenal or something like that. Anyways, my opinion is that story-based sex scenes are, more often than not, boring and unfappable.

I didn't say the porn has nothing to do with the game. The porn is part of the story, and the gameplay is also part of the story in a way. The story and gameplay, as well as the atmosphere and artistic presentation (no, not your made up definition of presentation) make up the overall game. What kinda games are you playing, seriously?
An average game is MOSTLY about gameplay, not story or art. That means porn that doesn't interact with gameplay elements in any way is going to have much less impact than porn that does.

And yes, most of those games I listed were fun because they were fun games. I didn't even fap to the more vanilla oriented ones on that list. It's dumb to ask if I would have played them or not without the porn part, because they are not mainstream games advertised through normal avenues.
What I was talking about is that the quality of these games are often quite low and the porn is just a carrot on a stick. I should have mentioned they would also be on mainstream sites. And maybe, just maybe, you are more easily entertained than others, but I'd have to play the 7 or so games you listed to see if that is the case.

Gee, thanks. I didn't realize porn games were exclusively for fapping to "skill based sexual game mechanics." What a decidedly self absorbed statement.
I'm not talking about some super-dark souls game where only one in a billion beat it. I'm trying to exclude VN's from the statement because they aren't about gameplay/game mechanics.
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