few weekends ago i went to play airsoft.. i dont play that often, but when i do i like to bring the appropriate wear to the field. so, be the tree! its hard to see but i was in fact behind a wall of earth to my front that went up to my armpit.
this picture is old, but i figured what the hell i'll post it and see if there are any airsoft-ers on here..
this picture is old, but i figured what the hell i'll post it and see if there are any airsoft-ers on here..
Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 720 x 540px
File Size 153.2 kB
Not bad. Always thought Multi works quite well during sunlight days when everything gets bleached a bit yellowy. ACU just seems to be an absolute waste of time no matter what terrain.
I can't really comment too much on effectiveness though as I usually play in OG Vietnam gear regardless of season or suitablity. Hence I refer to myself as an 'Airsoft extra'; someone who is there to get zapped early on in order for the heroes (those who are any good) to identify the oppo teams firing positions!
I can't really comment too much on effectiveness though as I usually play in OG Vietnam gear regardless of season or suitablity. Hence I refer to myself as an 'Airsoft extra'; someone who is there to get zapped early on in order for the heroes (those who are any good) to identify the oppo teams firing positions!
acu works great at night, but thats it. under night-vision, its a bitch to find when the IR tabs aren't exposed. it also blends into the natural colors the human eye see's at night an blends with them and distorts depth. multicam regrettably isn't the best at night, but still works better than say bdu or marpat. only time i ever use my acu in the day is basically when it snows! the pattern just sucks. tbh, od aint all that bad. u can rock od and still get around undetected. hell, most all my gear is od, cause that shit works