
Oct 8, 2019
For patching save files?

I have the 0.8.3h public html. It's an HTML only so you need to download, temporarily replace the start_game.html with this html I sent you, patch your save, delete this 0.8.3h html, and then return the original html file back. Save to disk before patching your save file.
thanks alot


Mar 17, 2019
Will workshop with 7 (new)and 10 (old)slaves generate same processing points? I mean i had 2 workshops full with 10 slaves each ,now that u have 6 extra workaholic slaves to spare should i go for another workshop for total processing output as before.


New Member
Mar 21, 2022
What is the optimal starting build for normal difficulty (for current version)?
I made char with 50 CHARM, 90 INT and WIL, Combat-I and some traits. But after few in-game
days, I think maybe I should start with some medicine and more combat OR invest in business


New Member
Oct 18, 2024
What is the optimal starting build for normal difficulty (for current version)?
I made char with 50 CHARM, 90 INT and WIL, Combat-I and some traits. But after few in-game
days, I think maybe I should start with some medicine and more combat OR invest in business
Depends, really. If you don't mind a little bit of grinding (little = a LOT), I suggest you to NOT invest in any of the Strength, Stamina, Dexterity and the combat stats. You could easily train them to the max (with discipline trait), if you go hermit for 1-2 ingame years.
The only problem to that method is money, which can easily be solved by choosing that +5000 cash trait and the lowest difficulty. Oh, and you also going to miss a few not important events (the monster invasion at Kasey park, Valkyrie(?) and her gangs, and probably some I'm not aware of)
If you decided to dabble in the dubious art of Occult, don't forget to raise your willpower to 80s and have that occult trait as well. Shit's mentally taxing. Oh, and don't forget crackshot/deadly strike if you're planning to beat the shit out of everyone.


New Member
Mar 21, 2022

If you decided to dabble in the dubious art of Occult, don't forget to raise your willpower to 80s and have that occult trait as well. Shit's mentally taxing. Oh, and don't forget crackshot/deadly strike if you're planning to beat the shit out of everyone.
Is willpower not that useful in other aspects of the game? I saw some char build 100-150 page down and most only had 25 starting value. (But WIL cannot be increased via basic training)


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2018
Is willpower not that useful in other aspects of the game? I saw some char build 100-150 page down and most only had 25 starting value. (But WIL cannot be increased via basic training)
There are ways to get WIL boosts from courses/books, but the big one is just being a damn good Atheist.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
There are ways to get WIL boosts from courses/books, but the big one is just being a damn good Atheist.
A better way IMO is just picking a girl to assign to morning blowjobs. Then you can be any religion you want and your willpower will passively go up to 90 (but not quickly).


New Member
Feb 6, 2022
What is the optimal starting build for normal difficulty (for current version)?
I made char with 50 CHARM, 90 INT and WIL, Combat-I and some traits. But after few in-game
days, I think maybe I should start with some medicine and more combat OR invest in business
All I can say is don't be afraid to restart to integrate what you learned. Pretty much all the relevant stats you can grind ingame so personally I would put a little more focus on the unique stuff.


Jan 12, 2019
anyone know the cheat code to raise each religious faction to become ours through manipulating the number of donated? i dont want to convert to any of the choice religion out of principle and irl bad experience but i want to take over their faction.
e.g. aesir

To see a list of faction names, type this then click the arrow.

Will workshop with 7 (new)and 10 (old)slaves generate same processing points? I mean i had 2 workshops full with 10 slaves each ,now that u have 6 extra workaholic slaves to spare should i go for another workshop for total processing output as before.
A workshop with 7 NPCs processes less than if it had 10 NPCs; every NPC contributes. I haven't tested the numbers but if you want to take advantage of having 10 NPCs per workshop, just leave them where they are.
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Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
What is the optimal starting build for normal difficulty (for current version)?
I made char with 50 CHARM, 90 INT and WIL, Combat-I and some traits. But after few in-game
days, I think maybe I should start with some medicine and more combat OR invest in business
There are not such a thing for an optimal starting build. It depends wildly of what kind of character and gameplay you are going to engage in. I´m pretty happy with a 70 stamina, 85 Charm 70 Int char with Merchant 3 and Scholar 2, with no investment in combat (35 ranged at start and who cares about melee, ST or Dex), who never ever train physically (well, except for keeping the buns, filled with chocolate, coated with chocolate and with chocolate sprinkled on top at bay) and see combat as a chore that you must do because the half-witted monkeys that you have in your pay roll are unable to follow simple instructions as "go to Stoke Hill and clean the fortress" and you must grab them and carry them by the hand to get the job done.

But there are people that are fanatic of train-twice-a-day, be the fittest, most capable combatant in the world, and that will see 85 charm as a waste of resources (after all, you can caress endlessly to raise it) or the 70 stamina (after all, in a couple of weeks training you can go from 40 to 70 stamina) and that will cry blood tears if his Char can not wield a Montante with ease.

To each one his own. In a regular role playing game a warrior it´s not better that a magician or a thief. It depends if it fits what you want to do


Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
A better way IMO is just picking a girl to assign to morning blowjobs. Then you can be any religion you want and your willpower will passively go up to 90 (but not quickly).
You know I've been reading people saying this for ages and I've yet to get a willpower increase from morning bjs. What actually triggers that? I have read that stopping it before cumming does it, but it has never happened to any of my characters that I've played and I've done the morning bj many, many times.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
You know I've been reading people saying this for ages and I've yet to get a willpower increase from morning bjs. What actually triggers that? I have read that stopping it before cumming does it, but it has never happened to any of my characters that I've played and I've done the morning bj many, many times.
You can actually get 2 points in 1 day from it if you're lucky. You can get the first point for having her lick your balls and the 2nd point for the actual blowjob. If you cancel it there's no chance as far as I know. It's about a 10% chance if you go through with it so most of the time you won't get one. My last game I went from about 20 starting willpower to 90 in less than a year and that's after reading all the occult books, many of which reduce your willpower so that's a total gain from morning blowjobs of probably at least 100 points in a year.


Apr 19, 2019
I bet that 'pork stew' (see below) truly smells wonderful. All the meat in my house has been recently from deer, charuk and geldar-beast. Definitely no pork - unless that cunning slave-girl hasn't kept some hidden from me in her secret stash. :)

I don't avoid boar-hunt for religious reasons. I just worked a couple of years on meat-branch and happen to remember quite well the vile stench of boar-meat during some folks' very miss-fortunate efforts to prepare edible food from it.

Boars on Raana might be totally different breed from those here on Earth, of course. Yet in case they descent from the Sus Scrofa, they still could have more or less similar chemistry than the ones we know from our fields and forests here - and then the big boars will probably have that horrible stint most humans find highly unpleasant. (I don't even start about trichins etc.)

You just don't shoot the old boars and even less you want to chase after them or fight with them. Adrenaline adds it's own flavor and drops the quality of meat even more. You pick sows or smaller piggies well below 200 lbs for taste and other practical reasons - and kill them clean and fast without them ever realizing what happened.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
I bet that 'pork stew' (see below) truly smells wonderful. All the meat in my house has been recently from deer, charuk and geldar-beast. Definitely no pork - unless that cunning slave-girl hasn't kept some hidden from me in her secret stash. :)

I don't avoid boar-hunt for religious reasons. I just worked a couple of years on meat-branch and happen to remember quite well the vile stench of boar-meat during some folks' very miss-fortunate efforts to prepare edible food from it.

Boars on Raana might be totally different breed from those here on Earth, of course. Yet in case they descent from the Sus Scrofa, they still could have more or less similar chemistry than the ones we know from our fields and forests here - and then the big boars will probably have that horrible stint most humans find highly unpleasant. (I don't even start about trichins etc.)

You just don't shoot the old boars and even less you want to chase after them or fight with them. Adrenaline adds it's own flavor and drops the quality of meat even more. You pick sows or smaller piggies well below 200 lbs for taste and other practical reasons - and kill them clean and fast without them ever realizing what happened.
I am not sure if you understand the usage of TLDR; - it stands for 'too long didnt read' and usually recaps a longer text above it. In your case : TLDR = 175 words. Text it recaps = 41 words ;)
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Apr 19, 2019
I am not sure if you understand the usage of TLDR; - it stands for 'too long didnt read' and usually recaps a longer text above it. In your case : TLDR = 175 words. Text it recaps = 41 words ;)
I am not sure if you counted the words in my intended TLDR-text correctly. 175 words just can't be right! Please let your counting program check the number again, if you will. AND regardless to that, I am sorry and feel properly ashamed about my faulty ways. I DO use some abbreviations quite wildly at times, I admit, and that is just the start! My punctuation tends to be totally ballistic and I only seldom and also many times much too late check whether I wrote words correctly or not. Writing (or trying to write) trough severe language barrier(s) is difficult enough for me, especially now in my old age.
Rest assured, however, that I am still willing and perhaps also able to improve a little bit in some hopefully not too distant future. For example TLDR I will probably use only when I wish that some kind person would count my words in some totally meaningless comment I have written either here or elsewhere.
TLDR :D :coffee:


Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
I am not sure if you counted the words in my intended TLDR-text correctly. 175 words just can't be right! Please let your counting program check the number again, if you will. AND regardless to that, I am sorry and feel properly ashamed about my faulty ways. I DO use some abbreviations quite wildly at times, I admit, and that is just the start! My punctuation tends to be totally ballistic and I only seldom and also many times much too late check whether I wrote words correctly or not. Writing (or trying to write) trough severe language barrier(s) is difficult enough for me, especially now in my old age.
Rest assured, however, that I am still willing and perhaps also able to improve a little bit in some hopefully not too distant future. For example TLDR I will probably use only when I wish that some kind person would count my words in some totally meaningless comment I have written either here or elsewhere.
TLDR :D :coffee:
:D - age is no excuse in this case, as my grey hair and advanced age is proof for. Notepad++ counted for me, since I am lazy
tldr count (includes 'tldr;):
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
Notepad++ is no excuse either - especially as it seems to count compound words to different (separate) ones. :)
You made me learn a new word: this was not supposed to end in a 'quibble', but was more a funny observation :)
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