Peter Svidler Banter Bliz - June 19, 2015

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Peter Svidler was at home, but took on Premium chess24 members in our playzone for 90 minutes. Watch and chat live during more live shows at
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Комментарии • 36

  • @v1991c
    @v1991c 9 лет назад +19

    the fact that Svidler reaches down to the fans and does these videos is amazing.
    thanks peter!!

  • @sleepybrownbear
    @sleepybrownbear 9 лет назад +18

    Peter Svidler is now my favorite chess player. I'm rooting for you 100% in whatever you do!

  • @maelstrom57
    @maelstrom57 9 лет назад +16

    I loved it to bits. Svidler is a great commentator and obviously an immensely strong player. Thank you chess24.

  • @Alrawandi
    @Alrawandi 9 лет назад +33

    Svidler! The coolest GM on Earth, and the most charismatic too :)

    • @SaintD382
      @SaintD382 9 лет назад +2

      +Alrawandi He does seem like a cool guy, doesn't he? Totally humble, not at all cocky or arrogant. Intelligent, funny, well-spoken...he actually speaks better English than most native English speakers!
      He's also the only elite player (currently #17 in the world!) that does Banter Blitz. It's a rare opportunity for mortals like us to hear the thoughts of a chess god. ;)

  • @MattSmith-jl9vn
    @MattSmith-jl9vn 9 лет назад +4

    "another opening from my misbegotten youth"... I died XD

  • @pgoedde
    @pgoedde 9 лет назад +28

    more Peter svidler sessions pls !!!!

  • @modolief
    @modolief 9 лет назад +8

    VERY high quality commentary. For me it is hard to confidently know which chess ideas apply in a particular position. Mr. Svidler seems to play from ideas then find moves. And express the thinking clearly, even casually, like describing the scenery during a walk in the park.

  • @YGODeckDoctor
    @YGODeckDoctor 9 лет назад +3

    this is seriously entertaining, i can see this being massive in say a years time. Svidler has gained 1 more fan for sure.

  • @polyspastos
    @polyspastos 9 лет назад +16

    more please. MOOOOOOOOOORE

  • @matt5403
    @matt5403 9 лет назад +5

    we love Peter!

  • @MattSmith-jl9vn
    @MattSmith-jl9vn 9 лет назад +1

    loved the queening of the a pawn story. I wish Peter would read bedtime stories

  • @MrOttopants
    @MrOttopants 9 лет назад +9

    Just a suggestion- it would be good to remove some of the clutter from the screen so that you can increase the size of the board.

  • @DarkEagle969
    @DarkEagle969 9 лет назад

    Peter Svidler is really a nice guy with quality commentary!

  • @yingtan5505
    @yingtan5505 9 лет назад

    Now I am definitely a fan of Mr. Svidler!

  • @DeepakDating
    @DeepakDating 9 лет назад

    Amazing video from Svidler!

  • @ctsevenfiveseven
    @ctsevenfiveseven 9 лет назад +12

    what an unrespectful play from the last player. shame

  • @wolfman498
    @wolfman498 9 лет назад

    Weekly Peter Svidler is fantastic! 2700 player....I love it

  • @Schachmalanders
    @Schachmalanders 9 лет назад

    Love this Banter Blitz!

  • @hectorbrenes6075
    @hectorbrenes6075 9 лет назад

    Good job, Peter! You're great!

  • @romantisme_ru
    @romantisme_ru 9 лет назад

    Спасибо Петру за прекрасный захватывающий ролик!

  • @alfluna5
    @alfluna5 9 лет назад

    Simply a beast!

  • @circleviii1801
    @circleviii1801 9 лет назад +1

    1:12:00 why Ne2, Ng1, Nf3 when it could have just gone to f3 in one move?? I don't understand....

    • @SaintD382
      @SaintD382 9 лет назад

      +Ryan Foster
      Great question, Ryan!
      In searching for the answer just now, I listened to Peter's commentary at that moment; and he seems to be saying that he didn't play 7.Nf3 right away because he wanted to lure Black into advancing his h-pawn two squares, weakening the g5-square.
      Once Black played 7...h5, Peter "sprang the trap" on him, relocating the knight to f3 after all.
      Peter seems to be saying that he saw this "trick" in another game, and found the "geometric" concept (possibly meaning the "diamond"-shaped route of the knight) interesting enough to try in a blitz game.
      I'm guessing maybe the 7...h5 maneuver was aimed at White's intended Ne2-g3 (otherwise White's kingside remains tangled), and that after 8.Ng3 Black was planning 8...h4, which might have favored Black after 9.Nf5 Bf5.
      In which case, Black's 7...h5 was like a "dare" for White to play 8.Ng3, but Svidler declined the dare and "turned the tables" instead.
      One question is: is getting the knight to the g5-outpost really worth spending that many tempi on? After all, this is an "open" game: it seems like losing tempi could be dangerous....

  • @Apollys
    @Apollys 9 лет назад

    19:10 nice, you read your opponent's mind :D

  • @Mathview
    @Mathview 9 лет назад

    GM Svidler Yo the Man!

  • @Magikk9
    @Magikk9 9 лет назад

    Hey Peter, you don't know very much chess theory apparently lol.

  • @Magikk9
    @Magikk9 9 лет назад

    do chess24 send us chocolate when we have lots of badges like the FM killer?

  • @SqueezeWizard
    @SqueezeWizard 9 лет назад

    pls next time expand the chessboard!

  • @Chess24
    @Chess24  9 лет назад +3

    Check out Peter's next Banter Blitz!

  • @yrrahyrrah
    @yrrahyrrah 9 лет назад

    How come these FM's have as high ratings as one of the best GM's in the world?

    • @hansmahr8627
      @hansmahr8627 9 лет назад

      +harrythedevil The ratings on these online chess-sites don't reflect the FIDE ratings. Also, it's often the case that FMs and IMs are much better in blitz than in classical chess, meaning that they often can compete with much stronger GMs in 3 or 5 minute games.

  • @yonimiller
    @yonimiller 9 лет назад


  • @v1991c
    @v1991c 9 лет назад

    i find it ironic that svidler says "i shouldnt be playing right away with people that are better than me at this"
    ....i can he say that if he is supposedly the 16th player in the world in Blitz Ratings?

    • @FallaciousAl
      @FallaciousAl 9 лет назад +3

      Stan Marsh This is a good point. And I would imagine that the degree to which he is referring to his blitz chess abilities in general is the degree to which he is being self-deprecating. There is, however, at least one advantage that many players have on him: premove ability. His rank of 20 is in over-the-board blitz. Some of these guys are very well practiced at online chess.

  • @1fgchamp
    @1fgchamp 9 лет назад

    I always hoped Svidler would do another one :D