
For hotwives and the men who adore them.
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Tank Turner
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Post by Tank Turner » Thu Feb 06, 2025 9:30 pm

My sister-in-law returned how from the hospital with her baby daughter. Gone was my wife's stress. It was replaced with happiness. She was elated. By noon, there were more relatives in the house than it could accommodate. It was drizzling. The commotion was more than I could bear. I bailed around 2ish.

My wife called me around 3:30. She was on her way to Brad's house. Brad stayed behind so it wouldn't look suspicious. She told me to meet them at Brad's house as soon as I could. She was in a huge hurry. She wanted to shower before he got there. She told me that she needed to shave before Brad arrived because she hadn't in five days, so she was in huge hurry.

I got there about 5. They were both completely naked. My wife was laying on Brad's bed. She had a huge wad of Brad's cum on her tits and chest. It was obvious that he finished fucking her as I arrived.

I was going to kiss her but not with cum all over her. She told me she'd take another shower. I knew both were horny because they hadn't fucked in a week. She's always horny. He's almost her match.

After she got out of the shower, she gave me a huge hug and a long, deep, passionate kiss. She thanked me for not complaining about her taking care of her sister.

I had a massive hard-on. She asked me what I wanted her to do to me. I asked her if they fucked. She had already given him a blowjob and he fucked her. She assured me that he pulled out because she wanted him to cum on her tits.

She sat on the side of Brad's bed. She told me, "Come here." As soon as I got to her, she leaned forward and sucked my cock. Brad was chilling on the other side of the bed. I pulled out of her mouth, turned her around, and bent her over Brad's bed. She grabbed my cock and it slid easily inside her sopping pussy. I fucked her like a pile driver. She usually rubs out orgasms while I'm banging her rear entry. Instead, she reached for Brad's limp cock and played with it. I asked her where she wanted my cum. She wanted it on her tits again. She's loved warm cum on her tits since long before I met her, especially when she's in a kinky mood.

I pushed her onto Brad's bed, straddled her, and jacked off a huge load all over her neck, chest, and tits. It would be her third shower. After she got out of the shower, I threw her on her back next to Brad. She instinctively spread her legs. I buried my face in her bush and licked and sucked three orgasms out of her clit. After the third, she told me that that was enough. Brad had gone down on her before I arrived.

She rested between Brad and I. She talked about her niece for at least ten minutes while she played with our cocks. Brad's cock responded to her stimulation. Within a second, she had his cock inside of her mouth. She must have repeated 15 times that she wanted to suck cock. She often gets in moods to constantly have a cock in her mouth. She asked Brad if she wanted her to fuck him. He told her to keep doing what she was doing. She was wildly horny. I grabbed her tits and squeezed them while her head bobbed up and down on Brad's cock. Suddenly, he grabbed her head and held it still. I could hear her swallowing his wad.

She laid back down between us and rubbed at least three more orgasms out of her clit while we watched her.

Her body stilled in exhaustion. She had an extremely stressful month. She told us that she was crazy horny but wanted to rest because she hadn't slept most of the week before her niece was born.

About 20 minutes later, she looked into my eyes and asked me if I could get hard again. I told her she did not have to worry. She told me she wanted me to fuck her again. She stroked my cock hard again. She walked around to Brads side of the bed, leaned forward so her naked body was resting on top of his naked body. She told me that she wanted me to fuck her while Brad sucked her tits. She got herself in position. She put her left tit in Brad's mouth while spreading her legs to give my hard cock access to her pussy. I could not remember the last time she was that insatiably horny.

I slid my cock inside of her drenched pussy while Brad sucked her left tit and squeezed her right tit. Her hand disappeared between her legs to rub out more orgasms. I could not fuck her like a pile driver because Brad had her left tit in his mouth. About a minute later, she let our a loud moan and completely stilled her body. She rubbed out a massive orgasm. Her eyes were gazed. She looked like she was in a trance. She struggled to catch her breath. A couple minutes later, my cock reentered her pussy. Her chest was motionless across Brad's body. I asked her where she wanted it. She did not respond. I got her attention and told her I was ready to cum. I asked her where she wanted in. She pushed herself off of Brad, turned around, got on her knees and said, "Bring it here."

She sucked my cock for about a minute before I filled her mouth with cum.

All three of us rested before she put on an authentic porn star performance. She's always loved to be watched while she was porn starred. When her kink kicks in, it has 750 horsepower.

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Re: Finally

Post by rgold » Fri Feb 07, 2025 4:56 am

That was incredibly hot. Thank you so much for sharing.

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Re: Finally

Post by venus-can99 » Fri Feb 07, 2025 8:47 pm

Tank congratulations to your SIL and her fiancé on the birth of their beautiful daughter

Tank Turner
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Re: Finally

Post by Tank Turner » Sun Feb 09, 2025 3:11 pm

It's taxes my writing skills to describe my absolutely adorable wife. You would have to experience her to comprehend it. For as far back as she can remember, she has believed that nudity is normal and natural. She's resolutely convinced that Americans have an anachronistic perspective of nudity, which is why she appreciates Europeans. She's right. By the time Americans reach the age of majority, they know how naked human bodies look. She can be provoked to become unglued because CA does not have legal nude beaches.

I know my wife better than anyone. I've listened to reveal her sexual experiences since she gave her first blowjobs though they are more graphic when she's buzzed. The first time we fucked, which was on the evening of our first day, I was enamored of she naked confidence. After the bedroom door closed, she got naked as though nudity was completely normal. To this very day, her getting naked in the presence of other people might be the best part of anything that might follow.

When my wife has sex, she gets naked and stays naked until she's done.

Within a week of booty calling her, probably sooner, she told me she loved warm cum on her tits. She's always had an innocent and fascinating manner of honestly and factually talking sex. I have a video of her telling me that she wanted to be covered in cum. To her, cum is an indicator of successful sex. She's told me too many times to remember that she'll worry when she can't get dudes to cum. When she wants cum on her tits, it will almost always be an indicator that she's in a testosterone-laden hyper-horny phase. When I saw her in Brad's bed with a huge wad of cum on her chest and tits and after she showered it off, fucked me, and told me to cum on her tits again, I knew her sex drive flew beyond the stratosphere.

My wife was physically exhausted from devoting every moment to her sister. After she sucked the last drops of cum from my cock, she adorably order me to the far side of the Bed, Brad to the other side of the bed, and she got herself comfortable in the middle. Before she lapsed into a nap, she reminded my that I had to pick up our kids from her sister's home. I asked her what she was going to do. She confidently and assertively told me that she was going to stay with Brad because she needed sleep. She was in no condition to take care of our kids. I asked her what she had planned to tell our kids. She assured me she had it wired.

Brad and I BS'ed over my wife as she fell into a deep albeit abbreviated asleep. All three of us were completely naked, yet Brad and I knew without saying a word that we needed to let my wife rest undisturbed. We knew our wait would be erotically rewarded.

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Re: Finally

Post by Tank Turner » Sun Feb 09, 2025 3:52 pm

Maybe 20 minutes later, my wife's eyes opened. She turned her head to look into my eyes then the opposite direction to look into Brad's eyes. After she knew we were both awake, she told us that she's been pussy quivering horny for days. The more she fucks, the more she wants to fuck.

She told me to bring her a bottle of water from Brad's fridge. No sooner did she say it that she told me that she'd do it. Before she left, she asked us if we wanted anything to eat. Her sexy naked ass walked away from us toward Brad's kitchen. She must have been gone for 20 minutes. She confidently entered Brad's bedroom, walked to his side of the bed with her pussy inches from him, and placed a bottle of water on his nightstand. She told him that she finished the rest of his smoothie that was in his fridge. She handed two bottles of water to me and told me set them on the night stand next to me.

She playfully hopped on the bed on her knees between us then sat her ass on her heels. Her body was canted toward Brad. Her knees were parted giving Brad a clear view of her pussy.

It did not take her long to get a full load of blood in Brad's cock. She continued stoking it while she appeared to be thinking about what she would do with it.

From way beyond the ballpark of Brad's bedroom, my wife asked him, "What's wrong with you?" That question stunned Brad and me. Before either of us could ask her to explain, she said something like this, "You're handsome, intelligent, well-mannered, knows how to treat women, you're excellent in bed, you make excellent money, you own your own home, so why can't you find a girlfriend?" Talk about a boner killer.

Brad was uncomfortable. My wife made him comfortable. She told then that the 15 year age difference between them enabled them to share each other's secrets without fear of judgment.

Brad told us that he had been fucking since he was a high school star football player. He was recruited by a very well known So Cal university. Since his the first day of his freshman year, women advertised sex to football players. He honestly could not tell my wife how any coeds he fucked during his four years in college.

All college freshman dream of playing pro football. Brad had that dream. He knew it wouldn't happen by the end of his sophomore season. He was a good player, but there were NFL quality players playing NCAA football.

After he graduated, he had no idea what he'd do for a living. He considered a position within professional sports, but that wasn't realistic. He continued to fuck chicks. My sister-in-law's firacee told me that Brad was the original chick magnet. Chicks literally threw themselves at Brad.

A few years later, he ran into the fiancee. He told Brad that his fire department was recruiting. He told Brad to not bank on it. Getting hired as a So Cal firefighter is next to impossible at that time. Long story short, Brad, with the fiancee's help, learned everything he could about the department. He was in excellent condition. He aced the written and physical agility. He began to see the similarities of football and firefighting. They were both finely tuned teams with each player having a clearly defined role with the notable exception of when a football player fucks up a play, the huddle up for another play. When a firefighter fucks up, another firefighter could die.

He met the love of his life after he became a professional firefighter. She was the quintessential California girl: Blonde, Playmate of the Year body, scorching hot looking, turned heads everywhere they went. You know the story: love is blind. Brad could not see what everyone saw. She was 4 years younger than Brad and had more boyfriends than Britney Spears. She obviously had relationship issues. She played the role of a sex goddess, yet she withheld sex from Brad to manipulate him. He told us that my wife was far better in bed than she was. She refused to do swapping parties, but wanted Brad to take her on expensive vacations to nude beaches where she bribed him with sunbathing naked on tropical beaches. She sold beauty products. She never made enough to support herself. She got used to Brad supporting her. He never saw the obvious.

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Re: Finally

Post by Tank Turner » Sun Feb 09, 2025 4:31 pm

Brad held our attention for at least 20 minutes. His purging his ex was cathartic for him.

She was like my wife: always naked with the difference being she used nudity to excite Brad an manipulate him. My wife believed nudity is normal and natural. She doesn't care who sees her naked body as long as it's not kids, especially our kids.

After she got pregnant, she moved into Brad's home. She converted the second bedroom to a nursery. Brad bought everything. She never really worked, and quit her never really working job so she could stay healthy through pregnancy. It was a load of BS. My wife worked until weeks before both of our kids were born. She knew that his ex used sex to short circuit his thinking ability.

That woman was devious. She thought that after the baby was born, she'd use to baby to kick Brad out of his own home and force him to support her and their baby. She did not know that CA did not recognize common law marriage.

His experience left Brad gun shy with women. He had opportunities. However, he became hyper-vigilant for cues that indicated women were dangerous.

My wife, still completely naked, stopped Brad in his tracks. She told him that he became what he wanted to avoid. She told him that no woman was perfect. Every person has flaws which was what made them unique. He was unrealistic to believe a perfect person existed. He was not respectful of women by comparing them to his ex. He could judge women only as they were as individuals. He needed to see the good in women and accept their flaws and endearing characteristics. She looked at him and asked to the effect of, "Do you think I'm perfect? I'm far from perfect. My husband loves me for my imperfections. You must learn to love a woman for her imperfections. You must never judge a woman based on insignificant criteria. Would you rather marry a virgin who lies, cheats, and steals, or a woman who has been with a hundred men, is honorable, has integrity, and most importantly is in love with you?"

Brad and my wife got into a deep and graphic conversation about his ideal women. Since he met my sister-in-law and my wife, he wants a woman just like them. She stopped him again. She told him to never expect any women to live up to his ideal woman. He wants to be in love with a woman like I am with my wife and his best friend is in love with my sister-in-law. He wants a sexually enlightened woman who is uninhibited like my wife and sister. He wants a wife who can broaden her sexuality beyond their marriage yet remained forever bonded to each other.

Brad opened up with truth. He asked my wife if she remembered the evening they first me. Of course she did. He admitted that he knew he could fuck her. She asked him how he knew that. He admitted overhearing the fiancee and and her sister talking about my wife's uncontrollable libido, and if he ever tried to fuck her, she'd kick his ass so far our of her life that he'd need the Hubble Telescope to see her. Brad said that based on what her sister said and how she said it, he correctly assumed that my wife fucked men outside of our marriage.

He told her that when he grabbed her by the hand and led her into a hallway, his plan was to take her to a bedroom to fuck her. She asked, "Why didn't you?" obviously implying she would've fucked him. He told her that he considered options and thought that having her as a friend was better than a quick piece of ass. My wife thanked him for saying that, reached over and hugged and kissed him.

Tank Turner
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Re: Finally

Post by Tank Turner » Sun Feb 09, 2025 4:56 pm

My wife crossed her legs Indian style and sat in front of Brad to give him an unobstructed view of her naked body. She was close enough to stoke his cock. She stopped, told him to spread his legs. She sat Indian style between his legs with his legs over hers and stroked his cock.

My wife confidently told Brad that she and her sister were no different than most married women. Women who know euphorically orgasmic sex crave it more than men. Women have a huge sexual advantage over men. Women get more out of sex than men. The difference between sexually deprived women and my wife and sister is they are willing to experience their sexually fantasies. She assured Brad that most women would if their husbands love, supported, and encouraged them to explore boundaries of their sexuality. She emphasized to Brad that if he was jealous or judgmental, it would never work.

She emphasized to Brad that we have never been jealous of each other and neither has judged the other for our sexual experiences. She told him that I know that she will always return to me and fall asleep next to me. I know that her sex drives leaves mine at the starting gate. Brad has experienced my wife's sex drive. That woman could cum all night long. Not even my wife knows how long she could fuck because she has never experienced the point where her pussy could no longer fuck. I would never deny my wife sexual euphoria she could experience with back-up support.

She continued stoking his cock while emphasizing that he must never judge any women for her sexual experiences, and if a woman can't trust her husband or boyfriend, whom could she trust?

Brad asked my wife how old she was when she realized she loved sex. My wife was so fucking hot that she turned Brad's bedroom into a steam room.

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Re: Finally

Post by Tank Turner » Sun Feb 09, 2025 5:45 pm

My wife told Brad that she could not remember a time after puberty when she wasn't horny. Her mom detected unusual behavior and took my wife to a pediatrician. He finally diagnosed her with an endocrine system abnormality that caused her adrenal gland to release excess testosterone into her system. It's a fairly common condition among women. Left untreated, it could cause very serious health conditions. She told Brad that the silver lining was her pediatrician prescribed the pill for her as medicine.

After Brad's cock was fully hard, my wife grabbed it and while looking into his eyes, asked him what she want him to do with it. He knew that she's sexually submissive by nature. He knew that she loved to be fucked on bathroom sink counter tops with her legs over dudes' shoulders and her pussy at the edge of countertops. It's one of few positions that give her deepest penetration and she can rub out orgasms while she's getting her brains fucked out.

He pulled her off the bed. She absolutely loves to be manhandled. He pulled her to his bathroom. On the way I heard her tell him that he hadn't noticed that her legs were smooth. She told him that she used his razor to shave before he arrived. He did not answer indicating that he didn't care whether she shaved.

I heard him tell her to stand right here while he cleared a space on his bathroom sink counter. I leaned against his closet to watch. Brad is a stud. He lifted my wife onto the counter top and yanked her forward so her pussy was just over the edge and her back rested against the mirror.

My wife was in a sexually playful mood. She teased him about grooming her bush. He said he wasn't going to groom it. He was going to put his face in it. She teased him that he thought he was sexually confident. He said, "You know I am." She told him that women love sexually confident men. He knelt in front of her gaping pussy and began licking and sucking her clit. He stopped and told her to hold on for a second. He disappeared for a second and returned with a vibrator. He applied a slight about of lubricant on it, inserted it inside of her pussy, and turned hit on. He resumed licking and sucking her clit. Her body shuddered when she came. She used a foot to push him away from her clit and closed her legs. It has a massive orgasm. She looked at me as though she tried to talk. A couple minutes later, she spread her legs, handed Brad the vibrator, and his mouth and tongue worked another G-Spot orgasm our of her clit. She taught Brad the first time we had sex to massage the inner ridges of her pussy to stimulate G-Spot orgasms.

He asked her how he compared to me. She said we're equals. She told him that he was getting too cocky. He reminded her that she told him that he was the second best fuck she ever had while they were at the Tulum nude resort. I heard that and asked her who the best fuck she ever had was. "You!" she confidently said.

They stared at each other in silence for about 30 seconds. She looked at the biggest cock she has ever taken. She asked him if he was going to make her beg for it. He said, "That's an idea I haven't considered," while he smiled at her.

"Fuck me," she yelled at him. Brad moved between her legs. She instinctively placed her legs over his shoulders that tilted her pussy upward. Brad had to spread his legs to get his cock even with her pussy. He slowly penetrated his cock balls deep inside her pussy while her mouth opened with erotic sensation of his cock reaching depths of her pussy that only his cock has. He told her to masturbate while he fucked her. She told him that she knew that he loved to watch her masturbate. She told him that men love to watch women masturbate.

I got hard watching Brad's cock disappear balls deep inside her pussy while she rubbed out orgasms. But he could not pile drive her because forceful thrusts pushed her father back on the counter. He had to yank her forward so her pussy was just over the counter's edge.

Suddenly, Brad yanked her off of the counter and pushed her to her knees. He told her to open her mouth. I heard her say, "Oh, yeah," before taking Brad's cock inside of her mouth. Within seconds, I heard her swallowing Brad's cum.

She looked at my third hard-on. She told me to bring it to her. I told her that I was going to save it. Brad used a warm wash cloth to clean my wife's mouth. She gargled with mouthwash before the three of us returned to our positions on Brad's bed. My wife has told me she's never felt more safe and secure that when she fell asleep between Brad and me.

After a brief rest, my wife and Brad got into porn star nasty, kinky sex talk that tested my ability to hold out much longer before fucking her brains out. My wife is the queen of porn star dirty talk, and she does it adorably and innocently. He had no clue what how she's respond when he asked her the simple question, "What do women want most during sex." That started the bedroom steam bath.

Tank Turner
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Re: Finally

Post by Tank Turner » Sun Feb 09, 2025 10:10 pm

My wife asked Brad what he expected from sex. He said his sexual desires matured with experience. She asked him what he meant. She asked, he told her. While he was a college football player, he got more pussy than he could have imagined. He and his roommate did many threesomes with college girls who idolized football players. He asked my wife if she did threesomes in college. She didn't. She fucked her boyfriends knowing that their roommates were watching. She said she would have done threesomes if her boyfriends asked her. Many of her sorority sisters did threesomes and a lot more somes (orgies).

Brad knows about my wife's gang bang fantasy. She asked him if he had ever participated in a gang bang. This time he answered honestly. He told her about a game they played in Washington and won. Their entire floor partied. It wasn't long before girls were naked. Sex was everywhere. He and a teammate took an extremely beautiful and wholesome cheerleader to an empty hotel room. She was naked before they were. Within minutes, there were at least 10 football players in the room taking turns fucking her and getting their cocks sucked. He left after fucking her twice. She kept at it. The next morning, other players told him they kept her up all night fucking her and getting their dicks sucked.

He told my wife about other gang bangs football players had with coeds who idolized football players. By the beginning of his senior year, he realized that gang bangs, threesomes and willing college girls wasn't just about sex. It was demeaning to college girls and himself to take advantage of them. He changed to believe that if sex wasn't mutually beneficial, it wasn't worth having. My wife told him that most men don't learn that until they're middle-aged if they ever learn it.

My wife told him that she had done 2 foursomes involving me and two or our friends. She said it was exciting, but the best sex she's every had was with me and Brad because we always make sure she's sexually satiated.

Brad told her that he could arrange a gang bang for her if she really wanted to experience once. She asked him to explain it. First he asked her if she was sure it was a sex act she wanted to experience. She wasn't sure. He told her that he could invite three of his firefighter brothers over. He assured her that they're mature and respectful. After all, she's the sister of the soon-to-be wife of a firefighter. The five of us could gang bang her if that was what she really wanted. She asked about his firefighter brothers who'd be involved. He told her to tell him what she wanted, older, younger, etc. She said she wanted them to be at least 30, in good physical condition, no diseases, excellent hygiene, and most of all respectful. He assured her he'd have in lined up for her within days. She replied, "No!" I need time to think about it.

He told her that he thought that college girls got no orgasmic euphoria out of gang banging football players. They did it to satisfy their egos and be accepted by football players, but they treated girls like shit after they finished with them.

He asked my wife about her other sexual fantasies. She loves to be watched. She can be a voyeur. She likes to watch other people fucking. She loves the ego gratification of men appreciating her naked body. She loves to be naked with men. She loves men checking out her naked body, and she worries when they won't.

She loves public, risky sex and complained that I don't indulge her fantasy enough. I asked her when we have time to fuck in public. She said a walk around the trail by our home would be enough time.

Brad pulled her to him and gave her a sympathetic hug. They did a tongue dance of at least 5 minutes. He got up, pulled her off the bed, pulled her to his closet, and told her to put on one of his dress shirts. She asked why. He told her that he was going to fuck her on his balcony. She said people were coming home from work. "So what?" he asked. Did she think they would notice him fucking her on his balcony? Besides, they wouldn't be able to see below their waists. She grabbed one of his fire department shirts and told him she'd do it if she could wear that shirt. He told her to button only the top two buttons below the collar.

She acted like a school girl fucking her boyfriend in a car. I had to watch the show. He put on a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt. They leaned on the balcony rail. He told her to be quiet and watch. He moved in behind her, slid on hand between her legs and played with her nipple with his other hand. It took him a few minutes to get her breathing hard and moaning. Suddenly she pushed his had away from her clit, bowed her head, and strove to remain quiet. She turned to him and passionately kissed him. She told him that he'll make a very lucky woman a wonderful husband.

They stared at each other for about a minute before they turned around to lean on the balcony rail. He slid his hand under his fire department shirt she was wearing and rubbed her bare ass. He knelt down until his finger found her pussy. He slid his finger inside of her pussy to make sure her pussy was ready for his cock. He looked around again, got behind my wife, pushed on her back so she was leaning over the railing, took off his shorts, lifted the shirt, and slid his cock inside her pussy. She whispered, "God, this feels so unbelievably incredible."

He thrust inside her pussy. Anyone who looked over would have known what they were doing but could only see from above her waist. His shirt covered her tits. He took his time fucking her. He didn't care if anyone saw them. Neither did she. She loved every thrust of his 8 1/2" cock inside of her pussy. "Can I cum inside you?" "Yeah," she whispered. He held her tight and slowly allowed her pussy to mike cum from his cock. She was in a euphoric trance. She absolutely loved every second of it.

She hopped on the bed after sitting on the toilet to push his cum out of her pussy. She told me that that was what we needed to do more often. She told me again how much she loved Brad fucking her in open areas at the Tulum nude resort. I asked her when we had time and someone to keep an eye on our kids to get away. She reminded me that I promised to take her to CA's wine country. She said she'd arrange everything.

Brad told her that he loved to fuck in public places. He said his orgasm was as intense as the first one he had that day. He wanted to do it again. He asked her if he was willing to go to their community pool and Jacuzzi at around 9:30. She asked him if he's fucked there before. He told her that he's fucked just everywhere in his community. She asked him if it was safe. "No, that's what makes it exciting."

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Re: Finally

Post by venus-can99 » Mon Feb 10, 2025 11:29 am

Thanks for the wonderful update on you super sexy hw and Brad her wonderful lover.

Tank Turner
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Re: Finally

Post by Tank Turner » Mon Feb 10, 2025 11:48 am

My wife snuggled next to me. She asked me what I thought. About what? About her doing a gang bang. Her back was to Brad, but he could easily hear her. He told me that I have to know what a gang bang entails. He referred to his college gang bang experiences with girls who revered and idolized football players. He told me that football players took advantage of willing college girls. He told me without reservation that gang bangs were nothing like MFM sex we had with my wife. We always made sure she was sexually satiated before we porn starred her. College gang bangs were all about dudes getting off with no regard or respect for college girls.

Brad regretted participating in the gang bang of the beautiful, wholesome college cheerleader, but not at the time he did it. As he matured, he accepted that they took advantage of a willing girl who idolized players and wanted to be accepted by them. She did it for the wrong reasons.

I told Brad that he said his firefighter brothers were mature and respectful. He said that that was right. Mature and respectful firefighters could not be compared to collegiate football players who were more interested in cumming than assuring girls' sexual desires were fulfilled.

My wife stroked my hard cock while she queried me about her doing a gang bang. I've known for close to 20 years that gang bang was one of her more pronounced sexual fantasies. She has two girlfriends who've done gang bangs. Both told her that she should at least experience one.

She asked me whether I could participate. She would not do a gang bang without me. I told her that if she decided to do a gang bang, I would definitely be there to participate and assure her safety. She asked me if I could remain composed while men enjoyed their sexual fantasies with her. I asked her how it would be different than Brad and I porn starring her except there would be three additional dudes. As long as they were respectful, I would be good.

She told me that I had to leave at 9:00 pm to pick up our kids at her sister's home. I asked her what I should tell our kids. She had it worked out with her sister and her sister's fiance. I just had to agree that she was shopping for newborn items. She was going to spend the night at Brad's home.

She slowly mounted me cowgirl, slipped my hard-on inside of her Pennzoiled pussy and began slowly riding me while dirty talking me. She kept repeating that she was incredibly horny. She lowered her pussy into my groin and rubbed her clit against me until she stopped to let her sensitive clit recover from another orgasm. She looked down at me and asked whether I wanted her in another position. I didn't. She asked me if I wanted her to suck my dick. I didn't. She arched her pussy back until her pussy worked the head of my cock. She asked me if I was going to cum. It would be my third time in about 4 hours. I told her to keep fucking me. Fucking while sober is much better than fucking while drunk.

She dismounted me, grabbed lubricant, and massaged the ejaculation glands at the head of my cock until she saw I was ready to cum. She asked me if I wanted to cum inside of her mouth. I told her to sit on my cock and fuck me while I relaxed and enjoyed it. She looked at my face and told me, "You're cumming, aren't you?" She continued to milk my cock with her pussy until I had to push her off because the head of my cock was too sensitive. Brad watched her performance. She ran to the bathroom with her hand cupped under her pussy to catch my cum dripping from her pussy. She sat on the toilet to push out as much of my cum as she could.

I can clearly remember her telling me while we were booty calling each other that she did not like residual cum dripping from her pussy if she had gone out after fucking. She told me that when she was in college, she fucked a boyfriend between classes. She had to get dressed in a hurry to be in class on time. While she was seated in class, she could feel cum puddling in her panties. She was too embarrassed to get up. She was the last student to leave class. She ran to her dorm room to change. If she wasn't going out, she didn't care if her pussy was filled with cum. Because she was on the pill as treatment for her endocrine system abnormality, she never had to worry about getting knocked up.

When she returned, Brad told her that she did not have to do that. He told her that he always washed his sheets after sex. She replied, "You mean I always wash your sheets." He said, "That's what I said, didn't I?" "Yeah, right," she relied while smiling at him.

My wife was starting to get worried. She was completely naked while she pushed me out of the door. She gave me a quick kiss and told me to hurry. She told me that I had to get our kids. I asked her when she was coming home. She said in the morning. She was not hesitant or embarrassed to tell me that she wasn't done fucking Brad. She confidently told me that she would keep him awake all morning.

That might have been the horniest I've seen my wife. I knew she had gone days without sex. She has to have it every day. She was stressed over the birth of her niece. She always takes a shower every morning morning and before bed. Hygiene is extremely important to her. But she hadn't wasted time shaving, which I haven't noticed in years. She worried that Brad would notice hair on her legs, which was why she rushed to his house to shower and shave. I know Brad. He wouldn't kick my wife out of bed because she hadn't shaved in maybe 5 days. He has shaved her legs for her a few times which she loved. She loves to be pampered and spoiled, something only mature men know. It's why she's lost interest in fucking young studs. They watch too much porn and think porn is reality. Sucking cock for a half hour isn't reality. Giving blowjobs all the time isn't reality. She enjoys mature men who know how to treat women.

She came home Friday morning. She only stayed for a few minutes. She took a shower at Brad's home before she left and after she fucked Brad a final time. I wanted to know how her evening and morning with Brad went. She was in too much a hurry to get to her sister's home. She promised to tell me when she had time.

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