Douglas Murray: EUROPE Better Take This Seriously-Or They’ll Regret It
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Douglas Murray talks about Munich Security Conference, where U.S. Vice President JD Vance delivered a blunt warning to European leaders: the greatest threat to Europe is not Russia, but the internal chaos caused by mass migration. He argued that open-border policies have led to severe social and security issues, yet European officials refuse to acknowledge the reality.
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Vance’s remarks sparked outrage among top European figures. Germany’s defense minister called his statements "unacceptable," while Chancellor Olaf Scholz went as far as accusing him of "improper behavior" and election interference. Rather than engaging with the facts, European leaders chose to attack the messenger.
Douglas Murray: EUROPE Better Take This Seriously-Or They’ll Regret It
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Licensed Footage: Motion Array, Artgrid, Pixabay.
Music: Motion Array I
Script/Narrative: The Rover Report
Special thanks to Douglas Murray, JD Vance and Victor Davis Hanson
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This shows how out of touch with reality and their people those in power in Europe are.
Entitled leftists are always out of touch with what regular citizens go through, who would do virtue signalling then?
Destroying every country’s culture with their illegals immigration. How did they get so deluded and why?
Vance made one of the best speeches I’ve ever heard
JD Vance is a Rockstar. Germany has been snickering at the US for years(I’m not an American) and Heugson being an advisor to Merckel is all I need to know.
Vance is just a ROCK, US is a loser. If you love your US , pay attention and educate yourself in stead making dumb comments. Examine the BIG PICTURE. Your beloved government and MUSK are in a process of state capture.... Open your eyes and educate your self!
it is not demorcracy when people are punished for their thoughts or opinions,
Their arrogance and stupidity will be their downfall.
Yes, @elizabethblack5226, agreed, as we stand agast looking at the plight of Maja R., convicted and jailed for calling a muslim immigrant gang rapist a pig.
IS US a democracy? supplying bombs and responsible for genocide. Which planet do you live on dummy?
JD's speech was SPOT ON, and desperately needed. The EU needs to be saved. They are in deep. Time to wake up, EU. Your citizens know it. Time to LISTEN. Then ACT.
We’ve already woken up bro, we just need the US to help us stop this nonsense by putting pressure on our leaders
@@myopinionman8199We need to stop voting for such “leaders”!
If the leaders can't take a speech from JD Vance it's no wonder their country is such a mess. Listen to your citizens! They don't like what you're doing.
Russian/Wagner trolls in mission of disinformation are boring.. 😞
@@jean-pierrelaugier6627 Do you shout "Putin" or "Russia" in your sleep, the people hate the European governments. The only reason they are not facing the consequences is because the centre is slow to wake.
Never underestimate the European propensity to fall on the side of Tyranny and subjugation.
Well, what the people desire is likely of no concern to their agenda
Totally Agree
Truth is a bitter pill to swallow.
1939: Hitler and Stalin divide Poland.
2025: Putin and Trump divide the minerals of Ukraine.
USA used to be the leader of free world...
But a leader alone (except new friends Russia & North Korea) is no more a leader !
TRUTH - HERE IT IS . If you love your US , pay attention and educate yourself in stead making dumb comments. Examine the BIG PICTURE. Your beloved government and MUSK are in a process of state capture.... Open your eyes and educate your self!
Most western regimes are israel firsters.
Only for a fool.
They cheered him for his tears. What a world
What a mess they’ve made of theirs
Yeah , and he couldn't get enough of that hug from the younger lady .
So pathetic
Governments should always be afraid of the people, not vice versa.
donald, vance, and elon and the current administration are not afraid of anyone... let alone the people. In deed, the American people are now very much afraid of the politicians and their oligarchs.
I agree >100%. Yet, the Eurodiots feel emboldened by the support ofvthe asctual Satan (not a metaphorical one), coxmz: he won the apocaltpse, kiilled god and now we sre all doomed.
But European governments ARE afraid of their people. They're so frightened that they're trying to silence them.
Well, that’s why only Swiss people own weapons. The rest of Europe is defenceless. In the US right to own guns is sacred. Rightly so as we see. Europe doesn’t have an equivalent of the 2nd amendment. Governments can literally pacify citizens as they wish. We have seen this during “deadly virus times”, we see it everywhere.
@@Meritumas The Swiss used to have weapons (military conscripts), but to please the EU, they may have changed that,
I agree with Douglas.JD Vance told the truth as is his way. I am a Christian Brit and I was relieved to hear more support than just Douglas for those of us whose roots are from a Church of England Britain. Angela Merkel has a lot to answer for.
Douglas Murray on the money as usual.
Douglas has been preaching for decades the speech JD Vance gave to the Europeans. But the globalist European leaders can not hear the warning.
Such much respect for Vice President J.D. Vance. Well done sir, well done.
Germany and Europe are not happy to hear the truth is bitter for them.
Many of us welcome the tough love, especially when it's not accompanied with random gifts to blood-stained tyrants. Your sentence lacks syntax btw.
So wrong. It's not the truth for Germany
@@nightflight4191 Yes it is.
@@fredmercury1314it's not you are just repeating others.
@@nightflight4191 What is not the truth?
Exactly, and yet they let more enemy soldiers in to the UK overtime the boats arrive from France, those boats are a Trojan horse.
Looks like Europe doesn't share common values with the rest of the world.
"Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East." - Father John Sheehan
"Today, nearly everything is made in China, except for courage. Courage is made in Palestine." - Anthony Bourdain
"Freedom of Speech ends where the truth about israel begins. " - Mohamad Zaki
Anthony Bourdain was an idiot. Typical angry atheist progressive. Israel is not the problem. The problem is Islam is incompatible with the rest of the world and always has been, but especially the modern world and people in that part of the world have wanted to kill the Jews for thousands of years. this problem didn’t just start with Israel. This has been a problem of hate for thousands of years and it’s not because of the Jews, but against the Jews. The Palestinians are such great people. Why won’t other Lamme Middle Eastern countries except their refugees? The Palestinians are the problem. Even for other Muslims.
What a "coincidence" that all the most powerful countries of the world are all experiencing runaway immigration problems...!
I have to chuckle. Douglas Murry, gotta love him. being lost for words is definitely not his weakness!xx
Why was he crying, in front of everyone like that?
Love Douglas Murray!
Now that's how a real man leads & acts!👍
@@johnvaccaro7022 ya like Mr Putin n Mr Kim. You might like it in either one of these countries. Oh wait no need very soon you may HV one as well. God bless you !
@@lindascott2008so that his citizens will let him get away with destroying them and their country 😂 complete fools
J D Vance hit the nail on the head! Years down the line JD Vance speech will be held up as a beacon of light !
I'm a German & here my opinion on the matter: Christoph Heugen's behavior is not acceptable.
His behaviour is pathetic and very concerning
@@JDunkz60mental breakdown.after hearing true words...😊😊
Vance, no teleprompter, no notes.
That's what I was asking myself even hearing, are you sure he has no teleprompter?
@@viliuxr And truly shitty human being.
@@viliuxrThe time for diplomacy is over,TRUTH speak is more important now.
German men bursting into tears at some "hurty words" - sheesh, what happen to German masculinity ???? :(
Zero eggs@@ninalesser7479
Only 20% of recently arrived immigrant into Great Britain are working, while the remaining 80% are not. Of course some of these are children or older people that cannot work, but that still leaves a huge percentage of those immigrants who never get up each morning and go to work, and probably never will!!
It's not about masculinity. Men don't cry? When were you born?
The manly Germans died fighting some 80 years ago I'm afraid.
Murray's ruthless, love it
The same girlie man who laughed at Trump when he warned Germany about being too reliant on Russian gas.
Their triple popular delusion based energy policy is ruining their economy.
What's wrong with relying on Russian Gas?
LastI checked Russian sells gas at an affordable price and dies fair trade with Germany.
Yet they are constantly called the enemy of Germany, and they didn't even blow up the pipelines that were providing affordable natural gass to the country.
@@jamesdellaneve9005 This is an example of why the UK voted to leave the EU, unfortunately our weak politicians failed to complete the process. Our only hope is a Reform UK government, otherwise we’ll continue to be dragged down with the ‘Titanic’.
@ I know. Except that your politicians act like they are still in the EU. Brexit coincided to the populist movement with Trump. Reform is your populist movement. The Ukraine war is showing the last gasp of the Rules Based INternational Order, which Trump is essentially declaring dead. So, the EU and other globalist entities like the Tories, Democrats and other are clinging to this while dooming their countries with illegal immigration.
As a conservative Canadian very much under the speech tyranny of the Trudeau government, it's astounding to see the European reaction to Vance's speech. There should be nothing in it even remotely controversial. Dialogue is not something we merely suffer for the sake of a free and open society, it's the very cornerstone of it.
VP Vance delivered the truth as gently as he could and tears still flowed.!! Unreal.
@@LuvBorderCollies Maybe in actuality Vance made the weapy little German boy feel small. Europeans after all often see America as not as cultured as they are. Vance's speech was about an adult speaking to children who want to stay safe in their illusions. Stagnation and pandering they think work for them.
Simply brings uk/europe into the light... & it's not a pretty sight.
Feminised or what 😂
❤❤❤❤❤❤ J D VANCE
Thank you Douglas Murray for some more firm TRUTH.
VP JD Vance's speech was a breath of fresh air. President Trump and his colleagues are the only hope left for a Judeo/Christian society.
Russian/Wagner trolls in mission of disinformation are boring.. 😞
@@jean-pierrelaugier6627 People who don't like the truth, are far more boring 🤫
There is no judeo/christian society.
It is either christian, or no society at all. The judeo you're talking about sold american top military tech to the chinese just weeks after receiving it.
JD did a Ricky Gervais at golden globe on them.
It may be time for the US to back out of NATO and let Europe fend for itself. It has been 80 years since the end of WWII and it is time for Europe to take care of their own defense.
That would force them to boost Defense spending beyond 5% and start COLLECTIVELY going into debt for their OWN armies…armies that the U.S. has been providing FOR DECADES.
As a Brit, I’m inclined to agree.
It’s absolutely time
It’s a good idea. But deep state needs wars to make money. Peace means evils don’t get richer.
It may be time for Europe to back away from the US, now becoming an ally of Vladimir Putin. As for Vance, he's nothing more than an ignorant buffoon.
What has happened to Europe? What about the importance of free speech? What about protecting your own citizens? Where were the European countries in condemning the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023? Why can’t European countries defend themselves? I’m astounded these first world countries are dependent on us for protection. Trump is right in asking NATO members to pay more for their own defense. As an American, the UK, Germany, France can stand on their own if they’re going to shut down free speech and fail to protect their own citizens.
@Michael-u9p1l. I agree with you, and I'm English. Europe is SO pathetic and needy - it's why us Brits voted to leave the EU. But morons have driven us into the ground, and sold us to globalists, the evil WEF. We are in dire straits, and we fear for our lives. We have dictator Starmer, and NO free speech whatsoever. I wish to God we had Trump. Us Brits love America and its people. Don't believe a word if what Starmer says, he's insane, and we hate and despise him. Tories were pathetic and useless, but Starmer is a dictator bully. Elon Musk was 100% correct about Farage. He's not fit to run his party, let alone our country. God bless America.
After what we Americans sacrificed for Europe ! We were western culture judeo-Christian society and government , they somehow convinced themselves to admit Muslim and non religious, barbaric tribes that aren’t even EXPECTED to follow law , order, respect culture or religion! We already vote Trump in a landslide and they Knew 💯 what to expect cause he spelled it out and we voted for exactly what he’s doing.VP Vance is just perfect for the job
As an American, i am more than willing for us to disregard europe as allies
Douglas you are always spot on. We desperately need you to be the PM of the UK.
Our enemies are in Davos, Brussels and Strasbourg. What will we do about it?
Well, they got told some realities when Trump addressed the WEF and their money is drying up as US AID is shut down, and the corrupt IPCC have suffered rejection as the US walked away from the pathetic Paris Accord, meaning the biggest contributor stopped giving money, thank you President Trump. With more bad news to come.
Quite so !!
The European leaders cry over what Vance said. They think they can fight Russia, what a joke!
They just want more money via zelensky. All corrupt
Ukraine (40m people) seem to have fought RU to a standstill already - if push came to shove, Europe could fight Russia easily. Whether we will is a different matter...
@@chrisphillips8365 With $350 Billion in American aid, not to mention other nations.
Not a joke. EU has a much bigger economy and a much larger population than Russia. It just needs 300.000 troops and €250 billion more to confront Russia.
@@itzakehrenberg3449yep and still outnumbered dying to defend land while people cry about cash.
Running out of words and crying - says it all
Never in human history have the people censoring speech ever been the Good Guys. Never. If you disagree with the ideas of others, engage in free speech and open dialogue with them and explain plainly why you think they’re wrong. If you won’t or can’t do that, it is proof positive that your ideas aren’t any good, and you should admit that frankly and recede from the public debate.
This is an important moment for Europe to choose to survive with the partnership of the US and keeping free speech or to continue its slow suicide
A crying 'man' is to my eyes a nauseating sight.
And all these people clap that pathetic display
Men crying when there is just cause is not a problem. This was not one of those times...
If his mother had just died it would be understandable. Mr Vance just stated the obvious. Allowing hordes of low skilled immigrants into your country drags it down. They are a liability not an asset.
Is it ok for a man to cry during his national anthem?
Heusgen did not cry because of JD Vances speech! He was leaving his position and this was his last speech. He was saying goodbye to his collegues. Im honestly shocked nobody here knows this. Looks like the Propaganda machine is actually working. Wow even Douglas Murray fell for it. Thats quite embarrassing. Heusgen even postet it on his X account.
Get off you imperious high horse Europe and heed JD Vances' wise words.
The hour for Europe grows very late...don't let your glorious past crumble into ruin!
Can they not see it ? Looks like disaster to me, I won’t try to visit these countries anymore , except maybe my grandparents homeland of Italy but that’s getting questionable
Germany is indeed free to decide its own politics. And America is free to choose not to support undemocratic regimes.
BUT the problem is Uncle Sam is sticking his hands in every nation around the world... and hypocritical criticizes others while his own nation's politics and future are a mess and at risk of losing its own democracy. The pot calling the kettle black... is just a way to misdirect the attention to its own failure at home. Wag the dog, eh!
You call Germany undemocratic? Who are you to judge?
@@nightflight4191 It may be democratic but it has been very badly governed for the last 20 years.
@@BillyThetit The US has been very badly governed for the last thirty years (since the fall of the USSR).
@@BillyThetit And by the way, democracy has been dead in the US since the time of Reagan.
JD Vance 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
JD VANCE is quite right
To avoid the risk of right-wing extremism, they choose left-wing extremism. While the population complains about their choice.
AfD is neither far-right nor extreme. They are libertarian conservatives.
They are not right wing extremists. They are just anyone who doesn't accept the opini9n of those in power or holding all the cards. The problem with this position however is where does it leave Vance and Trump in tolerating the opinion of people like Zelensky?
Well said, you got it in a nutshell.
@@bartconnolly6104bumpy ride perhaps?
@@bartconnolly6104what on earth do you mean? Zelenskyy can have any opinion, but he is not entitled to our money. Get real.
Europe has lost its balls.
A lot like what islam did and are still doing to African slaves!!
....shortly after WW2 started.
Weak weak weak. That’s Europe in a nut shell
Heusgen did not cry because of JD Vances speech! He was leaving his position and this was his last speech. He was saying goodbye to his collegues. Im honestly shocked nobody here knows this. Looks like the Propaganda machine is actually working. Wow even Douglas Murray fell for it. Thats quite embarrassing. Heusgen even postet it on his X account.
You're preaching to the perverted. There's no point in trying to explain actual facts to Trump supporters, they're living in dreamland and will face a rude awakening very soon.
@@HitomiCOD2interesting to know that.
@@HitomiCOD2 Crying because he won't be on the world stage anymore? That's even more pathetic. At least if he was crying over a verbal beat down it could seem to be in concern of this country and people.
Vance definitely struck a nerve of this politburo assembly
JD Vance brings Germany to tears! When their eyes dry, I hope they can then see how they need to react appropriately 😮
Well, Europe can choose to be ruled by Russia or by Islam.
That's the way they are headed but they can't see that. Big part of that is deliberately caused by censorship of any truthful information. They can't have citizens be alerted to the deadly danger they imported and encouraged to expand.
Lol, not happening.
Never say never. The future of my nation, America, is equally uncertain as to rise or fall.
No, they CAN choose to rule themselves, OR they can sit on their platitudes and end up ruled by Islam. Russia is a griefer threat, more a risk of great damage and destruction than of conquest.
Yes they want the muslims to overun the locals. Greece publishes more books in one year. Than what the whole of the muslim world put together does in one year. Control and obey! Evil. Their god is really Baal anyway. They just dont know it. Our elitists venerate it. Watch the opening ceremony of the commonwealth games in Birmingham. But watch Chuck Swindoll JR's Kharzarian mafia episode on youtube should wake those less enlightened. He has risen. Bless.
Listen to your citizen (J.Vance,)said.....Listen to your ci ti zen!!! Clear and straight to the point.
I'm german and I was very impressed about his speech in Munich to tell the truth in front of this lying Establishment 😅
What a great President for USA in 4 years.
I fear that Europe is already a leftist police state
Still feel the same?
I thought we were in real trouble here in the US, but you folks, im afraid you are in deeper than we are. I wish you the very best luck. I'm afraid you're going to need it.
@@vegan-cannibal714 You are in real trouble. Countries like Russia, China, North Korea, and the USA, with their human rights violations and brainwashing, are not even in the same league as most west and central European countries.
Love JD but America's presidential bench runs very deep!
Forging forward into Americas' Golden Age! Hop aboard Europe...would truly hate to leave you behind!👍
"Our common value base is not that common anymore". Well, I guess you got that right Herr Heusgen.
Can you imagine the complete lack of self-reflection to tell someone who gave a speech that there should be complete freedom of speech that you no longer share a common value base and think you have the moral high ground?
Arrrr, Did someone pass him a tissue, Poor man. As Douglas said, who in their right mind would want him as a leader?
Did the AFD "shift further to the right" or did everyone else just shift further to the left?
Well said Douglas
That is the kind of leadership we have in Canada too. Lots of crocodile tears.
Vance told the truth !!!!
Orwell may as well have talked to his cat when I see the automatic fear and caution Europeans betray when expressing thoughts in an age where thought crime is instantly ruinous to livelihood, family, sanity. The tragic irony of them accepting the expenditure of hundreds of billions to defend this abomination would grace the pages of 1984. Murray is an inspiration.
What in gods name are you on about?
They are beset by ridiculous popular delusions pertaining to the climate, energy and Russia.
@oldmissour is going on about the likes of a German woman, Maja R., being jailed for the thought crime of calling a muslim immigrant man, convicted of the gang rape of a 15 year old girl, "a pig". The muslim man, convicted of real gang rape, received a suspended sentence. Seems ORWELLIAN enough to me.
@@PaulBryant-b8i You, actually, and the hundreds of millions like you who would read my crystal clear words and ask the same question. Knowledge takes time to acquire, unfortunately for the species. The older one gets the more one catches on to the scale of ignorance present in most. I'm sorry about that.
AFD not far right, just not extreme left.
And we know that Hitler was LEFT, not right. It is just fear from concurence that have right , right attitude, right conclusions and everything els- right, not wrong.
Exactly that refuse from other parties shows tha lack of demogracy. Lack of democracy from these other parties.
Though they speak highly of Putin and Russia, and neglect the 2022-2025 war that killed hundreds of thousands. Germany provides apartments and food to about 1 million Ukrainians who run away from their cities that are bombed daily even right now. It's terrible that AfD omits these facts.
You are completely wrong. Where do you get your information from?
@@nightflight4191 No, he's completely right. And we get our information from personal observation and experience.
@@nightflight4191 We get our information from reality. Literally nothing the AfD have said or done is "far right" to anyone who isn't a Communist.
Well. JD was 100% correct.
TRUTH !!!!!
Blinded to the truth because it doesn’t touch the people in that room!!!
Ironic that every time someone disagrees, the opponent is labeled far right.
First Germany had the Gestopo, then the Stazi, that infamous German tradition lives on in Germany
GestApo, mate, not as you have written it! Raus, schnell, Schweinhund!
They currently have energy policy based upon 3 ridiculous popular delusions.
The climate change delusion, the energy transition delusion and the nuclear power is unsafe delusion.
Skyrocketing electricity bills are forcing major industries to either downsize or move out.
Now that's a little overreactive... don't you think!@richardjoslin2549
And who will they run to when they need help ? Home truths hurt 😢mass migration is not working anyone can see that
Actually, it's working exactly as they intended. Look it up, George Soros knew that the citizens would suffer at the hands of savages
When you import wholesale religious fanatics who believe they have a right to rule by force, you get what you have paid for.
Release Tommy Robinson to an open prison! NOT torture of solitary confinement!
You can choose to represent the citizens or the elites. European leaders chose the latter. Vance simply shined a light on it.
It's time to be scared isn't it. Wow, folks wake up.
Europe has fallen to it's knees! Now's the time to get up before all is lost and FIGHT...FIGHT...FIGHT!💪👍
And on the way out, they all kissed Klaus Schwabs ring.
Germany just lost WW III
..To think that the left wing can not go extreme when they have, it's crazy. Accepting knifings and terror in Europe?.. It is extreme. Take a closer look at Germany even before the war.. what can we see.. oh yes Hitler promising the German ppl everything for free.., and the invading of Poland to pay for it.. How is that not far left socialism.? One can argue that Germany went all of a sudden from the left socialist party to hard right. And the name of the party: socialist arbeit party? Am I wrong?..
How typical of them
@@alexcheremisin3596 beat me to it. Lol
@@alexcheremisin3596 Russia only understand power ,if you became weak , later you become part of Russia , here in Brazil we have same kind of 💩💩💩💩politicians , I'm praying for Germany recover ASAP!! DEI and the Green agenda can wait until things got fixed , I fear this country can compete whit China anymore.
@@alexcheremisin3596do Germans always follow loser, morons? How can they be so blind
Well and truly time that the TRUTH was spoken.
It wil be referred to , in the future , as the Vance " Tear down this wall ! speech and statues of Vance will be erected in Brussels , Berlin , London ,Dublin etc. etc. etc..
Brilliant point. I so agree!
Ahahahahahahahaha and then a statue to "What a dickhead" after his petulant display yesterday.
Europe needs to tear down those firewalls that keep the truth of islam from the ears of the citizens. Germany was the first wall quickly followed by Britain and others. Its beyond treachery to keep the people ignorant of the threat they imported under the guise of compassion.
Go on dreaming. There is no freedom of speech in the US. You are heading into a dictatorship.
Will the statue include Trump's hand up his puppet's arse?
Time for Germany to move on, the past is the past!
The leaders and politicians won't regret anything... They are wealthy and protected from the damage they do. The working class people will regret it and pay for it.
How weak! Who would stand before his people like that? Wake up! This is why Europe is drowning right now. ❤
No wonder the barbarian invasion is allowed to attack the people of the countries they are in, Ireland,Germany , England , Sweden. Outrageous
"Never again!" Let's try something else, for example talibanism...
They're well on their way. When I was in Stuttgart in 1991 I was surprised at the number of Turks living there.
@LuvBorderCollies as they say: "at least we are not speaking German".
None of the speeches said as much as the act of applauding a crying man who contributed nothing! How can you defend a country, its people and its economy with crying and clapping?
Your failure to condemn Hamas for Oct 7th at the U.N. makes your slogan of “never again” irrelevant!
Who, Germany? They lit up Brandenburger Tor to the colors of the Israeli flag.
We are taking our country back and the world needs to get over it,
On the plus side; unlikely Germany will be pulling on the jackboots and marching towards Poland or Paris.
Loved JD Vance’s sppeech! He made so much sense.
well done vance problem is how many times do they have to be told
These arrogant elitists do not listen. And so there will be problems ahead.
@@bosse641 Narcissism never learns because its too smart.
Douglas you are always spot on. We desperately need you to be the PM of the UK.
Crocodile tears, just what we need from professional politicians.
So the eu believes that their interference in the US election was OK, but if the US criticise the eu that's not fair.
Right on! garrymoore2186
If the EU starts fighting Russia, the people need to rise up and take their country back
Collapse the GDP many countries are on the brink, we just need to give them that little nudge before 2030 to see & hear the 'ripple effects' and chaos that will ensue...
They have imposed sanctions on Russia which is the world’s most resource rich country. These sanctions have largely backfired.
Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact and the banning of the communist party in Russia, Russia is still the bogeyman of the NATO bureaucracy and the armament industry.
Russia is a major power and its concerns need to be carefully considered.
@@johngeier8692 Their sanctions are a joke when they've paid more to Russia for oil than they gave Ukraine in aid for their war.
Extreme right is not accurate. Conservative and common sense is a better description. How is that far right.
lol he started balling grow a backbone mate…😂
You keep that energy when the Russians come to the gates.
@@7king8debs79 The Russians aren't coming LMAO fearmongering clown.
Back in my day you were stunning and brave for being …well … being stunning and brave ! nowadays you are stunning and brave for having a cry😂
"Bawling", I think you mean. Balling means something naughty (but nice!), or perhaps you mean bowling??
Vance is absolutely right and their reaction says everything.
We need to leave NATO
The Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact collapsed decades ago and Russia has banned the communist party.
NATO no longer has much purpose.
Relations and trade between Russia and Western Europe need to be normalised.
Not sure if that's a good option
Be like Poland
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Politicians don't understand this.
Oh they very well understand it. They just know that powerful people like them won't have to face the consequences.
Why are the applauding a crying manbaby ?? Emasculated ??- is that the right word ?? :(
Efeminate men in their actions is REVOLTING.
Wow suddenly we are all manly. Why Trump rubbing off on you??!! He seems to like manly men like Mr Putin n Mr Kim!!
Semper Fi VP Vance. You made that little girl cry. Well done.
The Germans are in a creek without a paddle ! The flood gates they opened is giving them a huge headache!
Now that is an American Vice President.
I am praying for Europe @
Douglas Murray - bang on the money, as always
Thank you Douglas
Every single word J.D Vance uttered, was 💯 correct.
What a circus! These people are fighting Russia?
No, it will be their poor young people, who they have betrayed for years. Successive governments teaching them to hold their own countries in contempt.
@ very sad. The citizens should revolt by not cooperating with their govt.
@@ShelleyOtter Shelley, you are bang on the money, sad to say.
Germans leaders are gone total bonkers Germany is lost
I'm not particularly partial to Trump, but JD Vance's speech was a huge eye opener for many EU Politicians and citizens! They might not have liked what he had to say, but not one of them can deny that he spoke the truth!
I think this would be a good time to discuss departing NATO
Southpark was right about Germany 🇩🇪...they have no sense of humor