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Requests baristaerica (Barista Erica)

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this is what i found think this stuff is new but there may be some old stuff in here
Tomb08 commented
Coffee shop
imagine pulling up to see this happening inside
DanniMeow618 commented
Let's be honest. Thats the fantasy, right? You pull up and she invites you inside to fuck her big ass
mastroooo commented
You should do a new post with this.. I read your commenr twice before and I didn't notice there was a link.. thank you! Great video!
capris987654321 commented

Whats the story of the guy fucking her in the stand? Is he the owner and her bf?

ok try this, here's something new guys
sosinsurrrr3 commented

I mean considering she said she'd never do anything B/G, we're making quite the progress
fjm989898 commented
Maybe one day we will see her face in one of these too haha. gonna lurk her stuff until she just gives up the goods. holding onto hope.
sosinsurrrr3 commented

We get her face in BJ videos, so that's a start
littlemu commented
She's got s free trial offer st the mo if you're quick. Looks like she's offering uncensored pics too
  • Shit
Reactions: palermokingsize
Scotabseiler commented
She's saying thst she's showing loads more of herself on OF? Can anyone confirm? We've all been stung before I'm sure. Cheers.
Texas Hippie commented
Read what she WRITES and NOT what she implies. “Rubbing my pussy” does NOT equal “Rubbing my pussy nude and uncensored”. I don’t think after all this time she’s gonna post up the goods for $20. AND she can still “sting” all the newbies.
Scotabseiler commented
Bak3dp0tat0 commented
it's all just her agency trying to be clever with their words. You are absolutely right though the price is a good indicator as well.
Best pic I’ve ever gotten and then lighted.
Screenshot and lighted from one of her shower videos.
Bak3dp0tat0 commented
Nice catch hippy.
Over the years she has been extremely extremely careful. You will only see what she wants you to see.
seattlesimmer commented
:D Any chance to see the shower vid?
Texas Hippie commented
I can look if I still have it, but that’s the most exciting part
seattlesimmer commented
Scotabseiler commented
Thanks very much. Great video. She is definitely starting to realise she needs to show more. Cheers
Texas Hippie commented
Agreed, but now she’s just moved onto the shadowy/distance game
seattlesimmer commented
Sagebrownies commented
Shit id be willing to pay for her content if she's showing this much nowadays. Any ballpark of how much this type of video would cost?
Muzaman commented
Too much dick intel nobdy asked for bro, just enjoy her lol
Benjeyyy commented
I mean that's all you took away from that was the dick comment. My point is that her content would be better with a different dude so chill lol. Tough to enjoy PG13 sex showing literally nothing but dick. Just saying.
seattlesimmer commented
take this shit to the discussion thread
Dasani_ commented
No guys. Let there not be a rift between us. Only together can we over come the paywall.