DIY HARD DODGER template. [E24] Part 1

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • This week we get to design and build a hard dodger template for our cockpit. Part 2 will be coming soon.
    We also show the finished electrical switch panel which was custom made for us according to our design.

Комментарии • 45

  • @Anglosaxon69
    @Anglosaxon69 Год назад +1

    What an exciting part of your project look forward to seeing what it looks like👍

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  Год назад

      Thank you 😊 The second part of building the actual dodger will commence in a few months.. we hope 🤞😅 we gotta get other projects out of the way first

  • @michaelfarinola5044
    @michaelfarinola5044 2 года назад

    That switch panel is a serious WOW!

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад +1

      Absolutely chuffed by your lovely comment :) thanks 🙏

  • @lanefinley6914
    @lanefinley6914 2 года назад +4

    We installed a hatch in the top of our hard dodger which allows us to hoist the engine up to cockpit level with a chain hoist attached to the boom. Then we use some timber on which we slide the engine aft far enough to clear the hard top and lift it off.

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад +1

      Brilliant idea! 👏 thank you for sharing it🙏😊

  • @BrokePhilanthropist
    @BrokePhilanthropist 5 месяцев назад

    Beautiful electrical panel.

  • @mariolucich3927
    @mariolucich3927 2 года назад +1

    Looking forward to following your progress, the dodger looks great, keet it up

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      Thank you Mario! We are glad to see some appreciate and recognise the effort we put into this project ☺️

  • @richardpinder3985
    @richardpinder3985 2 года назад +2

    The stainless switch panel looks superb & the hard dodger design looks exceptional, the old Oyster is going to look an absolute Gem with the changes you've made so far. Well done & keep up the good work.

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      Glad you like the switch panel ☺️ The dodger needs few tweaks but overall we are really pleased with it.
      We will do our absolute best to turn Squalo into a real gem 😁

  • @hecdc305
    @hecdc305 11 месяцев назад +1

    Looks great. Nice work.

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  11 месяцев назад

      Thanks 🙏☺️ just a template, but gives an idea of what we are aiming for once we get down to building one.

  • @johnmeldrum4717
    @johnmeldrum4717 2 года назад +1

    I built a hard dodger from marine grade aluminium after first photographing the boat from each side then designed the dodger to follow the original lines , I put rain channels/grab handles along the sides , very comfortable super addition , makes for a much dryer boat

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      Nice one 🙌 Building a dodger and building a dodger that goes with the line of the yacht and complements it are two different things. 😉 I hope ours also turns out well. 🤞

  • @sailingona
    @sailingona 2 года назад

    Love the video, looking for some options for my boat very good idea 👍

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      Thank you 😉 There will be follow up video once we start building it. 🙌

  • @sunlovesailing
    @sunlovesailing 2 месяца назад

    Nice work! Is the video on the finish of it out?

  • @szeleska
    @szeleska 2 года назад +1

    good job love u

  • @Nifilheimur
    @Nifilheimur 2 года назад +1

    I dont know where your mainsheet is located but like on my boat its in the cockpit deck and always in the way. If i would build a hard dodger id definitely attach the mainsheet to it! Subscribed to follow up (:

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      Our main sheet is literally in front of the mizzen, right behind the helmsman. ☺️

  • @bendaves77
    @bendaves77 10 месяцев назад

    I'd definitely prefer a nicely built and functioning hard dodger.. are you going to run canvas from the hard dodger to the back of the cockpit and have canvas sides so that you can enclose the entire cockpit on a rainy or cold day?? Doing so will allow you to have use of the cockpit no matter what the weather is

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  10 месяцев назад +1

      That is the plan! 👍🙌 So we stay warm and cosy and cockpit will become like an extension to our saloon, which isn’t that big tbh.

  • @bozenagaecka1071
    @bozenagaecka1071 2 года назад +1

    Hej! Z tego co widzę to podwyższacie cały kokpit?! Będzie dużo więcej miejsca, super! Pozdrowienia, trzymajcie się ciepło!

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      Zgadza się! 😁 będzie cieplej, bedzie ochrona przed wiatrem i deszczem, będzie miejsce na światełka 🤩nie będzie dużo większy od poprzedniego ale tamten był częściowo składany, poza rym całkowicie się rozpadł. Trzeba było znaleść rozwiązanie na nowy..oto i on! 🙃 Buziaki 😘

  • @DRB68
    @DRB68 2 года назад +1

    nice switch panel.. can you share who made it for you ?

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      Thank you 🙏 certainly, we designed it and a friend of ours has put it together.

  • @flyingblossom
    @flyingblossom Год назад +1

    Safety glasses and ear protection and why the "music"? However, some good stuff here.

  • @IF_fonackerman
    @IF_fonackerman Год назад


  • @melissamark5727
    @melissamark5727 Год назад

    Hey where's the rest of the build??? :)

  • @jslade60
    @jslade60 2 года назад

    Where is Part 2?

  • @seabournewolf2298
    @seabournewolf2298 Год назад +1

    I can do it! Maybe...

  • @seacoconut
    @seacoconut 19 дней назад +1

    And put a flap cutout in the centre so you don’t bang….your head

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  19 дней назад

      😂 we had couple of suggestions to put a cutout for when we need to take the engine out.. but hey I guess someone is trying to say I have a big head..😁

  • @davidcahill3104
    @davidcahill3104 2 года назад +2

    I think hard dodgers and pilot houses are far better for crew moral.

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      Couldn’t agree more. 😃 It’s going to be cozy, warm (or at least warmer than without it), It will have lovely lights fitted for reading.. it’s going to be great 😊

    • @davidcahill3104
      @davidcahill3104 2 года назад

      @@sailingsqualo we are three no half years into a refit of a IOR yacht so I understand the mental struggle of getting to the water so I will watch with interest.

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      @@davidcahill3104 is that her in one of your videos on your channel? Caroline? If so.. wow looks like you had a lot of work.. hats off to you sir 😃

    • @davidcahill3104
      @davidcahill3104 2 года назад

      @@sailingsqualo calling a channel is probably not right. We put those up so some potential buyers could see it way back. We have since done a lot of work. I have a great deal of respect for those that can work on their boats and edit videos, way to much work for us to do videos as well.

  • @daveturner4070
    @daveturner4070 2 года назад +2

    You could also use the hard dodger to collect rain water, like the Free Range Sailing guys did:видео.html

    • @sailingsqualo
      @sailingsqualo  2 года назад

      That’s an excellent idea! 🤩 will check it out :) thank you for sharing this 🙏